RTS Parents' Newsletter
12 July 2024
Head Teacher's Message
We are delighted to share with you, and welcome, the following new staff for September 2024 (with one or two already joining us for these last few days): English Teacher - Ms Chaudhary, MfL Teacher - Ms El Aoufi Nunez, Maths Teacher - Mr Garrett, Maths Teacher - Mr Murray, Science Teacher - Mr Oberoi, Science Teacher - Mr Obieze, English Teacher - Ms Vaghela, English Teacher - Ms Van Ackeren; and Science Teacher - Ms Webb. We also welcome back Ms Ward after her maternity leave.
All new staff, and internal updates to staffing for the new academic year will be available on the website from 01 September 2024.
As is usual at this time of year for schools, we will be saying goodbye to staff moving on to pastures new. I am sure that you will join me in wishing Mr Baum, Mr Roxburgh, Mr Ferreira, Ms Benson, Ms Broadbent, Mr Adams; and Ms Verma (who left on 31 May) well in their next endeavours.
Although we only have 2 1/2 days at school next week there is much planned, and we especially look forward to the traditional whole school end of year celebration on Wednesday before students leave us for the summer break.
Thank you to those of you who attended the Creative Arts Showcase and Summer Fair. We were up against a drizzly, cool evening with a Euro Football match also scheduled at the end of the evening, but we had a strong turnout. Families were able to enjoy (indoor) BBQ burgers and hot dogs, FoRTS were on refreshment duty, there were House stalls and the very popular throw a wet sponge at a teacher (I hear that Mr Briggs was a good sport and a popular target!). Alongside this, on display were the Creative Arts talents of our students, ranging from art work to models, musical pieces to dramatic shorts. There was a positive wealth of talent and enthusiasm on show and I congratulate all of students who took part in ensuring the evening was a fantastic success.
Wishing you all a good weekend.
~Ms K Dooley | Head Teacher
Excellence through Endeavour
In the last week of June, Summer and her dance team headed to Prague to take part in the Dance World Cup. They performed a beautiful lyrical piece, Hallelujah, and were placed 9th overall. This competition has teams from all over the world taking part so this an incredible achievement.
Congratulations to Summer!
Caitlyn had another successful tumbling competition at Telford last month (June) and earned herself a second consecutive bronze medal.
She competed two new runs at this second FIG qualifier event and scored a personal best for difficulty by adding twisting whips to her tumbles.
Her combined score from both qualifiers puts her second overall so she’ll be working hard on learning new skills and improving her execution scores further before the National Age Group finals in October.
If successful there, she’ll compete in the youth women category of the British Championships the next day against the very best tumblers in the country.
Well done Caitlyn!
Aurelia competed in the London Gymnastics summer FIG competition over the last weekend of June, achieving 2nd place all around; and winning gold for the highest score for Beam and Floor.
What an achievement Aurelia!
RTS Trips & Visits
Field Studies Council Amersham
Last week two separate groups of Year 10 GCSE Geography students headed off to Field Studies Council Amersham. Set in South Buckinghamshire, within the Chiltern Hills AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty), the site is located within 30 hectares of mixed woodland, meadows and ponds which surround and conceal Amersham Substation. Students calculate how the River Wye changes downstream (students measured the width, depth and velocity to calculate changes in river discharge). It's always an extremely informative day - with the main depth reading being how much water went into everyone's wellies as this year the river was high due to the amount of rainfall we've had recently!
If you have concerns in relation to a student at RTS or indeed with regards to your own child, you may want to contact Single Point of Access (SPA) which acts as a central information hub for all professional agencies in Kingston and Richmond.
Richmond and Kingston SPA
The SPA phone lines are now open as follows:
Monday-Thursday 08.00-17.15 and Friday 08.00-17.00 - the phone number during these times is 020 8547 5008
Out of hours: 020 8770 5000
Hounslow Early Help Assessment
Telephone number: 020 8583 6600
Out of hours: 020 8583 2222
Email: earlyhelp@hounslow.gov.uk
Speak to a counsellor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Telephone number: 0808 800 5000, or text 88858
Email: help@nspcc.org.uk
Signvideo using British Sign Language (Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm)
Friends of RTS (FoRTS)
FoRTS update
What a year! I would like to first take this opportunity to thank all of our lovely volunteers who have helped to raise a tremendous amount of money for RTS and our children.
In addition, a huge thank you to the staff at the school for their collaboration and support of FoRTS.
