RMS Staff eNews
Season 3: Edition 4-Week of August 24-28
Remembering Ms. Cropper...from Students
Ms. Cropper always remembered that we were still 8th graders and even though we were getting ready to go to high school, sometimes we just needed mental breaks or to talk with our friends.
mrs cropper always made me feel safe in the classroom. she goofed around with us and told funny jokes and stories and made everyone’s day so much better. she always knew how to put a smile on our faces but she also knew what we need led to succeed and made sure we had the proper education
She always made me feel relaxed, not under pressure. She was just one of the most calm teachers I’ve ever had
I always loved how she would talk to me or say hello to me in the hall way even though I was not her student. She was very caring 💙
Ms.Cropper always knew how to make anyone smile. Even when people were going through a tough time.
Super nice and laid back. She was a very good teacher and made everything easy to understand
She was honestly the friendliest teacher ever. She was so chill and was always so easy to talk to. She made my day every single time I walked in the room during 1st period. I am so sorry for your loss; she was an amazing friend and teacher. May she Rest In Peace.
Ms. Cropper always made me feel welcome. I was in her 7th period and the school day is always so long. She made the end of the day enjoyable. If I needed to help a friend or if I needed help myself, she would let me and a friend talk through it. Ms. Cropper was a real friend and a wonderful teacher.
Ms. Cropper was hands down one of the nicest teachers i’ve ever had. She was always very understanding and made sure we had fun in her class. My favorite memory from her class was when she let me and my friends go into the teacher’s closet and use the hot plate to make hot chocolate. I’ll always remember her as an amazing woman.
I always remember how Ms.Cropper would let us play cards whenever we were done with our work
I wasn’t actually her student but I remember every time I’d be passing by her class to go to ms bealls she’s be smiling, making jokes, dancing and just always having fun. She was such a happy person!!
I always loved how she would talk to me or say hello to me in the hall way even though I was not her student. She was very caring 💙
The time when I was telling jokes and she called them corny and they whole class started laughing so Even with her.
Ms cropper was the most fair and down to earth teacher I have ever had she was such a great friend and teacher as well. I remember coming to her class from getting left out early in 7th period and let it happen and let me have fun.
I remember on the first day of 8th grade when we were doing icebreakers in Science (my favorite class), Ms. Cropper told us all that she loved Led Zeppelin. From this moment on, I knew she was the perfect teacher for me. She was always so kind and actually cared about our lives outside of her class. When I walked into the classroom, I always knew I was welcome, and she fueled my passion for science from day 1.
Ms Cropper always made my day, she was always dedicated to make sure her students and the people around her were happy. She cared for us more then she cared for herself. She helped me find friends and helped me truly find myself, she’ll forever be in my heart. I love her so much and she’ll always be my biggest inspiration -Kenzie Fruge
Ms.Cropper’s classroom was always the safest space in school for me. Just by walking into the room I knew it was a place where I finally wouldn’t be judged constantly that day. I could be completely and totally myself with her, and she always had the best comebacks to help whenever a kid would pick on me. Her taste in music rocked, and her hugs were the warmest. She was one of my all time favorite teachers, and will be forever.
During our mustang time, Ms.Cropper would play uno with me and a few other classmates. She was such an amazing teacher and she would always make sure she was there for us.
The time when I was telling jokes and she called them corny and they whole class started laughing so Even with her.
I didn't have Ms.Cropper as a teacher. But I remember a lot of days after school I would hang out in the art room and she'd come in while I was there. She was so sweet and funny, and the teachers knew me kinda well so they'd make jokes about stuff going on with me but it was no problem. She really livened up the environment not only in that room, but all around the school. I always saw her smiling, and it was great to have her around. She will be missed and loved by all.
Ms.cropper always made me feel loved and every time I entered or exited her classroom her smile just made my day. She was always so sweet and never failed to make my day better. I loved her so much!!
