Newsletter 7th June 2022
Levin East School
Kia ora tātou,
I started writing this at school on Friday as I watched the amazing Showquest entries. Stunning. Simply stunning! I loved ours and also really enjoyed the Levin Intermediate production as well. A huge congratulations to the entire crew and cast for our first placing in the regional event. We are all very proud of you! We now look forward to the results of the national competition in July.
Next Monday, 13th June, we are running a swimming carnival for ALL YEAR 4 - 6 students which will include both fun events and competitive events. It will be a great session and we look forward to all children being involved - we do need more parents to make this happen. Please let us know if you can help and remind them to bring their togs and a towel.
Also next week, the 13th - 17th June is National Schools' Pride Week. We will again take this opportunity to celebrate the diverse range of children we have through some classroom-based activities. Please keep an eye out, especially on Hero, for the notice with more details.
Next week we also have our Scholastic Book Fair in the library. More details will be on Hero and our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/levineast.school.nz).
On Monday 4th July we have a Teacher Only Day - school is closed for students. Throughout this day, between 10:00am and 5:00pm, we are holding 3-way conferences where you meet with your child and their teacher(s) so they can share their learning. We will also have some times available on Tuesday 5th July between 3:20 and 5:20pm. See the information below for the link to make a booking. Our goal is to see 100% of families.
Have a great week, and stay safe and well.
Ngā mihi
Rikki Sheterline
3-Way Conference Bookings
To book, please go to www.schoolinterviews.co.nz and enter the code mx9sp or
click here: http://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/code/mx9sp
Whānau House Placings for Term 2 Week 5
1st: Murray Whānau House
2nd: Douds Whānau House
3rd: Good Whānau House
4th: May Whānau House
Congratulations: MURRAY Whānau House, winners last week.
Spare Clothing
Also, if you have any pants or trackies for children 8 and under that you could donate to us, we would really appreciate it.
Lunch Orders
The shop no longer delivers orders to school nor are students allowed to collect from the shop at lunchtime.
Please drop in any orders to the office before 12.10pm and we will call the student over to collect it.
- Monday 13th June: Levin East School Swimming Sports (10:30 start)
- 13th - 15th June: National Schools' Pride Week
- Wednesday 15th June - Weds 22nd June: Scholastic Book Fair
- Thursday 20th June: Board of Trustees hui 6:00pm
- Friday 24th June: Matariki Holiday (School closed)
- Monday 4th July: Teacher Only Day - school closed for 3-way conferences
- Tuesday 5th July: 3-way conferences after school
- Friday 8th July: Term 2 ends (2:50pm - normal time)
- Monday 25th July: Term 3 starts (pōwhiri at 9:15am)
Telephoning the office on 06 3687494 and leaving a message on the absence line.
Emailing: reception@levineast.school.nz
Texting: 021 1286225 or via the Levin East School App
Thank you.
This is how you access your child/ren’s reporting information.
We also use this app to keep you up to date with our community notices. Download ‘Hero by Linc-Ed’ at the app store and let us know if you need help from there.
TERM 2: 2 May - 8 July
TERM 3: 25 July - 30 September
TERM 4: 17 October - 15 December
Wild Rose Florist
Mainfreight Levin
Email: MFTLevin@mainfreight.co.nz
LZ Tech Services
Email: lzts2018@gmail.com