Grizzly Gazette
February 2025
Grijalva Family and Friends
Happy February Grizzlies!
Attendance is vital. There is a direct connection between attendance and success in the classroom. When students are not at school, they are missing instruction. Therefore, students need to be at school every day when they are not sick. Please make sure to call your child’s absence in when they will be out for the day (520-908-3600).
Cell Phone Reminders: We have noticed more students are bringing cell phones to school. We want to remind everyone of governing board regulations JICJ-R and JICJ. Students are not permitted to use cell phones from bell to bell while on district property. If you need to get a message to your student during the school day please call the office at 520-908-3600 and we will relay the message for you. In order for students to focus on learning, Tucson Unified School District tries to minimize distractions and interruptions to all instructional time. All students are required to adhere to the following guidelines regarding cell phones and other electronic signaling devices. Cell phones and electronic signaling devices may be used on or off campus before or after school. Cell phones and electronic signaling devices may NOT be used during instructional classroom time. The School District nor the School District Staff is responsible for loss, damage, or theft of any electronic device including but not limited to cell phones, laptops, tablet computers, portable media player brought to school.
Morning Schedule: The first bell rings at 7:40 and our teachers take attendance precisely at 7:45. Students arriving after 7:45 should check in with the office staff before going to class. For the safety of your child, please do not arrive prior to 7:20, the cafeteria breakfast and our playground do not have student supervision prior to 7:20.
Registration: 2025-2026 registration is now open on ParentVUE! Yearly registration confirms that Grijalva has the most up-to-date information for your child’s success in school. Parents must re-register for the upcoming school year! Please go to ParentVUE and enroll for 2025-2026! Remember we need you to attach your proof of residency and any documents that are required for registration. Please call the office if you need assistance accessing your ParentVUE account, 520-908-3600.
Tax Credit: Don’t forget to make your tax credit contribution to Grijalva! Tax credit dollars fund academic programs, sports, fine arts, field trips, tutoring, and for a short time capital school improvements. We are very thankful and appreciative of your tax credit support. You can still donate for 2024.
Stay Informed
We want you to stay informed. You can ensure you don’t miss important Parentlink notifications by ensuring your information is current in ParentVue (phone/email). If you are still not getting notifications be sure you have not blocked the phone number or that your spam filter is not blocking emails. You can also look for current information on our school marquee, our Facebook page (@GrijalvaES), and our webpage.
Upcoming Events
February – Love of Reading Month
February 5th – Jersey Mike's School Fundraiser, 4:00-8:00pm
February 13th & 14th – Parent/Teacher Conferences, 10:50am Dismissal
February 22nd & 23rd – Rodeo Break, NO SCHOOL
February 28th – Spring Pictures
February 25th – Talent Show, 5:00-7:00pm
What did the French groundhog see on February 2nd? His chateau!
What do you call a frog born on February 29th? A leap frog!
What is a ghost’s favourite month? Feb-BOO-uary!
Can February March? No, but April May!
What month is the best month to tell a lie? FIB-ruary!
When is the best day to wear a tutu? February 2nd (2/2)!
Which month do teachers complain the least? February because it has fewer days!
Sometimes February has 29 days. How many other months have 29 days? All of them!
Grijalva Elementary School
Visit our Website
Location: 1795 W. Drexel Road Tucson, AZ 85746
Phone: (520) 908-3600
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