Feb 3- Feb 7, 2025
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If you need help, please contact Dr. Jason Mizell in our Parent Center. The Parent Center is located in room 8.237.
(A)= Away
👉👉👉👉January 29: Second Semester 3 Week Progress Report (Did you receive a report? If not, reach out to your student's teacher(s).)👈👈👈👈
February 4:
- Patriots vs Peachtree Ridge - Basketball (F) - Varsity; 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM; Away - Peachtree Ridge High School
- Patriots vs Peachtree Ridge - Basketball (M) – Varsity; 6:45 PM - 7:45 PM; Away - Peachtree Ridge High School
February 6: Student Council Meeting; 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
February 7: In-person learning (digital day has been canceled)
February 10: Patriots vs Central - Baseball (M) – Varsity; 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM; Away - Central Gwinnett High School
February 12: 6-week progress report
February 12: Stephenson - Baseball (M) – Varsity; 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM; Home - Berkmar Baseball Field
February 13-17: Student-Teacher Holiday (No school)
February 27: Multilingual workshop
March 4: Parent Needs Assessment
March 20: Multicultural Night
March 27: Newcomers Academy/Welcome to BHS
April 5: Parent Community Session (Graduation requirements, Milestones testing): Location: : Wesley St. Claire Apartment Homes
April 26: Parent Community Session (Finishing the school year strong; Keeping on-track over the summer): Location: Countryside Village of Atlanta
Parent Center News
Berkmar Parent Center Upcoming Activities
🏫🎓🏫🎓 🏫🎓🏫🎓
The Berkmar Parent Center invites you to join us for a series of informational sessions. These sessions are designed to help you navigate and thrive at Berkmar High School.
Sessions at the Berkmar High School Parent Center (Room 8.237):
- Thursday, February 27th, 7 PM: Multilingual Parent Workshop
- Tuesday, March 4th, 7 PM: Parent Needs Assessment – Developing and Understanding the Local School Improvement Plan
- Thursday, March 27th, 7 PM: Welcome to Berkmar and Gwinnett County Public Schools
Sessions at Housing/Apartment Complexes in the Berkmar Cluster
- Saturday, February 1st, 10 AM – 1 PM
- Topic: Attendance, Grades, and Encouraging Your Student to Read
- Location: Park on Sweetwater, 3400 Sweetwater Rd, Lawrenceville, GA 30044
- Saturday, April 5th, 10 AM – 1 PM
- Topic: Graduation Requirements, Milestones, and Strengthening Community Involvement
- Location: Wesley St. Claire Apartment Homes, 3350 Sweetwater Road, Lawrenceville, GA 30044
- Saturday, April 26th, 10 AM – 1 PM
- Topic: Keeping on track over the summer
- Location: Countryside Village of Atlanta, 10 Sweetwater Way, Lawrenceville, GA 30044
We look forward to seeing you at these events!
For additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Dr. Mizell, Parent Instructional Support Coordinator.
Please use this link to access the information shared at the Thursday, January 30th session entitled, Welcome to Berkmar and Gwinnett County Public Schools.
Berkmar Parent Center Community Acknowledgements
Our community is a fantastic place to live, learn, and grow, filled with thoughtful neighbors and outstanding community partners...…because....
I Believe in YOU! I Believe in ME! I Believe in the B!
Our community partners definitely believe in the B!
If you would like to support the efforts of the Parent Center, please contact Dr. Jason Mizell, Parent Instructional Support Coordinator.
Link for the Parent Center: https://berkmarhs.gcpsk12.org/parents/parent-centertitle-i
Contact person: Dr. Jason Mizell; jason.mizell@gcpsk12.org or 770-806-3774
Office of Family Engagement
Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS) Information Session - February 4
During this virtual session, families of students in grades 3-12 will receive information about the Georgia Milestones assessment, a website to practice online testing, and tips to help your child at home.
Interpretations will be provided in Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, and Chinese.
February 4, 2025
5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
2025 GCPS Transition Fair, Saturday, March 15th, 2025
Connecting families of students with special needs from Kindergarten
through 12th grade to resources that will support the ongoing journey
toward adulthood.
