Cavalier Newsflash
Work HARD! Dream BIG! Believe in YOURSELF! Never GIVE UP!
Volume 2 - Issue 20 - January 13, 2020
Message from the Principal
Good evening Cavaliers,
Happy New Year and welcome back! I hope you all had a restful break and enjoyed the holidays. As you know, classes resume tomorrow morning, January 15th, 2020. We will have zero period classes and will be released at our regular time of 3:10 pm. Our Faculty has been working hard the last couple of days, planning lessons that will provide each of our students with the opportunity to be engaged in their learning. We are excited to welcome our students back to CVM!
Please keep in mind that for the most part, our student's schedules will mirror first semester. However, a minimal number of changes were necessary, so we will have locator cards for each student during first period tomorrow. We ask students to check the posters around campus tomorrow morning that will let them know what class to report to. Once there, they will receive their locator cards for the semester. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your student's schedule, please feel free to call our counseling center or email your student's counselor.
Looking forward to a great semester!
Thank you for your hard work, dedication and remember;
At CVM we work HARD, we dream BIG, we believe in OURSELVES and we never, ever , GIVE UP!
Julio C. Alcalá
Chula Vista Middle School
Assistant Principal's Corner
Nutrition Break Supervision - TEAM 1!
Team 1 please be at your supervision posts this week during nutrition break.
Thank you!
Mr. Casas
January Faculty Meeting
Our Faculty meeting for the month of January will be on Wednesday 1/22/20.
- No School
Tuesday 1/14
- No School
Wednesday 1/15
- Classes Resume - Regular Schedule including zero period
Thursday 1/16
- Regular Schedule including zero period
Friday 1/17
- Early Release - Students out at 1:25pm
- Red Only Pep Rally
Saturday 1/18
- No Saturday Academy
Monday 1/20
- No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Focus on our Mission
Three Pillars to Support Success
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
- ELD Strategies Across the Curriculum
- Purposeful PLC Collaboration
For the Common Good
We Are CVM!
Chula Vista Middle School
Email: julio.alcala@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: www.cvm.sweetwaterschools.org
Location: 415 5th Avenue, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 498-6800
Twitter: @CVM_Principal