Ms cropper always made us feel welcomed when we needed it the most. She would always try and joke into our conversations. When we needed hours for njhs she would always let us in her classroom because, as she always said, ‘we were good students and she knew the struggle’ and though it would be time for her to go home she would still let us in her classroom and would help anyone even if they weren’t her students.
I always loved how she would talk to me or say hello to me in the hall way even though I was not her student. She was very caring 💙
ms cropper was a really good teacher and a good person. she was just always good to her students (and everyone, really,) and she'd go out of her way to help you out with stuff. more than a good teacher, she was a good person. i hope she's happy, wherever she is.
Every time I walked passed her in the hall she smiled at me and it was a genuine smile. She always asked me how my day was going or how i was doing. She showed me that she cared in the most simple ways even though she didn't know me. I didn't have her as my teacher but I would have LOVED to be her student.
Ms. Cropper was one of my daughter’s favorite teachers. She was always genuine and funny. When my child went to the State Science Fair at TX A&M, Robin thought it was hilarious to send me pics of all the Aggie gear/signs since I’m a lifetime UT Longhorn. She was a supportive and caring teacher who impacted hundreds of lives and is one of the reasons my child loves science. She will be greatly missed. Our thoughts and prayers for strength are with you all.
Remembering Cropper, Crop, Robin...from US.
Robin was truly a gift to our Renner students and to our Renner staff. When it came to kids, she loved the unlovable ones the most, and that was one of the many things that made her so special. She worked incredibly hard on behalf of all her students but especially on behalf of her language learners and her students with learning differences. And then she did what so many teachers don't do...she shared her hard work with her team so that ALL students - not just hers - would benefit.
Cropper cared about kids, and she often talked about her concerns with us in an effort to come up with a plan that would help them. These conversations weren't just about grades or learning - they often carried over into concerns about what kids were going through outside of school or how to build skills they would need moving forward in order to be successful in life.
Robin taught the whole kid - not just science.
She will be missed, but she will never be forgotten.
Jill E.
I always ran into Robin in the copy room. We would discuss college football, especially the SEC. Her love and loyalty to her team was shown proudly. She would usually make my day by sharing a funny story or something fun she had done the previous weekend. She was so real, fun, and happy. I will certainly miss seeing her. It was clear to me that she loved her 8th grade Science team. She was well liked by other teachers in the district, Renner teachers, and of course by the 8th grade team.
Lauren A.
Robin and I shared the love of music, but one experience with Robin that epitomizes her heart was the night we both attended a concert and my car wouldn't start. I left before the concert was quite over. I telephoned her, she was still in the cafeteria (probably visiting with current and former students in attendance). Not only did she hear the call, but she answered the call and came right out to help. In the parking lot, in the dark, in the drizzling rain we put our 2 old cars together. I took out my cables. She attached them. We/she jumped my car and waiting with me to be sure it was a good jump. We chatted until I told her my husband was in sight (He left home cause I'd called him as well).
A caring and always willing to lend a helping hand is just one of the many attributes of Robin Cropper. I will hear her voice, her laugh, and see her smile always. Sheer joy!
-Sharon W.
Lauren M.
Robin was not just a coworker but a dear friend. I loved her sense of humor and the “Psyche” games we played, sometimes during online meetings (shhhhh), were always hilarious and such stress relievers for me.
This past July, Robin joined a surprise Happy Birthday meeting on Zoom for me. When I saw Robin and my other beloved coworkers whom I was missing so much, I felt a happiness that I hadn’t felt in so long.
If you knew Robin, you knew she told it like it was, a quality I loved about her, and she cherished her friendships. I wanted to be in her presence because she lifted people up. She always made me feel special and good inside.
The summer of 2019 I invited her to my house for a get together. She was so bummed because she was in Florida on vacation and couldn’t make it. She sent me some of her vacay pics and I still have the picture she texted me of a guy (stranger on the beach) donning the most cringy mullet ever, lol. We both agreed that while his mullet needed to go, his confidence was pretty cool!