Featuring community organizations specializing in:
● Supported Employment
● Day Programs & Community Living
● Recreation & Leisure
● Vocational & Career Services for Special Needs
● Funding & Community Resources
For questions, please contact us at Transition.Fair@gcpsk12.org
Language and Literacy Development
Did you know that Imagine Learning Language & Literacy is available to your child at home this school year at no cost to you? This program offers learning experiences through games, books, songs, and videos that are designed to teach letters and sounds, rhyming, vocabulary, spelling, and reading comprehension skills. Your child can access Imagine Language and Literacy with a GCPS student number as the username and Site Code:1302550 at login.imaginelearning.com using a laptop or tablet. Please see the enclosed flyer for information about the Imagine Learning contest going on from Now to April 2025.
Free English Classes
Would you like to improve your English skills or learn the language? The Berkmar High School Parent Center, in partnership with Pathways, Inc., is offering English classes to our community. Join us and enhance your learning experience!
Berkmar Parent Center & Pathway Institute, Inc.
Join Us to Learn English! Free!
Minimal cost for books
Registration and Placement Exam will take place in the Berkmar High School Parent Center (room 8.237):
Registration closes: January 27th or 28th
- January 27th
- Arrive by 3:40 PM Wednesday/Monday
- January 28th
- Arrive by 5:10 PM on Tuesday/Thursday
Classes will be held in the Berkmar High School Parent Center (Room 8.237):
- Monday and Wednesday: 3:30-4:30 PM
- Tuesday and Thursday: 5:00-6:00 PM
- lunes y miércoles: 3:30-4:30 p.m.
- martes y jueves: 5:00-6:00 p.m.
- Th? Hai và Th? T?: 3:30-4:30 chi?u
- Th? Ba và Th? N?m: 5:00-6:00 chi?u
Family Literacy Classes (English)
English classes offered at the International Newcomers Center
495 Maltibe Street
Lawrenceville, Ga 30046
Family Literacy Classes (English)
Join us for free beginner level English classes for adults. Classes start the week of February 3rd and meet once a week, morning and evening options.
Open to any parent, guardian, or caregiver of a registered GCPS student who does not speak English or speaks at a beginner level.
Registration and placement test is on January 24 & 31
9:00am and 12:00pm.
No appointment necessary. Space is limited.
Your voice matters!
We NEED you!!!! Join the Berkmar High School Local School Council
The purpose of the Local School Council is to help the local Board of Education develop and nurture participation; bring parents and the community together with teachers and school administrators to create a better understanding of and a mutual respect for each others' concerns; and share ideas for school improvement. Members serve two year terms and there are approximately 4 meetings each year. Candidates can apply or be nominated to be a part of this council when a position becomes available.
Please reach out to Sandra Martínez (sandra.martinez@gcpsk12.org) to discuss the possibility of joining the Berkmar High School Local School Council.
Let's Celebrate Berkmar's Accomplishments!
Dear Berkmar Community Members,
We would love to know how we can help you share all the positive things happening at Berkmar. Please let us know how we can communicate with you more effectively and how you prefer to share good news with others.
To provide your input, please use the link or QR code below to answer a few quick questions.
Parent Information Regarding Safe Schools
The school district is committed to providing a safe environment for students, staff, and visitors. It works closely with national, state, and local safety personnel— police, fire, emergency medical services, emergency management agencies, and public health— to ensure our schools are well prepared for an emergency.
School Resource Officers, or SROs, are police officers employed by the school system. These officers are housed at all Gwinnett high schools and middle schools and also at some elementary schools. In addition to policing school campuses, these officers focus on educating students and staff on safety issues and working with school administrators on school safety plans.
In addition, GCPS updates its district and school emergency operations plans annually. These plans, which are approved by the Gwinnett County Office of Emergency Management, are the guides to help staff and our public-safety partners respond swiftly should a crisis occur in our schools.
Link for more resources: https://www.gcpsk12.org/students/handbook-information-for-students-and-families/parent-information-regarding-safe-schools#:~:text=Gwinnett%20County%20Public%20Schools%20operates,via%20this%20confidential%20tip%20line.
Emergencies and Anonymous Tips
Reporting Emergencies
To report a non life-threatening emergency or to make a police report, parents should call 770-513-6715.
