Schedule Changes
You will find all schedule change information here
Dear Lancaster High School Eagle Families
Now that we are rolling, the next big step is finalizing our schedules, which require unavoidable schedule changes. Please read the information under the heading "student schedules" to familiarize yourself with the scheduling process. We understand that having teacher or period changes is inconvenient and I ensure you we do not take this lightly. If a class change was made, it had to be made. This process happens at every school during the first couple weeks of each semester.
Please see information below including the process, our FAQ, along with our schedule change request form.
Your Principal, Zach Mercier
Student Schedules
Unavoidable Schedule Changes are Coming
In an effort to be transparent and open in our communication, we want to inform you of the scheduling process that each school site is currently going through. If you are not new to LnHS, you may remember this process from previous years. During the first three weeks of the school year and the first two weeks of the second semester, many student schedules will be changed.
Essentially, there are two reasons schedules would change. First, schedules need to be changed due to class sections being either added or closed due to over or under enrollment. Secondly, sections need to be balanced to adjust for classes that are over or under contracted class caps.
During the week, these class changes will take effect and some students will have their schedule adjusted. New schedules will be delivered to students who have schedule adjustments. This is a necessary, albeit frustrating, process for our students. We understand that having teacher or period changes is inconvenient and I ensure you we do not take this lightly. If a class change was made, it had to be made. If you have a schedule change, we cannot change your class back because quite simply, the class you were removed from no longer exists or cannot be made due to contracted student caps. We will not, and would not, change any schedule unless it was absolutely necessary. We appreciate your understanding and we apologize in advance for any inconvenience as we work to complete schedule modifications as quick as possible to provide the best educational environment for your student.
Needed Schedule Changes Due to Schedule Error
What do you do if you NEED a schedule change?
- We are able to make schedule changes if you have a missing class period, a class on your schedule that you have passed, a missing senior grad requirement class, or a duplicate class.
- If you have a missing class period, a class on your schedule that you have already passed, a missing senior grad requirement class, or a duplicate class, you may fill out the SCHEDULE CANGE FORM to initiate this change immediately.
- The counselor's focus during the first week of school will be to fix schedules that meet the conditions above. Requests for teacher changes, period changes, or lunch changes will not be processed. Schedules are made off student's course selections or counselor direction based on graduation requirements.
- If you have any questions regarding your schedule that does not meet the above conditions, please reach out to your counselor, but expect delays in response time this first week of school.
Schedule Change Request Form
For schedule requests that are not errors, such as elective changes or level change (regular to honors for example), you may fill out the Schedule Change Request Form to ask for a schedule change.
- Schedule change requests will be made on a first-come-first-served availability
- Schedule change requests must meet master schedule criteria to be honored. Criteria includes but not limited to: class caps, enrollment, same-period availability, course qualifications, and program needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
This isn't the elective I signed up for. Can I request a change?
I want to change lunches. Can I request a lunch change?
I would like to change my teacher. Can I change my teacher?
Teacher changes can not be accommodated. There are many factors for this, such as class size, class caps, and overall teacher-student cap. It's important to note that our class sizes are determined to ensure the best possible learning experience for all students while adhering to teacher contracts that limit the number of students per class and overall student numbers.
Our priority is to maintain balanced class sizes to provide an equitable educational environment. This process involves careful consideration of various factors, including teacher contracts and the needs of each student. While we may not be able to accommodate individual teacher requests, please be assured that we are committed to your child's academic success and will work diligently to support their learning journey. We suggest reaching out directly to any teacher that you have any questions for or with class concerns.
Who is my counselor?
To schedule a virtual appointment with a counselor please visit designated link below.
(Counselors are designated by last name. Please see alpha next to names to find your counselor)
Robert Parks (A-Ak & M&E Academy) https://rdparks.youcanbook.me/
Monica Lomeli (Al-Ce) http://mlomeli.youcanbook.me
Kenneth Dakwa (Ch-Ga) https://kdakwa.youcanbook.me
Raelene Lewis (Ge-Ke) https://rrlewis.youcanbook.me
LaTanya Jones (Ki-Mo) https://lajones.youcanbook.me/
Debbie Penny (Mu-Ri) https://debbiepenny.youcanbook.me
Christina Candelaria (Ro-Ti) https://ccandelaria.youcanbook.me/
Melissa Vattioni (To-Z) https://mvattioni.youcanbook.me
*Please note that there is always a Counselor of the Day who is able to meet in person with a student and/or parent if their assigned counselor is not available.