The school summer fair and creative arts showcase on Tuesday was an amazing success. The students held house stalls and did an incredible job arranging these prior and promoting them throughout the evening. FoRTS was on hand selling food and refreshments and supporting the house stalls; in cash, we raised a profit of £620.00. More news on the total amount raised this academic year in September.
This year's rugby world cup meant fewer games at Twickenham, so just 5 games to fundraise over. Despite this, our volunteer team managed to grab lots of new customers and raise approximately £18,000! Next year should see more opportunities; we already have parking bookings for November's Six Nations games, and even one for next June!
These events are fun to attend and take a lot of planning from the teachers, staff, students and FoRTS.
Obviously, FoRTS cannot support the school unless we have volunteers as was evident on Tuesday; please click this link if you can spare an hour or two in the new academic year to support the fundraising events for the school to enrich our children’s learning.
Great news, we’ve registered Friends of Richmond upon Thames School with #easyfundraising, which means over 7,500 brands will now donate to us for FREE every time you use easyfundraising to shop with them. These donations will help SO MUCH, so please sign up to support us – it’s completely FREE and doesn’t take long. Sign up here: Easyfundraising
FoRTS Volunteering
There are only 3 of us on the committee so we’re not actually a big group and with the Year 11 volunteers leaving this year we are looking for more help in order to successfully raise more money for our children’s school and enrichment activities.
If you are interested in joining or would like to know more about some of the vacant roles please contact Carmelle at the general email address below. It really is less than 30 minutes of your time a week. All processes are in place so there’s no extra work to do.
We do have a lovely small team of volunteers and do have fun especially with the rugby parking marshalling. Join FoRTS by clicking here. It’s as simple as that!
Enjoy your summer!
Your FoRTS team,
Carmelle (Chair and Acting Secretary) and Jason & Somi (Treasurers)
General: forts@rts.richmond.sch.uk
Parking: fortsparking@rts.richmond.sch.uk
School Uniform Suppliers
Schooldays will again be operating an appointment system during the summer months.
Book your slot early to avoid disappointment at:
Also - you can now spread the cost of your purchases over 3 months - using Paypal, (Online only)
Best Wishes
The Schooldays & Just Dancing Team
Stevensons' appointment service that they offer for new starters enables peace of mind to parents to have an hour booking with one of their trained members of staff to go through the school’s full uniform, allowing for a tailored experience and ensuring that the correct uniform is purchased ready for the start of the new academic year at a new school.
Terms Dates 2023 - 2024
Full-term dates and Inset day information is available on the school's website:
Summer Term 2: Monday 03 June-Wednesday 17 July 2024
Autumn Term 1: Tuesday 03 September 2024 - Year 7 only / Wednesday 04 September 2024 - All Year Groups (staggered start)
Local News - Please note RTS does not endorse items included as Local News
Kooth - Mental Health Support
Kooth is available for students all through the summer - our professional mental health practitioners support young people with whatever’s on their mind, from loneliness, family or friendship issues, to body image, self harm or suicidal thoughts.
We’re sharing inspiring ideas of good places and things to do over the holiday. Everyone who votes for their favourite idea has the chance to win a prize that might give your students an alternative to spending too much time on their phone - prizes include skateboards, frisbees and £50 book vouchers.
For families, many of whom can’t afford to take their children on holiday, to theme parks or to take time off work all summer, we have some resources for you to share:
Free KoothTalks webinars “Parenting pressures during the summer holiday and how we can help” - here’s the booking form for you to email to parents
Activity sheets to supplement all the good ideas of things to do that are available on Kooth.
We’ll be offering online sessions around anxiety management - especially helpful for new Year 7s and those entering exam years:
For families: KoothTalks training: Helping your child manage anxiety Booking form here
Richmond Community Team presents a FREE multi-sport camp with a FREE hot meal over the summer holidays.
Join us for a fun-filled month of sports and activities at the FUEL Multisport Camp! This camp is designed to engage children in various sports, promoting physical activity and teamwork. FREE HOT MEAL EVERY DAY!
Dates: 5th August - 30th August
Time: 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Eligibility: The camp is free for children who are eligible for free school meals. You should receive a 17-digit code from your school.
The FUEL Multisport Camp will feature a variety of sports to ensure children have a diverse and engaging experience. Sports likely to be included are:
- Soccer: Enhances cardiovascular fitness, teamwork, and coordination.