-Kelley L.
-Anna H.
Thank you for making me feel welcome and for hunting down a teacher desk for me.
-Traci V.
You caught me out of town with no purple clothes Robin. I love you so much. You will live on in so many hearts. I am blessed to have known your LOVE. Go girl. You’re the BEST. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
-Debra Phelps
The thing I will never forget about Robin is her laugh. It captured her joy and absolute zest for life. When Robin threw her head back, she laughed completely and it brought in everyone around her. I was so looking forward to working with her this year in 8th grade. While I'm sad I didn't get to know her better, I'm grateful for all the small exchanges of humor and sarcasm that brought some light to my days when I needed them most. I will never forget Robin.
Kelly N.
Lisa W.
Dear Robin,
You were one of the brightest spirits of positivity I have ever known. I will never forget you, dear. Thank you so much for bringing joy, laughter, and kindness to this world. It is so difficult not seeing you next door. I will miss your tickling, big hugs, breakfast tacos, donuts, and all of your surprise goodies. It was so much fun peeking into your room every day, chatting, and being SILLY with you. We created so many beautiful memories together. You have touched so many lives in such a small period of time. I am very fortunate to have you as my friend. I miss everything about you. Love you so much, Robin Cropper!!
The hallways are quiet,
But I can hear the Heavens celebrating.
I can see the glowing smile and hear the laughter.
The room feels so dark but the sky's are shinning brightly.
Taken from us way to soon
Was a leader that will not be forgotten.
Her character and charisma was like no other.
With a heart full of love and laughter.
She could enter a room and make you laugh,
and even do it from the outside classroom window.
We will wipe and away the tears and we will be strong.
We will focus on the positives of life and enjoy the moments.
When we tell a joke and we will laugh.
We will do all this because we know that she is here with us.
How can one person make a difference in this world. We will live it like Robin and have a loving heart, caring mind, and a great sense of humor everyday.
Who dat teacher that made you laugh?
Who dat teacher that took on the challenge of the harder kids?
Who dat teacher with the Bingo card?
Who dat teacher with her face in your window?
Who dat teacher that made a lasting impression?
Dat was Robin Cropper. Dat who.
My favorite Crop moment. I was sitting in my classroom after school. I looked up and CROP was standing in the window pointing to the sky, but not with her pointer finger (Lol). I just fell out laughing. Her crazy humor and wit made her fun to be around. Anytime you were around her, you couldn’t help but smile. Her personality was larger than life, but so was her heart. She was passionate about helping ALL of her students succeed. The way that she supported ESL students will be missed. She wasn’t easy, but she was fair. The halls of Renner will never be the same.
Karen B.
For some reason, I would always run into Robin in the copy room. I’ve got friends and family that are LSU people and I’ve been to LA quite a bit, so we spent WAY too much time talking about gumbo, etouffee, and the crazy weather. I’m going to miss saying ‘geaux Tigers’ in the hall way.
Mark L.
I first met Cropper when she did her student teaching at Wilson. Immediately she jumped in and took over as if she’d been there all along. The kids grew to love her as their own teacher as opposed to someone who was only there for a few months. And just as the kids grew to love her the staff quickly learned she was someone we could count on and rely on to jump into our classrooms on a minutes notice and take over regardless of the subject we all taught. I would never imagined all those years ago that I would end up reuniting with her here at Renner as a team mate and friend. Her passion for her work and for the kids was immeasurable. Any kid who entered your class instantly knew they were going to have fun, learn, and be cared for without judgment. Her work in science fair was not seen by many, but in trips to San Antonio and more recently College Station, her care and support for students was more than evident. She made sure to capture moments and celebrate the kids as if they were her own, because to her, they were. She was a workhorse in the best way possible. Our 8th grade science team was built on trust and reliability in knowing that any one of us knew what needed to be done without having to ask or explain and she was always quick to jump in and take over a task. I will miss mornings where she would pop in to bring me a sausage mcmuffin or breakfast taco just because…because that’s who she was. She cared for the people around her and never met a stranger. I’ll miss the What up Yo and answers to my questions in rap songs and lyrical verse, I’ll miss her ‘take care of it’ attitude and dedication to our team, but most of all, I’ll miss my friend.
