Grand Prairie November Newsletter
November 1, 2024
From the Principal!
Welcome to cooler temperatures, colorful leaves, and November at Grand Prairie!
It is hard to believe that October 25th marked the end of our first quarter. Student report cards will be sent home, Friday, November1st.
Grand Prairie is excited to celebrate Native American Heritage Month throughout the month of November. Students will learn about the rich and diverse cultures, traditions, history, and important contributions of American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States. Be sure to ask them about how marvel studios highlighted Native American culture in the Echo series.
Grand Prairie will also be celebrating the pillar of Respect this month. Students are welcome to participate with the staff by wearing shirts with positive phrases on Thursdays!
Safety continues to be a top priority at Grand Prairie. On Thursday, November 7th Officer Mineo will conduct the Run, Hide, Fight Drill with students and staff. Administration has worked with Officer Mineo to create scenarios that allow staff and students the opportunity to choose whether to run or hide, while ensuring the language is not frightening for students. Additionally, our school social workers will be presenting the first of the two Erin’s Law lessons on November 13th and 14th. Classroom teachers will communicate specific dates for each classroom.
Grand Prairie’s music teacher, Brooke Turnbough, has been helping second grade students prepare for the Veteran’s Day assembly on Monday, November 11th at 9:15am. Veterans from the community are invited in to watch the presentation and be celebrated! In conjunction with this event, Grand Prairie will also be collecting items for current service men and women. A detailed list of items that are being requested will be sent home on Friday, November 1st. The collection runs Monday, November 4- Friday, November 15th.
Grand Prairie will dismiss at 11:25am on Friday, November 22nd. Staff are excited to prepare for parent/teacher conferences on Monday, November 25th and Tuesday, November 26th. Parents will be able to sign up for a conference starting on November 8th at 4:00pm through November 15th at 4:00pm. We will be offering virtual and in-person conference slots again this year! Meet the Teacher platform will be used again for virtual conferences. In Person and Virtual schedule are below.
Monday, November 25th
10:00am -12:30pm - In Person
1:00pm - 3:00pm - Virtual
3:00pm - 8:00pm - In Person
Tuesday, November 26th
8:00am - 12:00pm - Virtual
Students will have off Wednesday, November 27th – Friday, November 29th for Thanksgiving break. Students return to school on Monday, December 2nd. We hope that all our families have a wonderful break and enjoy some time with those they love!
Finally, we want to thank our families for doing their part to make our car rider line safe and efficient. Some friendly reminders about drop off and pick up.
Please use the smaller lot off Sutton Dale Lane. We ask that when forming the line, you allow space for local traffic and/or preschool parents to get through.
For the safety of our students, staff, and families, we kindly ask that you form one line for car riders. Once you are able to pull up to the drop off zone, your student can exit the car from the right side. Adults are there to assist if needed. Please SLOWLY pull around the lot to exit. Our young learners take smaller steps and your help driving slowly and safely is greatly appreciated to help ensure their safety!
When picking students up at dismissal, please again form one car rider line. Please make sure your name sign is located in your front window. We kindly ask that K-2 families stay in your car. We understand it may seem faster to get out and get your student, but our goal is to ensure the safety of students, staff, and families at all times. The best way to do this is to stay seated in your car and wait for a staff member to help your child(ren) enter your car
Once you are able to pull up to the loading area, please wait for an adult to bring your student to your car.
Please pull SLOWLY around the lot to exit.
If you are walking up to pick up your student, please make sure to pick up your student in the two designated areas in the pick-up lot. Please avoid standing by the buses, or in the middle of the areas designated for students. Your support with this process is greatly appreciated!
As a reminder, our preschool parents are REQUIRED to park and get their students at the end of the day. Please be aware they may pass you in the line and park.
Thank you again for making our drop-offs and pick-ups as safe as possible for all members of our Grand Prairie family!
Student of the month September: Superheroes in Training
2nd Graders
Second Graders have been busy learning about government and its functions. Students have been learning the roles of president, governor, and mayor. They have also been busy learning about our local government in Frankfort.
Mayor Keith Ogle comes in yearly and graciously supports our curriculum by visiting with second graders to share his role in our community, discuss Frankfort’s history, and answer any questions.
We learned that Frankfort used to be called Chelsea in 1831, it has a population of about 21, 000, and that Mayor Ogle works closely with Frankfort's Village Board, Police and Fire Department, and many other departments to keep Frankfort running smoothly. We also learned that his favorite chocolate is Reese’s peanut butter cups. Yum! 😊 Second graders always enjoy Mayor Ogle’s visit!
In addition, Dr. Doug Wernet agreed to be Mrs. Malone’s classroom's Star Student. As part of their local government unit, students learned that Dr. Wernet is the leader of Frankfort School District. They also enjoyed getting to know Dr. Wernet. They learned that Dr. Wernet has three children, his favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip, his favorite color is blue, his favorite superhero is batman, and his favorite baseball team is the White Sox. Dr. Wernet’s show and tell was his favorite toy, a remote control megalodon monster trunk. Thank your Dr. Wernet for being a great leader!
