MVS Family News
Blazing our own path to excellence!
Thursday, October 24th
Quarter 2 is underway! Keep working hard!
You should have received your Quarter 1 Report Card via email on Friday. You may also access it through PowerSchool. Please see the directions below, if you need help.
Go M@VS!
:0) Mrs. Bishop
Upcoming Dates
October 24-- MCS CO and MVS Ribbon Cutting- 4:00
November 1-- TN Promise applications due (Seniors)
November 4-- Financial Aid presentation for senior parents, MHS auditorium- 5:30
December 4-- TN Promise Scholarship Mandatory Meeting @ MHS Cafeteria- 4:00 (Seniors)
Report Cards for Quarter 1- Five Ways to See It
- Check your email. Last Friday you received two emails from Maryville Virtual School <noreply@loopmessaging.io> and <notification@target.brightarrow.com> with the grade card as an attachment. Click on the link at the bottom of the email. If you do not see this email, please check your Clutter and make sure that the address above is not blocked or on your Junk Mail list.
- Login to your parent PowerSchool account on a computer. Your student’s Q1 Report Card is saved within PowerSchool and can be viewed using the account you created for yourself. Go to https://ps.maryvillecityschools.k12.tn.us/public and login. Click on Student Reports on the left menu bar and click on the Archived Report called 23-24 Q1 Report Card.
- Ask your student to login to PowerSchool on their laptop. Students can also access their grade card through their PowerSchool login. Students access PowerSchool by going to Login, logging into ClassLink, and clicking on PowerSchool- Students. Click on Student Reports on the left menu bar and click on the Archived Report called 23-24 Q1 Report Card.
- Ask your student to check their email. Your student was also emailed the grade card. They can follow the directions above to open and view it, as well.
- Look for a Envelope. We are mailing out report cards and graduation contracts to students this week.
Ribbon Cutting at MCS Cenral Office/ MVS
🎓 Upper School: Grades 9th-12th
Current Dual Enrollment Students
Parents of current dual enrollment students: please have your child log in to their MyPellissippi account to check midterm grades. Please take a screenshot and send to MVS. Also, PSCC registration for Spring semester opens today, so be sure to register for your spring classes and email MVS a screen shot.
Graduation Cap and Gown Ordering
It's hard to believe that the time has come to order your senior's cap and gown for graduation. Herff Jones should have already sent you an email regarding the ordering process. If you haven't received the email you can find our special MVS Herff Jones web store by clicking here. All orders need to be placed before December 1st to ensure enough production and delivery time. The website can be a little confusing so here are the steps to reach the section to order the cap and gown.
- Click the Herff Jones link here.
- Click "Grad Gear & Apparel."
- Scroll to the bottom for Graduation Essentials.
- Purchase item shown below.
Seniors- Interested in TN Tech?
Tennessee Tech University is hosting the Knox County “Tech to You” event on Tuesday, October 29, 2024. This event is a fantastic opportunity for your student to explore various programs offered at Tennessee Tech, chat about scholarships, admissions, and much more!
The event will take place at The Foundry in Knoxville from 6:00-7:00 EST. Students can register at https://www.tntech.edu/admissions/events/tech-to-you.php.
Financial Aid Expert Presentation at MHS for Seniors
Erika Adams, our TSAC specialist and financial aid expert, will be at MHS on Monday, November 4, and she will make a parent presentation in the auditorium at 5:30 pm. Presentation content will include FAFSA completion details and TN state aid information. All senior parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Pellissippi Open House about Dual Enrollment
The Blount County Campus of Pellissippi State is hosting an open house for students and families interested in learning more about dual enrollment opportunities on October 29th from 5-7pm. In addition to the programs listed on the flyer, students will also have an opportunity to learn about the future Aviation A&P program. This program is still in the final approval stages so PSTCC is not able to officially advertise just yet, but those who attend the Dual Enrollment Open House will be able to learn more about this exciting new program as well as many others offered at our Blount County Campus.
Tennessee Governor's School
Applications for all 11 Tennessee Governor’s School programs opened on October 1, 2024, for the 2025 summer programs. Each program offers a unique learning environment for students interested in one of the following disciplines: the arts, humanities, agriculture science, STEM programs, advanced mathematics, physics, leadership, international studies, Tennessee history, or potential teaching careers. Each university host site offers a challenging and high-intensity program for rising 11th and 12th grade students nominated by high school faculty. Applications for the 2025 Governor's School Program
TN Promise Scholarships
TN Promise is a last dollar scholarship to community college or technical school in the state of TN (Pellissippi, Roane State, Walter State, TCAT). Applications due by November 1 online at www.TNPromise.gov. Students must also complete the FAFSA by April 15 (FAFSA required for other state scholarship programs as well). As a part of the TN Promise program, students will be assigned a mentor through our partner agency, TN Achieves; students will be required to complete 8 hours of community service from November 2- July 1; and students must attend MANDATORY meetings (The first meeting is December 4 at 4:00 pm in the MHS Cafeteria.)
