Blue & White Newsletter - 8/23/24
Week of August 19, 2024

The Bulldog Branch of First Capital Federal Credit Union!
We are excited to share with you a new opportunity for our high school students and district employees with our partnership with First Capital Federal Credit Union!
On Tuesday, August 20th, First Capital FCU, in partnership with West York, opened its newest student-run branch within West York Area High School! This partnership will integrate hands-on learning with classroom education to provide a comprehensive financial literacy curriculum for all students, at no cost to the school district.
The Bulldog Branch of First Capital is under the direction of Ms. Kayla Weaver, School Branch Coordinator, and our WY junior, Ms. Lily Perry, as the Student Ambassador. The branch is open to students and employees only each Tuesday and Thursday between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Our high school students are able to earn Bulldog Bucks by making deposits or having checks cashed at the branch. After 20 unique deposits/checks cashed, the student will earn a $20 deposit into their account from First Capital FCU!
Also, First Capital will periodically share financial awareness/tips with us through articles in the Blue & White Newsletter, so stay tuned!
Thank you, First Capital FCU for creating this opportunity for our WY high school students and staff!
Elementary Back to School Nights!
This week, we welcomed WY families to our annual Back to School Nights at Wallace Elementary, Lincolnway Elementary, and Trimmer Elementary! Families were able to meet their child's teachers and were introduced to the curriculum and student expectations. It was great to see so many of our families at the Back to School Nights!
We look forward to next week's Back to School Nights at the Middle School (Monday, August 26th @ 6:00 p.m.) and the High School (Tuesday, August 27th @ 6:00 p.m.).
Happy to Be Back to School!
Students in Ms. Kelsey Sersen’s Autistic Support classroom at Lincolnway Elementary are happy to be back at school! They spent the first few days getting to know one another and building relationships. We’re looking forward to a great year ahead!
Building Number Sense:
Explore 10-Frames and Double 10-Frames
Students in Ms. Kelly Murphy's first grade class at Wallace Elementary are learning about 10-frames and double 10-frames!
Ten frames help children to “see” numbers or how the numbers are built. They learn different ways to make the same number, e.g. 3+4=7 but also 2+5=7, and thus learn the basics of addition. Double ten frames are a great tool to introduce teen numbers while ten is always one unit and then adding ones is what changes the number.
Double ten frames are such a strong visual representation of teen numbers. You can use the double ten frame to develop a deep understanding of teen number but also to build an understanding of the benchmarks of five and ten, addition and subtraction strategies.
Important Information from our School Nurses
Does your child have signs or symptoms of the flu, Covid or RSV? Did they test positive?
The recommendations are that your child stay home until they are fever free for 24 hours without medication and that they feel good enough to return to school. The CDC also recommends (it is optional) that a mask be worn for 5 days after their return if they tested positive for Covid.
Students who have been exposed to someone who tested positive for Covid do not need to stay home from school unless they come down with symptoms or test positive.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your school nurse.
How Sick is Too Sick for School?
This is a question parents often ask. We know that mornings can be challenging for adults and children alike. Sometimes we wake and might not feel our best, but once we get moving, often we find it wasn't a problem making it through the day - at work or at school.
So, here's a great reference for assisting you in determining whether to send your child to school when they have complaints of not feeling well. You can click here for a printable copy to hang on your refrigerator on family bulletin board.
Student Absence Excuse Form
As a friendly reminder, when your child is absent from school, parents/guardians must complete an Absence Excuse Blank, either a paper copy or by using the online Digital Excuse Blank through the Sapphire Parent Portal. An Absence Excuse Blank must be received within three days of a students return to school following an absence, known as the 3-day rule.
The 3-day rule states "No excuse blanks will be accepted after the third day of the date of return from the absence. The absence will be recorded as unexcused for students 18 years or older. Students under the age of 18 are recorded as unlawful.”
While a paper Absence Excuse Blank can be sent in, they can also be forgotten or lost in transit. The most efficient way to assure the excuse is received within the 3-day rule period is to access the Digital Excuse Blank from the District website or the District App. Directions for both are as follows:
Using Your Computer to Report an Absence
MUST be completed within 3 days of the absence
From the District WEBSITE Home Page
➔ Scroll down to the vertical gray boxes just under the changing highlight pictures at the top of the District website's home page
➔ Click on the Attendance box
➔ Underneath Online Attendance click on Sapphire Community Portal Login
➔ On the login page put in your username and password (this must be set up prior to you using this page)
➔ On the left side is your student(s) name(s)
- If you have multiple students, please make sure you are at the correct student
➔ Under MY BACKPACK click on Student Data Forms (making sure it is the correct student)
➔ Underneath On Demand Forms click on Digital Excuse Blank
➔ Fill out the entire form and upload any doctor’s notes into this form
➔ Make sure to click on SUBMIT so your form is sent directly to the attendance secretary
Using the District App from Your Cell Phone to Report an Absence
MUST be completed within 3 days of the absence
➔ From the WYASD App Home Page, click on the More waffle icon on the right side of the screen
➔ Click on the Sapphire Portal icon on the right side of the screen
➔ Log in to Sapphire
➔ If you have multiple students, make sure you are in the correct student’s account
➔ At the bottom of the screen there is a purple circle with 3 white lines, click on the circle
➔ Click on the green circle marked Student Data Forms
➔ Underneath On Demand Forms click on Digital Excuse Blank
➔ Fill out the entire form and upload any doctor’s notes into this form
➔ Make sure to click on SUBMIT so your form is sent directly to the attendance secretary
Golden Bulldog Passes!