First Grade Happenings
First Grade Adventures at Navarro Farm
In October the first graders at Grand Prairie were very excited to go on their first field trip to Navarro Farm. This farm is almost right in our back yard here in Frankfort. The Navarro family 5-acre farm has the purpose to create a place for individuals with special needs to participate in an agricultural experience – with the hopes of increasing their social skills and independence. Hence, a place for all to grow.
The first graders had “farmers” show them around the farm and talked about the care of the animals and told us some interesting facts too. They also talked about the various plants on the farm. We were able to go into the pumpkin patch and find pumpkins at various stages of growth. They learned about the lifecycle of a pumpkin. The first graders were able to eat their lunch on the farm. Mrs. Bertucci’s class ate lunch on the Navarro Wagon. How wonderful is that! Finally, when we were saying goodbye to our new farmer friends and animals, each student picked out a pumpkin to take home. Life is good!
Thankful for Kindergarten
There is a lot to be THANKFUL for in Kindergarten! We are thankful for so many friendships we have started to form and all of the amazing learning that is taking place! In math, Kindergarten is learning about 2D and 3D shapes. In writing, we are moving into our “Show and Tell” unit, where students are working on labeling a picture and telling more about it in our stories. In reading, we are discovering that we have “Super Reading Powers,” such as pointer power, picture power, and more! We are learning about topics such as Veteran’s Day, and Thanksgiving! We will also be celebrating our 50th day of school with a sock hop!
Zones of Regulation
When children are learning to self-regulate, one of the most important steps is recognizing and understanding what they are feeling. If they can’t recognize an emotion, they can’t deal with it appropriately. Another phrase commonly said is, "Name it to Tame it.” In the first several weeks of school, preschool students have been learning a lot about their emotions. They’ve been learning to recognize pictures of feelings, drawing them, singing about them, and stating what makes them have different feelings. As part of the Conscious Discipline Curriculum, our preschoolers have been introduced to four of the eight Feeling Buddies- HAPPY, SAD, SCARED, AND ANGRY. When our students are having an emotion, we help them name their feelings by stating them (” I feel sad.”), pointing to a visual like the one above, or finding the appropriate Feeling Buddy. Conscious Discipline also has a lot of free resources for the home environment to support parents in teaching their children how to self-regulate when they are upset. Parents, you can check them out at Free and Premium Resources - Conscious Discipline!
Stop, Regulate, and Listen
Hello parents of our amazing Grand Prairie students. At Grand Prairie, The Zones of Regulation is a whole school initiative that is utilized to help our students learn how to stay regulated and ready to learn at school. In this section of the newsletter, we will be providing information, tips, and ideas for how you can partner with the staff at Grand Prairie to incorporate The Zones of Regulation in your home. The Zones of Regulation curriculum was created and written by Leah Kuypers, M.A.ED., OTR/L. It was created to help support and teach self-regulation and self-awareness to children. The foundation of The Zones of Regulation is based on four zones that are color-coded: Blue, Green, Yellow, and Red. Each color zone represents different energy levels and emotions. Green Zone feelings include happy, calm, proud and ready to learn. Throughout the day, students are encouraged to use strategies that will help them to remain in or get back to the green zone so that they are ready to listen, learn, and be a good friend. The Blue Zone is made up of low energy feelings such as sad, sick, tired, hurt, and bored. When a student’s energy increases, they move into the yellow zone made up of feelings such excited, silly, worried, frustrated, or scared. Lastly, the Red Zone consists of high energy feelings such as mad, terrified, or elated, and can lead to someone’s body being out of control. At Grand Prairie, every classroom teacher incorporates the Zones of Regulation and teaches students to identify their emotions and color zones. This year, the theme for Grand Prairie is Superheroes. The visuals below are placed throughout our school so that students have the resources they need to identify their emotions wherever they go. Stay tuned for more information and tips in the next newsletter.
From the Nurses
As the school year progresses, please remember how important good sleep is for overall health. Creating a bedtime routine and sticking to it makes the difference!
Healthy Sleeping Habits
* Make sufficient sleep a family priority
* Be a role model of sleeping habits
* Keep a regular daily routine
* Wake up and go to bed at the same time
* Be active during the day
* Monitor screen time
* Turn off all screen 1 hour prior to bed
* Create a sleep supportive environment
* Dim to the lights and control the room temperature
* Avoid over scheduling
* Allow for time to wind down
* Learn to recognize sleep problems
Art Room
Coming Together to Support Our Troops
FSD 157-C: Coming Together to Support Our Troops
Dear 157-C Families,
During the month of November, our student body will join forces to honor our heroes, our veterans and current service members. We welcome you to join our efforts!