She was such an amazing teacher and coworker! The kids adored her and the staff loved her. I will never forget how much she made everyone laugh.
-Sara A.
Robin was such a fun person. She was easy to get along with and always had a smile on her face. We used to love to talk trash about each other's sports teams, especially when they were playing each other. She was kind enough to answer all my stupid questions about fantasy football. My most satisfying ff win was when I beat her team (this was of course due to me getting a lucky auto draft). She will be dearly missed!
Cindy S.
I remember talking with Robin at the start of school last year, 2019. She was talking about a cruise she had taken with her Mother and what a great time they had. It was a nice conservation and a good memory to recall. Robin talked about enjoying the cruise experience.
Brian G.
Even a migraine can’t stop me from reppin’ Robin’s favorite colors!
It’s hard to pick out a story that reminds me of what Robin means to me and how amazing of a person she was because she’s impacted me in so many ways. From her immense passion for teaching and making sure kids were always the priority, her positive attitude and joy she shared with others, to the things she always did to look out for others (big and small), they all paint a picture of one of the most beautiful souls I’ve ever known. One thing that reminded me of Robin recently, happened on the first day of school this year. My wife, Elaine, had the suggestion to go get a special breakfast to kick off the school year (as if we needed another excuse to avoid preparing food at home). When she asked, I had to pause for a moment because what immediately rushed to my mind was how Robin would always bring breakfast to our collaborative team on the first day back to professional development. The food was always something tasty too, something she knew we would enjoy, because for her, getting to know people and being able to truly relate to them was one of her super powers that just came naturally. Her ability to build relationships was evident in her interactions with the kids, with colleagues, and anyone that was in her presence. I’ll admit, I was spoiled working with her, because what we had wasn’t a typical collegial working relationship. Robin became like family and if you ever had the chance to witness one of our collaborative planning meetings, you would have wondered how we accomplished so much as a team between the “Hey fool” or slang we said to each other, the boisterous laughter from jokes (we always had to have the door closed), or busting into a random rap song that was triggered by our conversation. The example Robin set of how to always laugh in situations, be real, and look out for others will always remain with me. The best thing I can think to do is share her legacy with others and pay it forward because that’s what she would have done.
Every time I think of Robin, I remember her with a big smile. Even though this is only my third year in Renner, she made an impression on me. Last school year, I had an awful day. I was out for two days, and when I came back, I was standing at my door, and Robin passed by and hugged me. She didn’t have to say anything. The next day when I got to my classroom, I found muffins on my desk from her. We did not have the opportunity to hang out outside the school. We had different lunches, taught different subjects, and did not have the opportunity to spend much time together, other than the small conversations we shared while making copies. Even then, she always greeted me with a big smile, invited me to the faculty choir practices, and went out of her way to try to make me feel welcome at my new job. That is the kind of person that she was—the type of person that went out of her way for others selflessly. Kind, funny, pleasant, caring, selfless, sweet... after only two years, those are the words that come to mind when I think of Robin.
Marlen Q.
I am so sad that I did not know Robin. I saw her name on some classroom meeting groups but our paths never crossed. I will definitely wear purple in her honor. She was obviously a wonderful person and loved by the faculty and staff at Renner.
Ann K.
My fondest memories of Robin where the after work gatherings playing psych and laughing together at jokes I should likely not repeat. Her sense of humor will be missed.
Ryan K.
