Mayo News

Hello Mayo Families!
I had a fantastic time on Friday at the End of Year Social. The turnout was amazing and my dogs, Louie and Russ, had so much fun they fell asleep on the way home. Our PTA did it again - creating a fun family event (even though I was “schooled” on the hula-hoop!). The music was great and it was heartwarming to see teachers and students alike enjoying themselves. I loved seeing incoming Kindergarten siblings, students reading their Book Fair books, and the kids playing and enjoying treats from the food trucks.
We are moving on our next school event - Field Day. Be sure your child has a water bottle, is dressed for the weather, and has sunscreen applied before coming to school. Each grade level is assigned a color for Field Day! Wear anything you have in your grade level color!!
Grade 5 will wear their 5th Grade 2024 Green Mayo Shirts
Grade 4 will wear Green
Grade 3 will wear Purple
Grade 2 will wear Blue
Grade 1 will wear Yellow
Kindergarten will wear Red
Starting Tuesday we will be having the Spring Book Swap so all students are prepared for Summer Reading! Your child will visit the Book Swap during their regular Library period from Tuesday to Friday.
If you, or someone you know, has an incoming Kindergarten student, we will be having the Parent Orientation on WEDNESDAY 6/5/24 (4:00-4:30 in person, and 5:30-6:00 virtually). This event is geared to adults. The incoming K students will have a chance to see the classrooms and explore activities during the Kindergarten Dial Screening the following week.
Our final field trip will be this Friday when Grade 5 goes to Old Sturbridge Village. Check the weather and be sure your child is dressed appropriately.
I can't believe we only have 12 school days left! As we wind down, we in the process of organizing a WRSH Senior Walk. We will be inviting former Mayo students who are graduating in 2024 to wear their cap and gown for a Mayo Senior Walk so we can celebrate the accomplishments of our alumni!
I am attaching a voluntary Mayo Parent Survey in an effort to make Mayo the best it can be! We will review responses over the summer.
Thank you and have a great week!
Carolan Kasper
This form was emailed to families last week.
Dear Mayo Families,
I am sharing a form with you on behalf of AA Transportation, for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. This form is only needed if your child falls into any one of the categories below.
1) your child will be getting on or off the bus at an address other than their home address (daycare etc..)
2) Your child has two addresses (parents have different addresses)
3) your child will be in grades 1-3 during the 24/25 school year and has permission to get off the bus alone and this is indicated on the form (Students grades 1-3 will be brought back to school if no adult is present, unless an alternate transportation form is completed giving prior permission)
4) your child will be in grades 4-8 during the 24/25 school year and does NOT have permission to get off the bus unless an authorized person is present (if no form is received, your student will be allowed to disembark without an adult present)
Please complete the attached form and return it to Mayo. Forms can be sent in with your child or emailed directly to Mrs. Trefry at kelly_trefry@wrsd.net. Please turn in these forms by Friday June 14, 2024. If your child will be at Mt. View Middle School next year, please send the completed form to the middle school secretary Amy_Raymond@wrsd.net or Jennifer_Duggan@wrsd.net.
Just a reminder, these forms are only good for one school year, and any alternate stops previously put in place are removed at the end of each school year. Additionally, an updated list of authorized adults is needed each school year. (*If students can get off alone, no need to list authorized adults).
Thank you.
Carolan Kasper
Grades 3-5 Spring Concert
To 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders and Guardians:
It is time for our Spring Concert! Please join us at 10:00 am, June 12th, for a musical celebration of diversity and acceptance.
Students are asked to wear Mayo colors on top, and concert appropriate bottoms. Green is the preferred color for tops, but any combination of green and white is absolutely acceptable. Mayo shirts will work. The goal is to avoid buying anything and using what you have at home. While I suggest wearing khaki shorts (it can get very warm in the gym!), families should use their best judgment for bottoms. Please remember that students are above the audience and the length of shorts/skirts/dresses must be kept in mind. Students should hydrate well the morning of and the day before. Water bottles are suggested for before and after the concert.
Some helpful reminders:
The gym gets warm. Short sleeves and short bottoms are suggested.
Please eat a well balanced breakfast to give you energy.
All 3 - 5 grade students will be performing. Students will be in the areas next to the walls (please do not stand in the taped off area). Audience members will have space in the chairs and on the bleachers. Gym doors open to the audience at 9:40 AM.
We look forward to seeing you on June 12th!
Girls On The Run 5K
So proud of the efforts of our 4th and 5th grade Girls On The Run members! They did great at the Polar Park 5K. They even made Spectrum News!
Nursing Notes
IMPORTANT End of Year Info from Nurse Mangum
Allergy season is upon us! If your child experiences seasonal allergies, please ensure they take their allergy medicine at home before school. The health office does not have medicine for seasonal allergies. Eye drops before school can help your child have a better day. Please see "when to keep your child home" on the WRSD website for further guidance.
Please pick up your child’s medications by the last day of school at or before dismissal on Tuesday, June 18th. Parents or guardians must transport medications including prescription and over the counter medications. This includes parents and guardians of summer school students. Children are not allowed to transport medications of any kind including over-the-counter medications to and from school.
Medication paperwork must be renewed each year. Both a physician order and parent consent are required for medication administration at school. Please see the WRSD website for required health forms. Please deliver medications with accompanying physician orders and parent consents to the health office on or 2 days before the first day of school next Fall.
Field Trip Info
Field Trip season is almost done :(
Please check with your child's teacher for any food allergy restrictions in the class that may effect your child's packed lunch.
All Chaperones must have a valid and active CORI and WRSD volunteer badge. (No exceptions)
Thank you for your understanding.
Be sure to label your child's belongings!
Choose To Be Nice
JUNE is the month to show COURAGE
Here are some At-Home Activities to help your child understand the concept of Courage - being brave and dare to be nice even when it’s hard!
Our final Choose to Be Nice Celebration will be June 11th!
6/3 - Field Day
6/4- Book Swap starts (during regular Library time T-F)
6/4 - KP Author's Tea 2:00
6/5 - KL Author's Celebration 2:00
6/5 - New Kindergarten Parent Orientation (in person) 4-4:30
6/5 - New Kindergarten Parent Orientation (virtual) 5:30-6
6/6 - KM Author's Celebration 2:00
6/7 - Gr 5 Field Trip OSV
6/7 - KD End of Year Celebration 2:00
6/7 - Mayo Family Night at the Bravehearts
6/11 - CTBN Celebration: Courage
6/11 - WRHS Senior Walk for former Mayo students
6/11 - PTA Appreciation Meeting (Location: TBD) 6:30-7:30
6/12 - Spring Concert (Gr 3-5) 10:00-11:00
6/12 - Grade 5 End of Year Program for Families 11:30-12:15
6/12 - Last Day of K (full day)
6/13 & 6/14 - Kindergarten Screening
6/13 - Friendship Bracelet Workshop 3:45-4:45
6/14 - Grade 3 Wax Museum
6/14 - Grade 4 Windows on Wildlife visit
6/16 - Father's Day
6/18 - Moving Up & Last Day of School (1/2 day)
JUNE 2024 Lunch Menu
Bus Safety
1. not passing buses at any time on school grounds
2. dropping off students arriving by car in the back of the school.
3. only entering through the Front door or the Carpool door.
4. using caution and judgment at the front of the flagpole “rotary”.