If you are new to West York, you might be saying, "What is a Golden Bulldog Pass?" Exclusively for West York Area School District residents 65 and older, the Golden Bulldog Pass is valid for one admission to all District-sponsored events, including athletic events (excluding playoff events), fine arts events such as concerts, plays, and musicals, and special invitation-only events for senior citizens.
Our annual "Lunch and a Show" is our most popular invitation-only event and seating is limited! So, don't miss out on this and other opportunities! To learn more, please click the Golden Bulldog Pass card to the left.
Athletic Events Admission Policy
We are looking forward to another year of our student athletes showcasing their skills and continuing on their high school athletic careers.
While attending West York events, safety is not only a priority but an expectation. It is our duty to provide a safe environment for all spectators, fans, and student athletes. We ask that the community please adhere to District protocols to help us ensure a safe event.
Please click on the image below to view the communication regarding spectator attendance and expectations when attending sporting events at West York.
First Day of School Pictures!
Check out more of our first day of school pictures!
Bulldog Pantry Schedule
The pantry is open one day a month between 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. for families to pick up needed items. Donations to the pantry are always welcome as well. You can find more information on the Bulldog Pantry by clicking the bar below!
The schedule for the 2024-2025 school year is as follows:
Wednesday, September 25
Wednesday, October 16
Wednesday, November 20
Wednesday, December 18
Thursday, January 16
Wednesday, February 19
Thursday, March 20
Wednesday, April 16
Wednesday, May 21
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Amanda Burt, HS Learning Support Teacher, via email at amburt@wyasd.org.
Junior Achievement
REAL Life day at the High School is fast approaching!
This program is only possible with the help of WY volunteers! Junior Achievement staff are at each event and count on our volunteers to work under the direction of JA staff with small groups of students. Currently, we are still in need of several volunteers. Please consider coming and spending a fun day with our high school students.
All training is provided the morning of the event and no experience is needed!
Prior volunteers have shared how much fun they had while working with our Bulldogs!
REAL Life - High School - September 26th
Check out the REAL Life Program overview/volunteer Q&A here: https://bit.ly/JARealLifeOverview
Video preview here: https://vimeo.com/952705171/66344ffee7
Volunteer Registration Link: https://form.jotform.com/212215942576962
Be Sure to Follow Us on Social Media!
Be sure to Like/Follow us on Facebook and Instagram so you don't experience FOMO - Fear of Missing Out! Simply click the images below.
The Bulldog Breakdown
The Weekly Athletic Department Newsletter
Stay abreast of the Athletic Department's weekly news with the Bulldog Breakdown, a weekly recap of the prior week's athletic accomplishments and the upcoming sporting events.
Simply click the Bulldog Breakdown bar below to view the latest issue!
Important Dates - August & September
- Monday, August 26, Middle School Back to School Night (6:00 p.m.)
- Tuesday, August 27, High School Back to School Night (6:00 p.m.)
- Wednesday, August 28, Elementary PTO Meeting (6:00 p.m.)
- Friday, August 30, Early Dismissal
- Monday, September 2, Labor Day Holiday - All Buildings/Offices Closed
- Tuesday, September 10, EPC Committee Meeting (5:30 p.m.)
- Tuesday, September 10, Board Work Session (7:00 p.m.)
- Friday, September 13, Early Dismissal
- Tuesday, September 17, Budget and Finance Committee Meeting (5:30 p.m.)
- Tuesday, September 17, Board Meeting (6:30 p.m.)
- Wednesday, September 18, Homecoming Parade/Bonfire (6:00 p.m.)
- Thursday, September 26, Wellness Committee Meeting (3:15 p.m.)
- Friday, September 27, Early Dismissal
Community Corner
Be Sure To Check It Out Often!
The Community Corner of our website offers families many helpful links to organizations or flyers about upcoming or ongoing community activities, clubs, and events. The information on this webpage changes frequently and those changes will be highlighted here as they occur. The latest updates are pictured below.
From our Home webpage, click on Community to access links to various organizations/community events.
Here are just some examples:
- Cub Scouts (Boys & Girls ages 5-12)
- Girl Scouts
- West York Boys Club
- YMCA of York
- YWCA of York
Community Resources such as:
- United Way
- Community Progress Council
- Dream Wrights Center for Community Arts
- Belmont Summer Academy - Theatre Summer Camps