Fremont Chargers Newsletter
October 27, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Fremont Families,
Thank you for supporting our ASB in Red Ribbon Week! We had great student and staff participation!
A HUGE Shout out and THANK YOU to our DI Boosters, Los Amigos de Fremont for hosting our annual Dia de los muertos event. We had a wonderful turnout!
We hosted our Charger Chat and our counselor, Ms. Madrigal shared various resources. You may access these below. Next we invite all families to our English Learner Advisory Council on Tuesday, October 29th at 8:15am. This is an in person meeting.
Lastly, get ready for our annual Hallowwen Parade on Wednesday, October 30th. Please see the information below if you are planning to attend. There is NO School on Thursday, October 31 and Friday, November 1. Thank you and be safe!
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me or the school office at 626-943-3360. Thank you for being an important part of our Fremont Family!
Warmest regards,
Dr. Carly Chavez, Ed.D. Principal
Red Ribbon Week!
Sports Day!
Red Ribbon Week
Thank you, ASB for Red Ribbon Spirit Week!
Please click here to access our Fremont School Site for all school information, highlights and announcements.
Fremont Mission Statement
Our mission at Fremont Elementary School is to nurture a positive learning environment that encourages equitable practices and active involvement in our students’ learning and social emotional development. We aim to prepare Life and Future Ready Learners through autonomy and collaborative learning, while providing the necessary tools and interventions to meet the unique needs of each student. Our commitment to celebrate diversity ensures an inclusive and supportive space where individual strengths and skills are honored and valued.
October School Calendar
Please note, Charger of the Month for October has been moved to November.
Upcoming Events
Save the Dates:
- October 29: English Learner Advisory Council Meeting at 8:15am
- Short Wednesday: October 30
- October 30: Halloween Parade
- October 31: Pupil-free day (Report Card prep)
Halloween Parade-Wednesday, October 30th at 8:15am
● Halloween costumes must comply with the AUSD Dress Code.
● Costumes may not include any weapons (guns, knives, swords, etc.), replica weapons, or toy weapons of any kind.
● Students may have a face covering (no face painting) for the Halloween Parade and must remove face coverings upon the conclusion of the parade.
● Students can choose to stay in their costume as long as he/she can sit, work, play safely and the costume is not a distraction.
● We cannot accept any candy donations.
Middle School News
Halloween Dance
Celebrate the end of the trimester and Halloween at our first ASB Middle School Dance! The dance is for all 6th through 8th graders and is hosted Wednesday, October 30th from 5 to 7pm in the cafeteria! Please see the attached flyer for more information about ticket sales and more! We can’t wait to see you there dressed in our best Halloween costume!!
Alternate Income Form
Please complete the AIF for Fremont Students! We are at 40% completion rate
Please take a moment to complete the Household Income Survey via your Parent Portal. This household income survey helps to ensure that our District and our school receive all the funding for which we are eligible to serve all students equitably. Every student in Alhambra Unified will continue to receive breakfast and lunch at no cost. Separate from the National School Lunch Program, this data may help students and schools qualify for additional state and federal funding to serve all students equitably and offer services such as free wireless hotspots, after-school programs, SAT/ACT fee waivers, lower rates for district's telecommunications, and grants.
Please visit AUSD AIF Form to complete the form. You will need to log into your Parent Portal Account. One form is required per student. If you require assistance, you can contact our Main Office for support
Fremont Bell Schedule for 2024-2025
Welcome Back!
Front Gates open at 7:30am. Breakfast is available daily from 7:30-7:55 am. The warning bell will ring at 7:55 am. Classes will begin at 8:00 am for all studenst (TK-8). Dismissal times and locations will vary. Our weekly shortened day will remain on most Wednesdays.
Volunteer Zone
Have you been cleared to volunteer at school?
Here are some upcoming volunteer opportunities:
Halloween Parade on October 30th ( sign up link )
Contact our Bilingual School Community Coordinators, Ms. Ming Tu and Mr. Omar Cova to find out how to get cleared to volunteer at school.
Parent Portal
Families are able to view students homeroom teacher through the Parent Portal prior to the first day of school. Please remember that the class placement is subject to change through the first days of school as we work towards leveling classes. The Parent Portal is critical in monitoring student academic progress and attendance throughout the school year as well as updating relevant information. It is vital that student contact information is updated such as current home address, primary and secondary phone numbers, medication and allergy information and emergency contacts. Click here to access the Parent Portal link.
School Safety: Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Reminder: DO not drive through or park in the staff parking lot located off Fremont street. Be mindful when parking on Elm and Ross streets-always reading posted traffic signs. Morning drop off and dismissal gates differ depending on the grade level for your child. Fremont Families, it is important to respect our neighbors and adhere to traffic safety laws, keeping our students safe off campus. Fremont is located on busy streets and we want to assure the safety of our students and staff.
