Boyden Weekly Update
August 29, 2024
Dear Boyden Families,
We’ve had a wonderful first two days of the school year! Both students and teachers enjoyed getting to know each other and working together to establish a positive classroom learning environment. The enthusiasm and smiles on the teachers’ and students’ faces have truly set a positive tone for the year ahead!
As a reminder, there will be no school on Friday, August 30th and Monday, September 2nd. We look forward to welcoming all our students, from Kindergarten through 5th grade, back on Tuesday, September 3rd.
Enjoy the weekend!
When Does School Start?
All students in grades 1-5 will begin Wednesday, August 28th
All kindergarten students will begin Tuesday, September 3rd
Boyden's day begins promptly at 8:55 AM (doors open at 8:45 AM) and ends at 3:25 PM. Being on time for school is essential as it sets the stage for a successful day, academically and social- emotionally.
Students arriving after 8:55 will be marked tardy and need to be signed in at the front office by an adult.
Private Lessons through the WPS Music Department
The Walpole Public Schools Music Department is pleased to announce the fall session for our Private Lesson Program for students in grades 4 - 12. If your child is interested in taking private instrument or voice lessons, here is your chance. Lessons are offered in flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone horn, tuba, piano, percussion, violin, viola, cello, guitar and voice. All lessons are taught by accomplished performers on their respective instruments. Some lessons are currently being taught virtually.
Session 1 will run September 23 to January 31.
Registration is open until Monday, September 16th.
For more information and to register, visit:
For questions, email:
Tim Fleming (K-12 Music Coordinator) at tfleming@walpole.k12.ma.us
School Nutrition Update
Welcome back students and families! We are excited to update you with the news that Massachusetts students will receive FREE school meals again in School Year 2024-2025!
Please note that even though meals will be free for all, it is very important for families who feel they may qualify to still complete the Household Application for Free and Reduced Price Meals for the 2024-2025 school year. We strongly encourage ALL families who feel they may qualify to submit this form as it allows us to waive bus fees and other applicable fees for those who qualify and serve families most effectively. Completing this form also helps our district to receive more federal funding to keep our Nutrition Program strong.
- Complete the application here: https://www.myschoolapps.com/Application
If you are interested, please consider applying for SNAP, the federal nutrition program that provides eligible residents with monthly financial assistance to purchase groceries. More SNAP information can be found at gettingsnap.org or by calling Project Bread’s FoodSource Hotline at 1-800-645-8333.
It is our privilege to provide breakfast and lunch to your children, supporting them with nourishing and healthy meals to power through the school day! We can’t wait to see them in the coming weeks. Please reach out with any questions or concerns that you may have.
Healthy Regards,
Maria Hall
Walpole School Nutrition Director
Bus Routes 2024-2025
Riding Bikes to School
Students in grades 4 and 5 (see School Committee Policy below) are able to ride their bikes to school with parental permission. If your child is in grade 4 or 5 and plans to ride their bicycle to and from school, please CLICK HERE to fill out the attached permission slip for the office to have on file. This needs to be updated yearly.
- "Pupils in grades 4 & 5 may ride bicycles to school with the exception of students at Elm Street School. It is not permitted there due to safety concerns on Route 27. Pupils in lower grades are not allowed to do so at any time. No child is permitted to ride bicycles during snow or other inclement weather. All bikes must be placed in the rack with a lock and chain. The school system is not responsible for lost or stolen bicycles. Bicycle riding on the playground area is not permitted. State law requires that students wear helmets for safety. All bicycle riders must conform to the automobile highway regulations as established by the Commonwealth. A list of these rules and regulations may be obtained at the Walpole Police Station. No skateboards, rollerblades, or scooters are allowed."
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Bus Riders:
Bus students will be met by staff in the pool parking lot and unload from the bus at 8:45 AM.
Depending on which direction students are coming from, students should wait at the flag pole or by the windows on the left side of the school. At the 8:45 AM bell the students at the flag pole will be met by a staff member at the crosswalk.
Car Drop Off:
Staff members will be outside to greet and assist students in getting out of the car.
Students should not exit their cars until the 8:45 AM bell
All students will enter through the front door
Adults should not exit the car
Only cars in front of the school should have students exit on the school side
Stay in the traffic pattern and do not pass other cars.
Please note we expect dismissal to go slowly at the beginning of the school year. We appreciate your patience during this process.
Bus Riders:
All buses will be called over the intercom and the students will walk to the gymnasium or cafeteria and sit with their bus until it arrives. They will be supervised by staff members and when each bus arrives that bus will be walked out to the pool parking lot by a staff member. This will repeat until all buses have left.
Walkers will be called over the intercom and will line up in the front lobby. Staff members will walk the students to the flagpole or toward the bike rack.
Car Pick Up
Families will be given a sign with their student’s last name on it. The sign should be on the passenger-side dashboard (we will provide the signs ASAP). We will have a staff member out writing the names down. The students going home by car will be called to the front lobby to line up. Staff will walk students out to assist and guide them to their car. This procedure will take place until all students have been dismissed.
PAC News
PAC is excited to roll out our new website for friendship directory, direct donations, to sign up and volunteer for events along with other cool features! A one stop shop!!!! Make sure to register and add your children!! Click the link below!
- Boyden PAC Facebook Page
- VIP - Boyden VIP Classrooms
- Kindergarten - Boyden Class of 2037
- 1st Grade - Boyden Class of 2036
- 2nd Grade - Boyden Class of 2035
Mark your calendars! The first PAC Meeting will be on Wednesday, September 11th in the Boyden Media Center- 6:30 PM - Kindergarten Families
- 7:00 PM - K-5 Families
Important Dates
August 30th - No School
September 2nd - No School
September 3rd - First Day of Kindergarten
September 11th - PAC Meeting (7:00 PM)
September 20th - Early Release (12:25 Dismissal)
September 25th - Boyden Curriculum Night/Open House (more details to follow)
Ocotober 9th -Boyden School Council (3:30 PM) Boyden PAC Meeting (7:00 PM)
October 11th - Early Release (12:25 Dismissal)
October 14th - No School
October 16th - Picture Day
Click Here for the Walpole Public Schools School Year Calendar
About Us
Email: bdearborn@walpole.k12.ma.us
Website: http://walpolebs.ss5.sharpschool.com/
Location: 1852 Washington Street, South Walpole, MA, USA
Phone: 508-660-7216
Instagram: @BoydenBuzz