I have so many wonderful memories of Cropper and it seems as I go through story after story, they all end in laughter. One day I was teaching Anne Frank. My most challenging class was quiet...scary quiet, riveted by the weight of the Holocaust and the fear Anne was facing. They were listening, they were engaged, and I knew they were getting it. Just then, Cropper walked by my door and in the little glass section, smashed her face up against it blowing up her cheeks and looking ridiculous. My class erupted in laughter and I turned around to see my friend's ridiculousness framed in a 4x24 inch window. I couldn't help but laugh. Cropper made you remember what was important. In the midst of sadness, there can be humor. Serious moments need to be had, but not for too long. We need to smile. We need to remember that this life is short and not worth living without love, and joy, and laughter. Cropper brought all of these things to me, her coworkers, her friends, but most of all, her students.
She was the teacher that loved the "unlovable."
She was the teacher who reached the emotionally disturbed kids. They drew her pictures and she hung them up. She saw them.
She knew trauma and knew that kids with trauma didn't need the periodic table or concept checks. They needed love.
She was the teacher that kids ran back from lunch (sometimes leaving lunch early) to wait outside her door and resume class.
She was the teacher that overlooked other teachers' opinions about a child and found a way to love them and make them feel seen.
She was the teacher that the "rough" kids loved.
She was the teacher that made students' days better.
She was the quiet leader that never sought recognition or titles. She gave recognition. She was a giver. This world was more beautiful when my friend was in it.
I miss my friend.
Julia H.
Robin was my first phone call while I was in tears on the last day of school last year, sad of how it all ended. We went out for drinks & shared all of our good memories of the school year. I’ll forever be grateful for her that day & every day.
Robin was also my Taurus sister from another mister (along with Well)! We got our group together to celebrate our birthdays mid (dare I say the word...) Edgenuity schooling to relax, celebrate, & soak up each other’s awesomeness. I will never forget how special these ladies made me feel that day, & when later in the evening Robin & I got into an orange slice fight & started throwing them at each other 😂 The orange slap heard around the world...
Megan H.
When Robin and I started at Renner five years ago she was one of the first teachers I considered a friend--it might've been because I saw her so much as I printed--piece by piece--the ENTIRE periodic table for an amazing bulletin board she was creating. Although the library and her classroom was a quarter mile distance from each other, she always made a point to stop by the library to say hi when she made the trek down the hallway. She's the type of person who when I said I was feeling down on my bday in June, she got my address so she could send me a milk and cookie delivery. She always looked out for others and did so much to brighten people's lives--whether through a drink on a patio, a good joke, bingo or a joke during meetings. I'm going to miss waking up to funny memes, gifs, and messages from her, I'll miss her smile and her laugh, and whenever I see anything LSU I'll think of her.
Katie A.
Robin was such an awesome teacher and person! I was blessed to have worked with her. She had such a fun sense of humor, always dressing up in hilarious costumes for Red Ribbon Week or Pajama day. She enjoyed making people laugh with her crazy outfits or witty comments, and laugh we did!
Robin was also a compassionate teacher who really cared about her students. I remember being in a parent conference when she broke down crying because she felt so bad for her student whose dad was in prison. In the classroom, she always went above and beyond to support the ESL students who struggled with the science concepts as well as the language.
I hold her in high regard, and I will miss her.
Lori R.
Happy Birthday Augusters!
Kevin Kelln 8/2
Brad Allcorn 8/5
Jenna Park 8/5
Anna Hensley 8/9
Brandi Shrier 8/14
Crystal Tutson 8/14
Matthew Reisinger 8/22
Tragsdale 8/23
Sue Boisvert 8/24
Erin Gardner 8/25
Martha Gonzalez 8/25
**Weekly Class Schedule: Synchronous & Asynchronous**
A handful of PISD choir directors got together and made a video of how NOT to participate in Google Meet classes for our kiddos. It's definitely more funny than it is actually educational, and definitely choir based, but I thought other teachers could relate and get a laugh out of it:
Quick Admin Reminders
If you have your google classroom codes on your web page, please take them down. We are wanting to avoid any class-crashers.