More info on TN Promise:
- TN Promise Scholarship Introduction Video
- TN Promise Requirement Flyer
- TN Promise Application Steps
- Please note, students without a TSAC account must first create an account prior to completing the TN Promise application. The TN Promise application is housed within the student’s TSAC account so for some students completing the application may be a two-step process.
UT Promise Scholarship
UT Promise is a last-dollar scholarship for students accepted into an undergraduate program at UT Knoxville, Chattanooga, Martin, Memphis (Health Science Center) or Southern (Pulaski). If you are interested in attending a UT System institution next fall, please complete the UT Promise application by December 16, 2024! (Please click here for information on all eligibility requirements! Please note, students must qualify for the HOPE scholarship and have a family household income under $75,000 as determined by FAFSA to receive UT Promise funding.
For UT Promise eligibility, students must complete the following steps!
- Apply for TN Promise at TNPromise.gov by November 1, 2024.
- Submit a UT Promise application by December 16, 2024.
- Apply for undergraduate admission to UT institution(s) of choice by December 16, 2024.
- UT Knoxville Application
- UT Chattanooga Application
- UT Martin Application
- UTHSC Application (Memphis)
- UT Southern Application (Pulaski)
- Complete the Mandatory TN Promise Meeting requirement by March 15, 2025. Students are required to attend an assigned, in-person mandatory meeting December 2024 – February 2025. Meetings are assigned based on the high school listed on the TN Promise application; please click here for the full meeting schedule.
- Complete the 2025-2026 FAFSA by April 15, 2025 using 2023 tax information. The 2025-2026 FAFSA application is expected to open by December 1, 2024.
- Submit 8 hours of community service to tnAchieves by July 1, 2025. Students can submit hours completed from August 1, 2024* to July 1, 2025.
- *This is new this year! Students can begin completing hours as soon as the TN Promise application opens; however, the community service submission form will not be available until November 4, 2024.
- Complete financial aid verification with UT institution of choice by July 1, 2025. Financial aid verification must be fully completed (not just submitted for review), the UT Promise award must be accepted and the agreement signed by the campus freeze date. Failure to complete these steps will result in UT Promise scholarship ineligibility.
- Enroll as a full-time student at a UT institution fall 2025. It is important that students are in close contact with their institution of choice prior to the start of the fall semester to ensure all necessary steps to begin classes in the fall are complete.
Keep in mind, UT Promise functions separately from TN Promise and can only be used for universities in the UT system. Final eligibility will be determined by the University of Tennessee after the July 1, 2025 community service deadline.
Upcoming Dates of Interests for Seniors
10/23, 6:00-7:30 pm: UTC Power C Tour
10/26: Big Orange Preview
11/1: UTK Early Action Admissions Deadline (also deadline to be considered for competitive scholarships!)
11/1: TN Promise application deadline
11/2: Blue and Gold Preview Day at UTC
11/2: ETSU Fall Open House
11/2: Fall Preview Day at UT Martin
11/2: MTSU True Blue Preview
11/4 at 5:30 pm: Financial Aid presentation for senior parents, MHS auditorium
11/12: 7:00 pm: Navigate to ETSU
11/15: UTK Early Action Completion Deadline
11/16: Meet Maryville College Open House
11/16: Pellissippi Preview Day at Hardin Valley campus (Students earn TN Promise community service hours by attending this event!)
**These colleges will have representatives at Maryville High School on these days, normally from 9:55 to 10:15 PM. Please double check SchoolLinks for days & times. (Login through ClassLink, choose SchoolLinks, and click on Events. See picture below) If you are a MVS junior or senior and want to visit with the representative, please check in at MHS front desk and then make your way to their guidance office.
Community Connections
BJ's Wholesale Membership Discount
BJ’s Wholesale is supporting Maryville Virtual School in a fundraiser. Purchase your new BJ’s membership now at discount pre-opening prices
With each new membership purchased through this program BJ’s will contribute $10 to our team!
The NEW MEMBER Offer: Only $20- 12 months for the Club Card. (Regularly $55.)
How to Sign Up or Renew: Call #: 800-313-8887
- And reference the promo code 814014
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday from 9:00am-6:00pm EST
- Expires Dec. 31, 2024
Renewals are $50 for The Club Card and $100 for the Club Plus Card (Reg $55 and $110)
The pre- opening membership will be active immediately for online purchasing and will extend out for 12 months from the store opening date. So, you won’t lose any time on their membership by purchasing early, you will only save $$$. You may also use the membership at any other BJ’s location before the opening as well. Memberships can be picked up after activation at the BJ’s temp office 139 Foothills Mall Dr. Maryville, TN 37801 or at any BJ’s location.
See flyer below for more information.
Principal: Deana Bishop
Registrar/Bookkepper/Front Office: Jennifer Davis
Academic Support Center: Marissa Geter
IEPs/ 504s: Melissa Vagnier
Ready Graduate Advisor (9-12): Wes Lambert
School Resource Officer: Adam Cook
Tech Support for Hardware: Click on the "Student Tech Help" button in ClassLink or click here.