Thomas Community Newsletter
May 16, 2024
Dear TMS Community,
At TMS, we pride ourselves on fostering a strong and friendly community that supports the growth and development of every student. We strive to make our school a home away from home where students feel valued, respected, and empowered to reach their fullest potential.
One of the hallmarks of our school culture is the sense of camaraderie that permeates throughout our hallways. From the moment students walk through our doors, they are welcomed with open arms by dedicated teachers, staff, and fellow classmates who genuinely care about their well-being and success.
Over the past two weeks, students and staff have been participating in the annual traditions and events that celebrate the vibrant and nurturing BE THE GOOD community culture that defines the Thomas Middle School Wolfpack. Check out the photos below from our The Pride of the Wolf Pack Assembly, Staff Recognition Event and TMS Class of 2020/High School Class of 2024 Event, and the Outdoor Education Field Trips. Next week we'll celebrate our 8th Graders with a party and graduation.
In this newsletter you'll find new information for:
Pride of the Wolf Pack Recognition & Online Auction
Track & Field STATE Meet
2024-2025 Advanced Placement
Early Dismissal Schedule for Friday, May 31st
Upcoming Events:
- Wednesday, 5/22: 8th Grade Great America Field Trip
- Thursday, 5/23: 8th Grade Party & Graduation @ 7:30 Forest View Education Center
- Friday, 5/31: Last Day of School 6th & 7th Grade & Early Dismissal @ 1:50 PM (Modified Schedule is below)
Saturday, 6/1/24: ABC25 Fun Fair
Friday, 7/26/24: Pride of the Wolf Pack Golf Outing
Take care,
Lori, Nick, & Greg
TMS Administrative Team
Pride of the Wolf Pack Recognition Assembly
On May 6th, the students and staff gathered for an assembly that celebrated one of our most special and cherished traditions... honoring and celebrating what it means to Be the Good and exemplify the values of our community. We highlighted the achievements of current and former TMS students and we watched as Mr. Grant was awarded the 2024 LeRoy Dansby LEAN ON ME AWARD.
TMS students learned about what being a member of the Wolfpack meant to ten high school senior scholarship finalists and two scholarship winners as we celebrated their amazing accomplishments.
- Priya Adiga
- Avery Born
- Charlie Ferrazza
- Chloe Hong
- Lily Larson
- Martyna Ostrega
- Lauren Rocks
- Finley Wilcox
- Madison Woolsey
The students had the opportunity to hear stories from Claire Gritt (Class of 2013) and Matt Zimmer (Class of1986). Both Claire and Matt shared their inspiring journeys finding a path to success.and are now honored with a banner in our gym.
Please ask your child what they thought about the Pride of the Wolf Pack Assembly.
2024 Pride of the Wolf Pack Golf Outing
TMS Class of 2020/High School Senior Graduates Class of 2024
On Monday, 5/13/24, TMS staff celebrated the TMS 8th Grade Class of 2020/High School Senior Graduates Class of 2024. There were 150 High School Seniors that signed up to return to TMS to see the staff and reminisce about their middle school years at TMS. The last time this group was together at TMS was in March of 2020. We are so proud of the accomplishments that these students have achieved and we wish them all the best.
Track & Field State Meet
Good Luck to all of the TMS Track & Field Athletes as they head to the STATE Meet this Friday!
Brayden Jefford
Kass Kurzynski
Levi McEwen
Luke Foster
Adelaide Galla
Finley Spokas
Anne Park
Nora Eitz
Gabriella Torres
Cassidy Smith
Nikita Variano
Sophia Quiroz
Camille Devine
Lily Nolden
Vada Ashman
Navya Chilakapati
Ava Saladino
Laila Saladino
Ellie Karajic
Audrey Varjavandi
Thank you coaches: Arin Damico, Chris Papahronis, Joe Kim, & Dave Keller
Advanced Placement Classes for 2024-2025
The advanced placement process is complete and families will be contacted on Friday, May 17th.
- Percentiles on the most recent CogAT and the highest of three MAP scores will be converted to a standard score (or z-score) before averaging, which provides a standardized way to compare data.
- The district will also calculate local percentiles for both assessments at this time.
- Only families of students who are new qualifiers to Advanced Math (grades 4-7) and Advanced Language Arts (grades 6-8) will receive notification letters when a child qualifies.
- If a student is enrolled in an advanced course this school year (2023-2024) they will automatically be enrolled for next year.