Grand Prairie will be collecting items for packages for current service men and women. Collections will start on November 4th and will end on November 15. The items we are collecting are listed on the back of this sheet. Donations can be sent to school with your child or dropped off at the main office. These boxes will arrive in time for the holidays. Let’s come together and see how many packages we can send this holiday season! Please contact Lori McCurdy lmccurdy@fsd157c.org or Lori Stanevicius lstanevicius@fsd157c.org at Grand Prairie (815-469-3366) with any questions.
All FSD 157-C schools will be hosting Veterans Day assemblies on Monday, November 11th to show their appreciation to Veterans. Assemblies will be at the following times.
Hickory Creek – 8:00am
Grand Prairie – 9:15am
Chelsea – 10:30am
In the weeks leading up to Veterans Day, all Hickory Creek students will be raising money for Honor Flight Chicago through a donation competition as well as participating in mini lessons about the meaning of Veterans Day and what it means to sacrifice. We are excited to see how many veterans’ lives we can change with our donation to Honor Flight Chicago!
To support the above efforts, popsicle sales will take place in the months of October and November. Thank you for your generous donations during these sales and thank you in advance for the donations of items that will be coming in soon. Together we will make the day of many veterans as well as active service members who will not be able to be home with their families during the holidays.
From November 4th through November 15th, Grand Prairie will be collecting and organizing gift packages for the men and women who are serving in the armed forces. Students will be able to write thank you cards to show our appreciation to men and women serving our country. We will also be collecting the items for holiday packages. We encourage you to participate and send in any of the following items with your child to school. You may also drop them off at the school’s front office.
If you know of anyone who is serving in the armed forces and would like a gift package to be sent to them, please e-mail his/her name and address to: Lori Stanevicius at Grand Prairie (lstanevicius@fsd157c.org). These packages, which will be sent out in November, are our way of showing support to all those brave men and women.
Items needed for our troops:
- Christmas candy/candy canes, stockings, small decorations (please do not send Halloween candy or fall items)
- Individually wrapped snacks: granola bars, protein bars, peanuts, fruit snacks, trail mix, sunflower seeds, dried fruit, beef jerky, Slim Jims, cookies, oatmeal packets, individual cereal cups; instant soup
- Tic-Tacs, lifesavers, mints, hard candies, gum
- Individual cold drink mix, instant breakfast, coffee, and/or tea packets, powdered cream packets
- Peanut butter, jelly, marshmallow cream, nutella – small plastic jars (28 ounces or less)
- Small cans of fruit (no plastic; it could break open); dried fruit chips
- Lip balm (I.e. Chapstick, Carmax, etc)
- Toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, dental floss/floss picks
- Travel size shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion
- Foot powder
- Small packs of Kleenex, Q-tips, razors, shaving cream (no aerosol)
- Puzzle books, decks of cards, small games
- White or black socks (must pass the ankle and have NO Logos)
The Frankfort Public Library is having a Monarch Book Challenge too!
Participate in a 2025 youth reading challenge this school year!
Monarch Award Challenge: For K-2nd graders. Read all 20 books on the list by the end of the school year and win a prize!
For more information on the Frankfort Public Library’s Reading Challenge, please visit: Reading Challenges | Frankfort Public Library District (frankfortlibrary.org)
Notes from the office!
Please put your child’s name or initials on their lunchbox and water bottle. This will help if it ends up if the item is lost. Then we know whom to return it to.
Lost and Found Table – Is your child missing a water bottle? Is your child missing a coat? Please have your child check the Lost and Found table that is across from the office.
We have a whole table full of items.
Dates to remember!
Friday, November 1st - RRW: Wear Your PJs
- Chorus Boosters Hot Lunch (Yes, on a Friday...we couldn't do it on our Fall party day!)
Monday, November 4th -Daylight Savings, Wear your PJs to school
- Kindergarten Celebrates 50 days with a SOCK HOP, Tiger's Den, 12:45-2:30pm
Tuesday, November 5th - Election Day, No School
Thursday, November 7th - FSP Hot Lunch
- RHF Drill at 9:00am
Friday, November 8th - Meet the Teacher opens at 4:00pm
Monday, November 11th - Veteran's Day Assembly, 9:15am, Big Gym
Wednesday, November 13th - National Kindness Day :)
Thursday, November 14th - Hot Lunch, Athletic Boosters
- Erin's Law Presentations - Sign up is coming
Friday, November 15th - Preschool Make and Takes - AM: 9:45-10:45 PM: 1:25-2:25
- Meet the Teacher closes at 4:00pm
Tuesday, November 19th - BOE Meeting, 7:00pm
Thursday, November 21st - Hot Lunch, Education Foundation
Friday, November 22nd - SIP Day, 11:25am Dismissal
Monday, November 25th - P/T Conferences 10:00am - 8:00pm
Tuesday, November 26th - P/T Conferences 8:00am-12:00pm
Wednesday, November 27th - Friday, November 29th - No School!
Thanksgiving Break! Enjoy your family time!
10480 W Nebraska Street
Frankfort, IL 60423
Phone: 815-469-3366
Fax: 815-464-2899