In a life-threatening emergency, please call 9-1-1.
GCPS has partnered with P3 Campus to provide an Anonymous Tip tool.
We now have 3 ways to contact us without disclosing your identity:
- Go to www.p3campus.com/5105 and complete the tip form.
- Scan this QR Code and download the GCPS Tips app for your Apple or Android device and use it to communicate with School Leadership anytime you become aware of something you think they should know about! You do not have to provide your name.
- The GCPS Tip Line is also available. Please call 770-822-6513 or Text GCPS to 738477 to help keep our schools safe!
If you believe someone may be considering self-harm, if you think someone may be carrying a weapon, drugs, or alcohol on school property, or if you believe that you or someone you know have been the target of violence or threat of violence, or have witnessed violent or threatening conduct by another person, please let us know using any of the available resources.
Weekly Tips for Parents
Focus your questions on learning rather than grades
Families often ask teens about their grades in school. But it is just as important to find out what and how your teen is learning. Ask what your student thinks about class reading assignments. What questions or ideas do they raise? Does your teen think a recent test was a good way of measuring what students knew? Have there been any class experiences that have changed your teen's way of thinking about something?
https://tpitip.com/?35bG18608 (English); https://tpitip.com/?45bG18608 (Español)
How can a school counselor help?
February 3-7 is National School Counseling Week. School counselors play an important role in student success. In addition to helping students with class selection and college and career planning, counselors can help students resolve academic and social problems they face in and out of school.
They can also connect students’ families with helpful resources, such as school specialists and outside agencies.
https://tpitip.com/?35bC18608 (English); https://tpitip.com/?45bC18608 (Español)
Let your teen take the lead in handling social drama
Friends and social life provide a lot of drama in teens' lives that can affect schoolwork. Most teens are on both the giving and receiving ends of negative social behaviors. As tempting as it may be for you to intervene in a situation, your teen must learn to manage these problems. Offer a listening ear, and help your teen think through possible responses. But unless the problem is serious (your teen feels threatened, or is being bullied), let your student handle it independently.
https://tpitip.com/?35bD18608 (English); https://tpitip.com/?45bD18608 (Español)
Progress Report Schedule for Spring 2025
Parents, progress reports are distributed every three weeks via your email. If you do not receive one, please contact your student’s teachers directly. The reports will be sent according to the following schedule:
6 weeks: February 19th
9 weeks: March 12th
12 weeks: April 2nd
15 weeks: April 30th
Credit Recovery
If your student earned a grade between 50-69 in a core subject and needs the course credit for graduation, please encourage them to contact their counselor about upcoming credit recovery sessions:
- February 2-7
- February 24-28
- March 17-21
- April 14-18
- May 5-9
Students who enroll in credit recovery must attend every class in person, complete all assignments, and take the End of Course (EOC) assessment if required to earn the credit.
Student Information
📢 Attention Seniors!!!:
We are using Marching Orders to capture a recording of each graduate’s name to be read at the graduation ceremony. The purpose of this platform is to allow you to listen to audio recordings of your full name or upload a recording of your name to be pronounced properly at the graduation ceremony. Follow the directions here.
Estamos utilizando Marching Orders para capturar una grabación del nombre de cada graduado que se leerá en la ceremonia de graduación. El propósito de esta plataforma es permitirle escuchar grabaciones de audio de su nombre completo o subir una grabación de su nombre para que sea pronunciado correctamente en la ceremonia de graduación. Siga las instrucciones aquí.
Bell Schedule
A/B Days Schedule 2024-2025
Patriot Day Schedule 2024-2025
Contact person: Dr. Tawonda Hunter (tawonda.hunter@gcpsk12.org)
Get to know your student's counselor
Counselors can assist with the following:
- Ensuring your student is on track for graduation
- Exploring career options
- Selecting and changing classes
- And much more!
Counseling website: https://berkmarhs.gcpsk12.org/counseling/about-counseling
Students and parents may make appointments with the assigned counselor as needed. Parents who would like to meet with all their student’s teachers, please contact Ms. Gutierrez at 770-806-8922. If parents would like to meet with one or two teachers, please contact the teacher directly. Email addresses can be found in our staff directory.
If you need to schedule an appointment, do not hesitate to reach out to your student's counselor.