- Please review the FAQ document for answers to more specific questions regarding the placement process.
- More questions? Please contact: Katie Paulson at kpaulson@sd25.org. p: (847) 758.4894 Advanced Learning, Library Media Centers, & Creative Arts Coordinator
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL SCHEDULE - Mark your calendars!
- The last day of school for 8th grade students is Graduation Day - Thursday, May 23rd with dismissal at 2:45 PM.
- The last day of school for 6th & 7th grade students is scheduled for Friday, May 31, 2024 with an early dismissal at 1:50 PM. Please see the modified schedule for May 31st.
Student Council End of the Year ABC Countdown
District 25 Pre-Registration is now OPEN
Pre-Registration is NOW open to families with incoming new and kindergarten students for next year, 2024-2025! Please begin the registration process by visiting www.sd25.org/Registration and clicking on the 2024-2025 Pre-Registration drop down.
Check out the TMS PTA Website.
Volunteers for 2024/2025! There are a few key PTA positions open, and without them, some of the things your kids love most might not be possible. Think activity nights, Kona Ice, teacher appreciation week... the list goes on!
- President-Elect: Be the right-hand to our current President and learn the ropes for next year!
- Membership/Directory Chair: Help keep our PTA community connected! Directory Spot won't be updated without this person.
- Reflections Chair: Unleash the inner artist in our students!
- Staff Appreciation Co-Chair: Show our amazing staff some love!
- 8th Grade Committee Co-Chair: Make those last middle school memories unforgettable!
Email thomasmiddleschoolpta@gmail.com for further information.
Many thanks to the dedicated 2023-2024 Executive Board Members:
- President: Megan Puzen
- President-Elect: Kris Dugan
- Vice President: Nora Muenkel
- Treasurer: Diane Beardmore
- Secretary: Joclyn Katz
ABC/25 Fun Fair
We will be holding our first ever ABC/25 Foundation Fun Fair on Saturday, June 1st, 2024, at South Middle School.
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM | ABC/25 Members Only Access
10:30 AM - 1:00 PM | Public Access
1:00 PM | Mascot Race
Get ready for a day of fun, games, and excitement at ABC/25's Fun Fair! Events and activities include: climbing wall, obstacle courses, dunk tank, games, concessions, a sensory-friendly area, and more!
This is NOT a drop-off event. All children MUST be accompanied by an adult. Please also leave all four-legged friends at home.
Worried about rain? We've got you covered! In the event of inclement weather, we will set up the activities indoors.
Parking is available on side streets along South Middle School and at the garage on Highland Street.
- Physical Forms: Athletes must have a current physical BEFORE they can participate in ANY practices. Physicals are good for 13 months. Physicals can be turned in at the TMS office or uploaded to the TMS Health Office form linked here.
- Dental Forms are due by May 15th, 2024 must be dated after November 15th, 2022.
Please contact the TMS Health Office if you have any questions:
Laura Toussaint - ltoussaint@sd25.org
Stephanie Musolf - smusolf@sd25.org
Bus Information
- All students need to show their bus pass in order to ride the bus!
- Click here for the Bus Safety Guidelines and Rule as well as details on lost items on the bus.
- Bus Company Questions: Contact Cook Co. School Bus Company at 847- 439-0923
- Please direct bus transportation questions to the District 25 Transportation Specialist: Laura Comastro as she can answer your questions and resolve issues.
School Resource Officers
Social media concerns, incidents that occur after school hours/on the weekends, or outside of school can be reported to the SRO or you can contact the Arlington Heights Police by calling 911 or the non-emergency phone number (847) 368-5300. You can also go directly to the Police Department located at 200 E Sigwalt Street in Arlington Heights. It is open 24 hours. The SROs can be contacted as well:
SRO: John O'Leary joleary@vah.com Cell Phone: (847) 344-2330
SRO: Chris Seebacher cseebacher@vah.com Cell Phone (847) 368-5393
Safe2Help Illinois
Safe2Help Illinois is a 24/7 program where students can use a free app, text/phone, and website (safe2helpil.com) to share information on school safety issues in a confidential environment. Once vetted, the information provided will be shared with local district and school officials and/or local 911 call center, depending on the nature of the information shared. Safe2Help Illinois is a long-term initiative to change the school culture in Illinois by helping students reach out when they have concerns. To learn further about Safe2Help Illinois, please see the videos below. More information can also be found on their website at safe2helpil.com. Video for Middle School Students