Sign In/Sign Out (see below)
Everyone needs to sign in and out of the building each and every day. If you need a sign outside of your door for a reminder, let Dot know. Clearly, admin can't remember and signs were put outside of their doors.
**Benefits 20-21 Enrollment is OPEN UNTIL TODAY**
Action is required for all employees. You must either enroll or decline coverage online. Login to TEAMS Employee Service Center to complete enrollment or decline coverage.
Don't forget to sign in daily...
Staff Only Google Classroom for Technology
*There is now a Google Classroom setup where we will put all remote learning resources. This will minimize the various emails, but give you access to all of the technology helpsheets, videos, links, etc. If there is something that you would like to share with staff/add to the classroom, let Katie Aycock know and she will add you.
**Here is the Code for GC is zh27c24**
Do you need help with technology? Click on below link for direct support info.
Per Katie Aycock!
I can also say that I have personally gone to them for help twice and the first time someone got back to me within a couple hours and a couple days ago they got back to me within 18 hours, so they’re pretty quick with their responses.
You can also schedule an appointment with one of them and get same day help—for example, right now Lilly Jensby has appointments from 11-12:15 today so for that teacher that need same-day help they can check the availability of appointments which might get them a faster response than email.
**Link is BELOW to their website. If you click on their “About Me” it says what techy certifications they have so if a teacher has a question about a particular app they can email that specialist.**
Positive Feedback from a Parent
I would like to thank you guys for all the dedication and hard work you had to do to make this virtual learning environment work for our kids. Saying that it just works is an understatement, the new format that is being used now is a vast improvement over the system that you guys had to use at the end of last school year. Thank you guys, I am so thankful that during this crazy time I don’t have to worry about (student) getting an engaging education. You all have done a wonderful job at providing that and more, so thank you again and I hope you have a great morning.
Staff Favorites List!
Hi! I am the campus REP for ATPE.
ATPE stands for: Association of Texas Professional Educators
Do you buy a house or rent an apartment without insurance? Do you drive your car without insurance? Being a part of any teacher organization gives you the protection you need in any unprecedented situation. ATPE provides you liability insurance by simply the cost of a takeout meal once a month. There are several options to sign up. You can pay online for a discounted rate, you can use payroll and have 12 deductions, or you can pay in full by check. All pricing can be found on the application or on ATPE website. Our Plano Local ATPE provides monthly social events for our members, opportunities for you to attend different region socials, and will pay for you to attend Summit- the biggest convention for any teacher organization. We know this year looks so different, but we will have creative ways to still make all of these events happen! Please, let me know if you have any questions.
Your Campus Rep,
Sara Andrade, CALT
Academic Specialist
(469) 752-5892
(brochure below)
PART 2: PARKING WARS!!! Trags vs Dot...and JINGLES?!?!
...and the story continues...
Now ya'll know I couldn't let that slide so I made sure to do my part (Picture 2 and Picture 3 below).
Upon my re-entry of the building from reorganizing the cone-age around the Jingles & Trags' cars, I encountered an obstacle course (see video below). Unfortunately and fortunately, I was able to easily maneuver around it.
How did the day end, you wonder?
I was successful, of course. While Jingles and Trags were removing the cone-age from around their cars I was able to celebrate my victory by driving around them twice (waving) and speeding off toward home...(well not really speeding, a small bit of an acceleration...calm down McCann.)
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Re-Entry Video
New Staff Spotlight: Meet Arien Hardin!
Hello Renner family! My name is Arien Hardin, and I am thrilled to be joining the Renner family this year. I have joined the Special Education team as a para. Most of my spare time before the pandemic was spent with family and friends out being adventurous. Now, most of my free time consists of a ton of binge-watching on Netflix and working out. I'm so excited to be here and I look forward to a great year at Renner and meeting all of you!
Please Join the Renner PTA!
Dear Renner Teachers and Staff,
Thank you ALL for your hard work in getting this 2020-2021 school year off to a great start! We are excited for another amazing year at Renner, albeit a challenging one! Please know that we are here to support you in any way that we can!
