Penn Wood Home & School Association
Biweekly Bulletin
In this Bulletin
Message from the Board
Upcoming Events
Outdoor Lunch
- Penn Wood Art Show and Dairy Queen Dine & Donate
- Science Day
- 2024-25 School Year Volunteer Opportunities
- Yearbook Sale
- 5th Grade Corner
Message from the Board
Can you believe there are less than 20 days left in the school year?! The teacher in me is overjoyed, but as the parent of a 5th grader, this hits hard as it means my time at Penn Wood is coming to an end after 8 years here.
May is a busy time of the school year with many opportunities to help. If you'd like to get involved, start by volunteering for one of the many upcoming events. The people that you will meet will definitely become a part of your life.
Last week we celebrated our teachers and staff! Thank you to Kristen Laffey for organizing a great week full of treats and thank YOU for all of the donations!
This week our 4th and 5th graders will participate in the track meet. Home & School supplies each student with a PWE shirt for the meet. We also sponsored an amazing assembly - Benergy! Be sure to ask your student all about it.
Finally, please join me in welcoming the 2024-2025 H&S Executive Board:
- President - Danielle Chamness
- President-Elect - Sabrina Quinn
- Vice President - Michelle Cubler
- Treasurer - Megan Adamson
- Secretary - Karen Pestritto
- Directors - Kristen Casalenuovo, Julie Finnegan, Marianne Johnston, Melissa Kull, Kristen Laffey, Jacqui Martin, Lauren Nealon, Danielle Santone
Vicki Babylon
Home & School Vice President
Upcoming Events
- 17 - 4th & 5th Grade District Track Meet (wear track shirts)
- 22 - Art Show, 5:30-7:30 p.m. (volunteer HERE), Dine & Donate @ Dairy Queen Westtown, 3-10 p.m.
- 23 - Vocabulary Parade
- 24 - No School
- 27 - No School
- 30 - Science Day (volunteer HERE)
- 31 - Yearbook orders due (order HERE)
- 3 - 5th Grade Colonial Fair
- 4 - 5th Grade Arrowhead Picnic (rain date June 5)
- 5 - Dine & Donate @ Lo Piccolo's
- 6 - Field Day (rain date June 10)
- 7 - PBIS Day, Last Pretzel Friday, 5th Grade Party, 6:00-8:30 p.m (rain date June 12)
- 10 - End of Year Classroom Parties (2nd grade: 1-2 p.m., Kindergarten: 2-3 p.m.)
- 11 - Half day (dismissal @ 12:10 p.m.), 5th Grade Ceremony @ 9:30-10:30 a.m. (rain date June 12)
- 12 - Half day (dismissal @ 12:10 p.m.), End of Year Classroom Parties (1st grade: 10:15-11:15 a.m., 3rd & 4th grades: 11-11:45 a.m.)
- 13 - Last Day of School (half day dismissal @ 12:10 p.m.)
Outdoor Lunch
Please consider volunteering for outdoor lunch duty so that the students can go outside for some extra fresh air and sunshine. We will take students outside as long as, and whenever, we have nice weather days. If you have your clearances and you are interested, you can sign up HERE.
If there is inclement weather and lunch will not be held outside, you will be notified by Kelly Nolan. You can also reach out to her with any questions at or via text at 215-620-6135.
You will receive an email from Kelly Nolan with instructions once you sign up for Outdoor Lunch.
Penn Wood Art Show and Dairy Queen Dine & Donate
Stop by the Penn Wood Art Show at school, hosted by our art teacher Ms. McLoone, on Wednesday, May 22 between 5:30-7:30 p.m. to see what our Penn Wood artists have been busy creating!
Volunteer to help at the Art Show HERE!
Penn Wood's Home & School Association has partnered with Dairy Queen at Westtown Marketplace, 1502 West Chester Pike, the same night so you can stop for ice cream before or after the event. Our school will receive 20% of ALL SALES between 3-10 p.m.! Make sure to share with your family and friends. Thank you, Dairy Queen!
Science Day
May 30 is Science Day at Penn Wood. We are planning an exciting day full of experiences for our kids to learn and practice science.
THANK YOU to all the people who volunteered already to fill the presentation slots for each grade!
We still have a need for many more helping hands in 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th grade. Click HERE to review the sign-up and get involved. You don't need to be a scientist to help!
Also, I still need a leader for 4th grade catapults and 1 lead per class for 5th grade rubber band racers. Contact me via email to find out more or to fill this important need.
Julie Finnegan (
2024-25 School Year Volunteer Opportunities
Home & School is looking to fill the following roles for the 2024-25 school year:
- Dine & Donate (Chair or Shadow Opportunity) - Help coordinate monthly nights out with local restaurants.
- Pretzel Fridays Shadow (rising 5th Grade Parent to take over for 2024-25 school year) - Help organize Pretzel Fridays next school year which is 5th Grade's biggest fundraiser.
- Yearbook Committee - Help collect & organize photos, assist with design/layout, capture photos, and/or coordinate the ordering & distribution for the 2024-25 yearbook. Reach out with interest in one or more of these tasks!
You can work solo or partner up with a friend or two! There are many different ways to get involved based on your individual interests and availability. You can read more about these and all of Home & School's Committees HERE.
Email with questions or for more info!
Yearbook Sale
Yearbooks are on sale NOW! Reminder: 5th graders automatically receive (1) yearbook included in their 5th grade fee, so you only need to submit the form for your 5th grader if you wish to order additional copies.
To order, log into and then click this LINK.
You will also be able to find the order form by:
- Logging into
- Clicking on "My Account"
- Scrolling down to "New Forms."
- Select "2023-24 Yearbook Order Form"
$18.00 Regular Price - through May 31
We recommend one yearbook per child. Yearbooks are distributed at the end of the school year where classmates often enjoy writing in each others' books. We encourage you to purchase yearbooks at this time because we need an accurate count before the final book goes for printing. A small amount of books may be accessible for purchase after the deadline for $20.00, but we cannot guarantee availability.
5th Grade Corner
Mark your calendars for the following upcoming events:
Arrowhead Field Trip
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
(rain date June 5)
5th Grade Party
Penn Wood
Friday, June 7, 2024
6:00-8:30 p.m.
(rain date June 12)
Be on the lookout for more information and volunteer sign-up soon!
5th Grade Ceremony
Penn Wood
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
9:30-10:30 a.m.
Bring your own chair
(rain date June 12)
About Home & School