Families please use caution and patience when dropping off and picking up your student(s). Please follow these recommendations:
Allow extra time to arrive at school, Drive slowly, Do not block traffic, Do not stop in the middle of the street to drop off or pick up
AUSD Policies and Procedures
School Uniforms
Uniform/Dress Code:
Information on the adopted Uniform for Fremont Elementary School.
Please contact the office and ask for an appointment to apply for a uniform waiver.
Uniform Waivers are valid for one school year
Physical Education, Grades 4-8:
Please do not have students wear Crocs to school on PE days (Mondays and Tuesdays). We need to think of safety over comfort. Students should be in comfortable athletic shoes on PE days.Technology Use
Technology : Lightspeed Parent Portal:
Lightspeed Parent Portal
The Lightspeed Parent Portal is available for guardians. This tool will allow guardians to monitor their child's most recent web browsing activities. Guardians will be able to opt into receiving weekly reports of their student’s internet usage and analytics. They will also have the ability to create a Lightspeed Parent Portal account, which will allow them to view their child’s browsing history for the last 7 days.
Step 1: Opt in to receive the usage reports
Step 2: Review the Lightspeed Parent Portal Guide
Please make sure chromebooks are charged daily. Teachers do not have extra chargers and only one extra unit assigned per classroom.
Please remind your student(s) to take care of their chromebook by packing it inside their backpack. They should not be etching on the chromebook or adding stickers or decals to the unit.
If a chromebook or charger is not working properly, damaged, and/or lost, please have the student report to their classroom teacher right away.
Cell Phones, "Off and Away"
AUSD is adopting the policy of “OFF and AWAY” for cell phones/electronics this school year.
- Cell phones should be “OFF and STORED AWAY” during school hours.
Airpods need to be OFF and STORED AWAY during school hours.
Smartwatches should be on school mode or airplane mode during school hours.
Kindly refrain from texting or calling your student during school hours. Call the office if you need to relay a message.
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS)
Character Strong: October character trait is RESPONSIBILITY
We will be continuing to implement PBIS at Fremont with our Behavior Expectation Matrix for the 3 R’s. We also will be continuing with Character Strong curriculum to support socioemotional learning.
Positive Attendance
Fremont School is working hard to improve our attendance this school year.
Please avoid scheduling vacations during instructional days. Remember to clear all absences.Attendance Matters; there are only 180 days in a school year!
Chronic Absenteeism (Education Code 60901) is when a student is absent for 10% or more of the school days in one school year, from the date of enrollment to the current date.
Chronic absenteeism includes all absences – excused and unexcused – and is an important measure because excessive absences negatively impact academic achievement and student engagement. The percentages below are based on 48 days of school (enrollment through 10/18/2024).
- 5 absences: 10%
- 6 absences: 12%
- 7 absences: 14%
- 8 absences: 16%
- 9 absences: 18%
- 10 absences: 20%
English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC) Parent Meeting
Please join us in person on Tuesday, 10/29 for our first English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meeting in person at 8:15 AM in classroom E14. Come meet our Bilingual School Community Coordinators, Ms. Ming Tu and Mr. Omar Cova. On the agenda: reviewing EL data and sharing program curriculum.
STEM Newsletter
See the STEM Newsletter to see all the exciting happenings at Fremont.
Fremont Staff and Faculty Spotlight
Free Tutoring Program!
Brainfuse 24/7 tutoring for ALL California K-12 students was launched through public libraries as a pilot program in 2022. The pilot program for ALL students is expiring, but they can still access it if they have a library card through a participating library. ANY California resident can get a library card from Alhambra Public Library and Los Angeles County Public Library and still access Brainfuse if they get either of those cards. For students who would benefit from tutoring (which is available in multiple languages), please encourage them to sign up for an Alhambra Public Library or LA County Public Library card.
Alhambra Library:
Los Angeles County Library:
Fremont Lost and Found
Please be sure to check on any missing or lost items found on campus. We have plenty of items. If not picked up, we will be donating all items over the Thanksgiving Break.
Afterschool Programs
Spark Academy Corp
Tuition base, onsite after school program. Students are offered Homework Help with low staff to student ratio. We offer Enrichment and Clubs.Enrollment open all year long. We also offer Financial Assistance If needed.
SPARK Academy will be having a Fall Camp on the week of Thanksgiving! It will be on November 25th to 27th at Shepherd of the Hills Church at Monterey Park, CA. It starts as early as 7:00am and lasts until 6:00pm. Breakfast, lunch, and 2 snacks are provided for the students.
PTA News
Panda Express Fundraiser
Save the date for Thursday, November 7! Enjoy a meal at Panda Express next to the theater on Main and Garfield, and help raise money for the Fremont PTA.
Don't forget to print or show the attached flyer on your phone so the Fremont PTA group gets credit.
Community Plant Exchange & Fundraiser
Do you have a green thumb or green ambitions? Come participate in a community plant exchange and support the PTA. There will be raffle prizes and free food. Support efforts to green the Fremont campus! RSVP online at