We hope you will join us this year and help us achieve recognition again as a Texas PTA Golden Apple campus with 100% faculty and staff participation in our PTA. As a faculty/staff member, your PTA dues are only $6.00. Membership dues directly fund teacher grants/wish list items and appreciation projects, teacher treats, parent and student programs, website and enews communications, and much more!
Below is a direct link to the faculty membership form where you can join PTA:
If you are a Texas PTA Life Member, please contact me at membership@rennerpta.org to receive your promotional/discount code for this school year. Please include in your email the name of the school and year that you were awarded Life Member.
Thank you for your support of Renner PTA! We look forward to working with you to help our students, school, teachers, and staff achieve their very best this year! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance!
Why Join?
-Support the Renner Community
-Our PTA is the best
-Teacher Treats (every 9 weeks)
-Teacher Grants/Wish List
-Huge Teacher appreciation Week in May
-and much more!
Best regards,
Kara Grimes
4th VP - Membership, Renner PTA
PE Team
PE has made a lot of adjustments over the last couple of weeks, and this team has been KILLIN' IT ya'll!! I am over the moon happy to be a part of this team, and have the opportunity to work with people who love each other, love what they do, and love kids BIG TIME. RONA PE SQUAD, AYYYYEEEEE-OH!!
Beth Ridley
Beth has been working so hard to get her online classes set up. She is so dedicated to her students and our SPED team! Thanks for everything you have done Beth!
Lauren McKellar
She works really hard! She is so dedicated and gives it her absolute all day after day. You are appreciated!
Wendy Oliva
Wendy has done an amazing job getting connected with kids. She has been working super hard to complete all SPED paperwork and organize her online lessons. You are doing great Wendy!
Renner Faculty
Thank you Renner faculty, from a newbie, for all your patience, grace, and support. The transition into a new school this year has been effortless and special (even with COVID). Everyone has made me feel SO appreciated and a part of the Mustang family. We are definitely "A League of Our Own!"
Chrysanthie Yianitsas
San is amazing! She has extended her abilities, skills and kindness across grade levels and curriculums to anyone who needed guidance and help to get started! I just love how she gets in there and organizes, resolves and creates so many helpful items. Her ability as an educator would be equal to a 20 plus year teacher and this is her 3rd year of teaching. I am impressed and in awe!
Julia Hayter
Julia's least favorite thing is tech, so digital learning has been especially difficult for her. She is really branching out of her comfort zone and is pushing herself daily to learn and grow for her kiddos. Keep it up boo! We see your hard work!
Traci Vicente
Traci is the best person to brainstorm with! She has great ideas and will always make you laugh! Good to have you here at Renner Traci!
Sharon Williams
Sharon is doing a great job at being a supportive, involved team member - even from home! Thanks for being so flexible and going with the flow!
Sara Andrade
Thank you for delivering snacks on Friday!
Nancy Slater
Nancy has been coming everyday and working so hard! She has been so helpful to me and is constantly a positive wonderful person to work with!
Athulya Bright
Wow! I can’t say enough amazing things about Ms. Bright. She has taken a new role and is thriving. So lucky to work and brainstorm with her! Thank you for everything you have done!
Erin Gardner
She is the most positive person! It’s amazing to work and collaborate with someone so kind, smart, and hard working!
Ann Mathas, Shelley Hawkins, & Kandice Kelly
This team has been working super hard to be the best for their students. They are always willing to do whatever it takes to make sure their students are successful! So lucky to have these amazing women on my team!
Paula Sandoval
That attendance is no joke. She has been going above and beyond to get it down and accurate! Thank you for all that you do Paula!
Houmame Elmourabiti
Mr. E has been working tirelessly to get his students situated on google classroom and zoom. It’s inspiring to see his dedication to his student!
SPED Paraprofessionals
Thank you so much for always helping out when it’s needed! We appreciate how flexible and patient you are!