- Cricket: Enhances hand-eye coordination, strategic thinking, and teamwork.
- Rugby: Improves physical strength, coordination, and team collaboration.
- Netball: Promotes agility, coordination, and team communication.
- Ultimate Frisbee: Develops reflexes, hand-eye coordination, and agility.
These sports will not only keep children physically active but also help them develop a range of skills and interests.
Attending the FUEL Multisport Camp offers a variety of benefits for children, especially those eligible for free school meals:
- Physical Fitness: Engaging in multiple sports helps improve overall fitness, including strength, endurance, flexibility, and coordination.
- Skill Development: Children can learn and enhance skills in various sports, fostering a well-rounded athletic ability.
- Social Interaction: The camp provides an opportunity to make new friends, work in teams, and develop social skills through group activities.
- Confidence Building: Successfully participating in different sports can boost self-esteem and confidence.
- Healthy Habits: Promotes a healthy lifestyle by encouraging regular physical activity and potentially influencing better dietary choices.
- Variety and Fun: Exposure to different sports keeps the activities exciting and engaging, preventing boredom.
- Discipline and Teamwork: Learning the rules and strategies of various sports can instil discipline, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
- Stress Relief: Physical activity is a great way for children to release stress and energy positively.
- Inclusion and Accessibility: Being free for eligible children ensures that financial barriers do not prevent participation, promoting inclusivity.
- Structured Environment: Provides a safe and structured environment during summer holidays, giving parents peace of mind.
Overall, the FUEL Multisport Camp aims to provide a holistic development experience that benefits children physically, mentally, and socially. FREE HOT MEAL EVERY DAY!
Don't miss this opportunity for your child to stay active and have fun this summer!
To Book:
Kaizen Kaikan - 3 day training camp
This Summer Kaizen Kaikan will be hosting a 3-day Gasshuku (Training) Camp. This camp is offered to current students as well as any new students who would like to join us. All year groups and schools are welcome. A grading will take place on the final day of the camp for those who have attended the whole camp or are specially invited to grade.
Dates: Monday 5th, Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th August 2024
Times: 10am- 2pm. Students are expected to arrive at 9.50am at the latest with parents able to pick up their children at 2:00pm
Venue: Kingston Dojo, Kingston Methodist Church Hall, Fairfield South, Kingston Upon Thames, KT1 2UJ.
Price: £120 Full Camp & Grading, £50 for one day, £90 for 2 Days, £190 for siblings (only offered for full camp)
What students should bring with them
Students should bring suitable clothing for the day (Gi and fight kit for those who have them or loose comfortable clothing), and appropriate drinks and snacks for lunch/ drink breaks during the camp day.
Booking your space
Spaces for our Karate camps are limited and book quickly. We will allocate spaces on a first-come-first-served basis. To reserve a space please visit our website and select the summer camp link at the top of the page, or follow the link below.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at office@kaizenkaikan.com
Marble Hill Playcentres
Please see our opening times during the Summer holidays in the Adventure Playground and One O'Clock Club.
As a charity organisation, we rely on the support of the community to spread the word about our amazing facility.
PowerStation Youth Centre Summer 2024
The PowerStation Summer programme is starting off with a bang. With a wide range of free activities and trips for young people aged 8-19 years old.
Check out the full programme for dates, times, age ranges and activities.
Rose Youth Theatre Summer School
Are you looking for a fun drama activity this Summer holiday?
Rose Youth Theatre Summer Schools are back for 2024!
Booking is now open for our 'Three Day' and 'Play in a Week' courses! This year we are running our Three Day course between 31st July - 16th August. Our Play in a Week groups run from 29th July - 31st August. Please visit our website to see a full list of course options.
Click here to find out more and book your place: Summer Schools 2024
Rose Theatre Academy - Autumn Term
The Rose Youth Theatre Academy, is split into two parts: Act 1 and Act 2. Our Act 2 classes are aimed at children aged 11-18 and we look at acting technique and performance skills over the course of a 10-week term. We hold an informal sharing of work in the final session for family and friends to watch, but the main focus is the process. We work on a variety of areas such as improvisation, devising and script work and classes are designed to develop confidence, ensemble work and be lots of fun!
Rosslyn Park Girls Open Training Sessions
We are building a girls section at Rosslyn Park and currently run open training sessions on a Monday 17:00-18:00 (subject to change).