Parental Access to Information
ParentVUE Grade Book Notifications
Parents can now opt into receiving student grade notifications within the ParentVUE mobile app starting Tuesday, September 24. The grade notifications are not real time but processed each night around 5:30 pm. Parents will receive this notice: Parents Grade Notification - Shared in the district newsletter: Parents now have the option to be notified in the ParentVUE mobile app if their student’s grade fall below a preset threshold. Within the app, a parent can choose to enable the notification and will select the grade threshold of when to be notified. Thresholds can be set on the student’s class average or on assignment grades. The notifications are processed each afternoon starting at 5:30 pm. Specific directions on enabling Grade Notifications can be found here. Other ParentVUE resources are available on the ParentVUE site.
ParentVUE App
- ParentVUE allows parents to view schedules, grades, assignments, and more. Find the app on Google Play or Apple App Store and use the same email address and password as your Parent Portal account.
- Parents must first have an active Parent Portal account to activate the app.
- If you need help, please contact Dr. Mizell in our Parent Center.
- ParentVUE access page.
- Please click here if you need to reset your password.
GCPS has adopted a communication platform called ParentSquare. This communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with your child’s school and Gwinnett County Public Schools. The easiest way to access ParentSquare is through the Parent Portal. More information can be found here.
Parent Principal's Corner
The Principal’s Corner is an opportunity for you to meet and greet with our principal, Durrant Williams, to learn about new and exciting programs and initiatives at Berkmar High School or share your thoughts, comments, concerns, or suggestions.
Time: English 4:30 pm / Spanish 5:30 pm
Virtual Location: Zoom Link is pinned to the top in ParentSquare
2024-2025 Dates
- February 20
- March 13
- April 17
- May 15
Community Information
Gwinnet County Community Calendar of Events
There are numerous events that take place in Gwinnet County every month. If you are interested in becoming or remaining engaged in our wider community, please visit the Gwinnet County website for more information. For more information, check out their website.
Find Help In Your Community
Whether it’s financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, child care, job training, and other free or reduced-cost services specific to your area, essential resources can be found here.
💊 Prescription Drug Drop-off 💊
“Big White Box”
Accessible to the public 24 hours a day, seven days a week in the Lilburn Police Department lobby located at 4600 Lawrenceville Highway, Lilburn, GA 30047.
Prescription drug abuse among all age groups is a real and growing danger across the country. In addition, unsafe disposal of Rx and over-the-counter (OTC) medications is costly to our environment and, therefore, to our health. The “Big White Box” helps keep these drugs out of the hands of children and teens, off the street, prevent overdoses and accidental poisonings, and avoid environmental contamination caused by throwing drugs in the toilet, sink, or trash.
Community Warming Stations
Gwinnett County will open warming stations for residents to receive temporary, overnight relief when temperatures reach 35 degrees and below, November 1, 2024-March 31, 2025. Residents who visit the sites will be able to warm up, eat a meal, and get some rest. The warming stations will be available from 6:00pm until 7:00am. You can find more information at the Gwinnett County website.
Gwinnett County Mobile Food Distribution for 2024
Gwinnett County delivers fresh fruits and vegetables and shelf-stable foods directly to our communities.
- Free!
- Begins at 3:00 pm until supplies last
- Identification is not required
- Contactless drive-thru distribution
Best Friend Park
6224 Jimmy Carter Boulevard, Norcross
January 28, 2025
April 22, 2025
July 22, 2025
October 28, 2025
Rhodes Jordan Park
100 E Crogan Street, Lawrenceville
April 8, 2025
July 8, 2025
October 14, 2025
Bryson Park
5075 Lawrenceville Highway, Lilburn
February 25, 2025
May 20, 2025
August 26, 2025
November 18, 2025
Rock Springs Park
550 Rock Springs Road, Lawrenceville
March 11, 2025
June 10, 2025
September 9, 2025
December 9, 2025
Lenora Park
4515 Lenora Church Road, Snellville
February 11, 2025
May 13, 2025
August 12, 2025
November 4, 2025
Shorty Howell Park
2750 Pleasant Hill Road, Duluth
March 25, 2025
June 24, 2025
September 23, 2025
December 16, 2025