Nick Colombo
You are doing a great job! Thanks for working hard everyday!
Ernesto Frazer
We are so lucky to have you on campus this year! Thanks for always showing up ready to tackle anything that comes your way!
Julia Hayter
Julia has helped me with anything and everything since the first day I met her. She stops by every day to check in. She is amazing!
Maru Lopez
Maru has registered eleventy billion students and is still going! She's working nonstop to help get kiddos in class and is still reaching out to our Spanish speaking families to help us communicate effectively with them. Muchas gracias!!
Jennifer Beall
She is an organizational wizard and so generous so share everything she creates with the campus.
Martha Gonzalez
Her positivity is contagious! What a fantastic addition to the Renner fam!
Marlen Quiroa
Marlen goes above.and.beyond when it comes to advocating for her students!
**At the end of this month, I will draw TWO names from the shout-out list who will receive an item from their Staff Favorites list.***
**To give a staff shout-out or two, please complete the form. It doesn't take long and it goes a long way to support one another. Link here: https://forms.gle/s5S2SzGgBQ6y7hea6*
Helpful Document: Google Tools for Special Needs
Final Thoughts.
Important Information:
Optional Technology Help for Teachers
PL and DLT will be providing additional training sessions and office hours in order to support our teachers. Teachers can sign up to attend Online Tools for Synchronous Learning: Google Meet and Zoom, one of the back-by-popular-demand sessions from Friday’s training. Additionally, the teams will be available to answer questions related to Zoom, Meets, and google Classroom during office hours. To see the full schedule and registration links, click here.
August 7 PL Sessions - Recordings Available
Thank you for your participation and engagement on Friday, August 7 District Day. Several of the sessions from this day were recorded and are now available for viewing. Teachers may access the recordings of these sessions in this folder. If prompted, please sign into Google Drive using your PISD login information.
Core Store
Launched in 2016, the CORE Store has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars in supplies and classroom materials to teachers throughout Plano ISD. The CORE Store allows teachers to shop for additional school supplies for their students at no cost. The Foundation was proud to adjust our services during the COVID-19 closures and deliver school supplies to over 900+ families during the Spring Semester. We continued to provide supplies directly to families by partnering on the district’s Back to School Fairs. Our next phase will include teacher shopping days in the CORE Store. We will limit shoppers to 6 teachers at a time and we ask that shoppers do not arrive early. Please plan to view the shopping list in advance and plan ahead since shoppers will only be allowed 20 minutes. More information on how to utilize the CORE Store can be found at https://www.pisd.edu/corestore.
Fall Shopping Days:
- September 16 & 18 2:00-6:00pm for 20 minute increments
- September 19 9:00am-2:00pm for 20 minute increments
Employee Crisis Fund
The mission of the Employee Crisis Fund is to provide a source of financial assistance to Plano ISD employees who are facing an emergency situation and are unable to handle immediate short-term financial obligations associated with the crisis. If you find yourself in this situation, please visit our website to learn how you can submit a request for assistance. At Plano ISD, we are dedicated to caring for our PISD family.
Step by Step Instructions: Making Parent Email Groups for Outlook
Copyright Info
I was looking up a copyright situation for a teacher just a minute ago and came across this great link from the Library of Congress about what remote learning teachers can post online and how it applies to copyright: https://blogs.loc.gov/copyright/2020/03/teaching-from-a-distance-and-copyright-considerations/
Cool Online Teaching Tips
Good Info:
- Direct Deposit: Please use link provided to submit changes online https://myforms.pisd.edu/Forms/directdeposit
- W-4: Please use link provided to submit changes online https://myforms.pisd.edu/Forms/W4_2020-standalone
- Payroll Questions: If an employee has a payroll related question, please have them send an email to payroll@pisd.edu.
Positive Phone Calls
Form here: coming soon
**Please make sure to include the student's entire first and last names when filling out the form.