Parents/carers can use this google form to register their interest on
Hearts of Teddlothian is seeking new players to join its Bobcats Team (u13s in September).
We’re looking for all positions, but we’re really keen to recruit:
⚽ A Keeper
⚽ Defenders
⚽ A Centre Forward
We play our home games at Waldegrave School, Twickenham, and are one of the only clubs in the
area that plays home games on a Saturday (Sunday morning lie-in anyone?!).
We’re lucky enough to be trained by @platformcoaching on a Tuesday, so have an emphasis on both fun and developing the girls as players.
Interested? We can’t wait to hear from you. Drop us a line at girlsfootball@heartsofteddlothian.com
or WhatsApp Kate on 07368134273.
Got a daughter in a different age group who’d be keen? We have spaces in various age groups
so drop us a line.
Harlequins Girls Summer Residential Camps
Harlequins Girls Summer Residential Camps are on sale now - read more about them and book here.
Tween Tribe Summer Club
The Tween Tribe summer dates, I have included a £5 discount code for the pupils.
The Tween Tribe is a very unusual holiday club, a brand-new childcare concept, excursions only and exclusively for ages 10-13.
We are finalists of multiple awards, including Small Business of The Year & have recently attracted the attention of a national TV program!
Join our mission to get tweens off screens and safely exploring the real world! Buidling independence, autonomy, making friends, getting outdoors and having HUGE adventures along the way.
Trips departing from Kingston & Twickenham!
Netball Summer Camps
Join Netball Coach UK for a summer & pre-season netball camp in Richmond Upon Thames.
Our camps are open to children in School Years 2-9 and are suitable for experienced and aspiring ballers, as well as those new to the game.
What to expect: Expert coaching by qualified coaches, skills development and the chance to make new friends and tons of match play!
Summer Camp
25 & 26 July at Tiffin Girls School, KT2
Pre-season Camp
29 & 30 August at Grey Court School, TW10
Cost: £40 per session, 9am-12noon
Book at: https://netballcoachuk.com/richmondcamp
Netball Coach UK believes in the power of sport to elevate and inspire young people. Our company is run by netballers for netballers to provide high quality, fun and accessible netball provision across London.
Dramacube - Musical Theatre & Movie Makers Summer Workshops
Dramacube’s popular performing arts workshops are back for Summer ’24!
Join the team of Directors, Choreographers and Creatives for 3 day Musical Theatre Workshops or 2 day Movie Makers Workshops in Hampton Hill, Twickenham or Walton on Thames.
Discounts for siblings and full week bookings.
Dramacube Autumn Term Production
Be Our Guest!
We are thrilled to announce our Autumn Term production will be Disney's Beauty & The Beast JR. Bursting with beloved characters, parts, songs and routines, this tale as old as time promises to be spectacular!
Rehearsals start in September, but you can secure a place in a cast or book a trial now.
Barracuda Summer Camps
It's nearly time for Barracudas summer camps open!
Don't forget your exclusive discounts on summer activities at your local Barracudas camp. Parents just need to add SCHOOL20 in the promotion box to receive an extra £20 off a full week booking
We’re looking forward to a summer of FUN and look forward to welcoming children from your school to camp.
Just a reminder, as we're Ofsted registered, we also accept ALL Childcare Vouchers and Tax-Free Childcare. Please share this coded leaflet with parents.
Amazing residential camps
We’re really excited about our summer holiday residential camps, in partnership with PGL, now available to book for 8-16 year olds. This is a great opportunity for children to grow in confidence and independence during the school holidays.
What’s more, we’re happy to offer exclusive discounts for your school community!
Parents just need to add OFFER20 in the promotion box to receive an extra £20 off their booking for any 4-night stays. Or for any 7-night stays, add OFFER30 in the promotion box to receive an extra £30 off their booking.
We wouldn’t want your school parents to miss out on this exclusive offer and would really appreciate it if you could promote this in your newsletters
With 4 night and 7 night options at 2 great locations in Suffolk or Surrey to choose from, they’ll enjoy beautiful surroundings, modern accommodation, dining facilities and high adrenaline activities!
See our residential camps here: https://www.barracudas.co.uk/locations-prices/residential-camps/
We really appreciate the relationships we build with local school communities. Please do share our assets with your parents and staff in your updates and newsletters. We look forward to welcoming your school’s children to camp this year.
If you have a PTA or school association group that would be interested in partnership opportunities, please feel free to forward this on to them and get them to contact us.