9.6.24 Middle Level Newsletter
Sept 6, 2024

Important Dates
Tuesday, Sept 10
Middle School Picture Day
Sept 16-20
Homecoming Week
Friday, Sept 27
Half Day for Students - 10:45 a.m. Dismissal
Middle School Choir Singing National Anthem at Football Game
Wednesday, Oct 2
Count Day
Tuesday, October 15
Fall Band Concert
Cedar Springs High School Auditorium at 7 p.m.
Thursday, October 17
Fall Choir Concert
Cedar Springs High School Auditorium at 7 p.m.
Important Attendance and Message Procedures
Please call the attendance line if your student will be absent. For medical or dental appointments, please have your student bring a doctor’s note when they return to school.
If you need to leave a message for your student at the end of the day, please call the middle school office by 2 p.m.
Middle School PIcture Day
Middle School picture day is on September 10. There won't be a formal order form sent home. Geskus will mail or email a proof after picture day, and parents or guardians will place orders online directly with Geskus. Please avoid having your student wear green, as a green screen will be used for the backdrop.
Get ready for Fitness Palooza, kicking off on September 3rd!
We're raising money to support our students, and we need your help. All proceeds will go towards student activities, school culture initiatives, spirit wear, and unique extracurricular experiences. Look for more information coming home with your student on September 3, 2024.
As students collect donations, they’ll have the chance to earn prizes, and the top classroom in each grade level will win an ice cream or pizza party! Let's make this a great event for our students!
Post-Graduation Opportunities Informational Packets
The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) has partnered with the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) and other statewide stakeholders to develop the organization of resources on LEO’s Pathfinder resources page to comply with the requirements of MCL 380.1293 (Public Act 88 of 2022), post-graduation opportunities informational packet, which is now available.
Pathfinder is an online career exploration and planning tool to help increase the number of Michigan residents with high-quality, in-demand degrees and credentials by providing information to students to make informed choices about educational and career options. As such, it houses the compilation of resources and creates a centralized location for decision-making information.
Athletics Week of Sept 9
Monday, Sept 9
- 7th Grade Volleyball vs. Kenowa Hills (Away)
- 8th Grade Volleyball vs Kenowa Hills (Home)
- A teams play at 4 p.m./B teams play at 5 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept 10
- Cross Country at Allendale
Wednesday, Sept 11
- 7th Grade Volleyball vs. Lowell (Away)
- 8th Grade Volleyball vs Lowell (Home)
- B teams play at 4 p.m./A teams play at 5 p.m.
- Football vs. Greenville (Away)
- 7th Grade plays at 5 p.m./8th Grade plays at 6:30 p.m.
- Sideline Cheer at Greenville
Fall Sports Pictures (Coaches will hand out order forms)
Middle School Red Hawk Athletic Contacts
Middle School Athletic Director, Shelly Alvarez, 616-696-9100 ext 6901
Middle School Secretary, Jodie Amell, 616-696-9100 ext 6909