What's the Buzz?
Calling all 1st and 2nd graders...
Now that the weather is breaking, join Healthy Steps club and not only make a nutritious snack but also walk and track with pedometers a mile every class.
News from the Cafe
If you are interested in helping out in the lunchroom and are VIRTUS trained please sign up below using the buttons. If you have any questions, you can email Mr. Mangione at attendance@st.maryschoolswormville.org.
Upcoming Dates
Remember to utilize our SMS Google Calendar subscription (click here to view), or view the “Events” page on the SMS website.
Mar. 14 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Inservice
Mar. 14 - Last day to RSVP for It’s Game Time! For SMS Boys & their Very Important Ladies
Mar. 17 - Dress down in GREEN for St. Patrick’s Day!
Mar. 20 -April Lunch Orders will come out
Mar. 21 -9 am School Mass led by St. Joseph Faith Family (Mrs. Picone)
Mar. 21 Last Day to purchase Sponsorships for SMS Spring Musical!
Mar. 22 - Last day to purchase tickets for the Spring for Success Auction Gala!
Mar. 22 - It’s Game Time! For SMS Boys & their Very Important Ladies
Mar. 23 - Annual Scout Mass
Mar. 24 - April Lunch Orders due by 12 Noon
Mar. 25 - Spring Picture Day & Kindergarten Graduation Photo Day
Mar. 28 -9 am School Mass led by St. Nicholas Faith Family (Mrs. Wojtaszek)
Mar. 28 - Pray and Play - 6:30pm
Mar. 31 - Spring for Success ONLINE Silent Auction Opens, 8 am
Apr. 1 -Transportation Requests Due to Public School Districts
Apr. 4 -9 am School Mass led by St. John the Apostle Faith Family (Mrs. Gon)
Apr. 5 -Spring for Success Auction Gala
Apr. 8-9 -Grades 3-8 NYS ELA Testing
Apr. 8 -HSA Meeting, 7 pm
Apr. 11 -9 am School Mass led by St. Gemma Faith Family (Mrs. Kirwan)
Apr. 11 -11:30 AM Dismissal for MCH full day - Grade 8
Apr. 13 -Palm Sunday
Apr. 14-21 -Easter Recess, NO SCHOOL
Apr. 20 - Easter Sunday
Apr. 22 - School Resumes
Apr. 25 -9 am School Mass led by St. Genesius Faith Family (Mrs. Robbins)
Apr. 25, 26 -SMS Spring Musical “Music Man Jr.”, 7 pm
Apr. 27 - Divine Mercy Sunday
Lunch Room Volunteers
The weather will be warming up for good soon (we hope!) and it’s time to think about Summer! SMS Summer Programs will be offered select weeks, Monday through Friday for rising Montessori PreK3 - grade 5 students. See details and sign up links below. Sessions will be open to current SMS students first before they are offered to other students within our parish family or the general public.
Download SMS Summer Programs Flier
JUST ONE WEEK LEFT for SPRING sponsorship opportunities with Drama Club!
Sign up now to receive exposure in our Spring Musical program - choose a traditional printed ad, or receive online exposure with a link to your website as a “Spotlight” sponsor! Multiple sponsorship levels are available, choose the package that best fits your family’s or business’s needs. Your generous, tax-deductible gift of sponsorship will help purchase costumes for our students, refurbish sets, and defray the cost of purchasing new curtains, mats and canvas backdrops for our stage! We are in dire need of funds to replace these items. Help us keep the St. Mary’s stage looking beautiful for the Drama Club, and all school and parish groups that use it. If you’d like to sponsor the SMS Drama Club’s Spring Production, please scan the QR code, select your sponsorship package, and submit payment by March 21, 2025, as well as any pictures and wording to Rebecca Kisailus at rkisailus@stmaryschoolswormville.org.
Spring Musical | “Music Man Jr.” | April 25 & 26, 2025 - more info on tickets available soon!
JUST ONE WEEK LEFT to get your tickets for the Spring for Success Auction Gala!
Tickets are now on sale for the St. Mary’s Spring for Success Dinner and Auction Gala on Sat. April 5th, at Marygold Manor! Enjoy an evening out among friends with an open bar, delicious hors d’oeuvres, a “pick a flower” gift card pull, wine toss, gourmet dinner, and exciting LIVE AUCTION items available EXCLUSIVELY for auction attendees to bid on!
There will also be the following PRICELESS experiences & items up for bid from our very own SMS teachers & staff. Be sure to register for the Silent Auction in order to bid on them, and purchase tickets to the Auction Gala if you want to bid on “Principal for a Day”! CLICK here for more detailed descriptions.
Montessori - Miss Krista, Miss Katie and Miss. Paige- Disney & Ice Cream Day
Kindergarten - Miss Pamela Gon - Glow in the Dark Neon Party
Grade 1- Mrs. Brooke Picone - Tie-Dye Party
Grade 2 Mrs. Colleen Wojtaszek - Dine in the classroom with dessert!
Grade 3 - Miss Aundrea Kirwan - Playground & Puppies!
Grades 3-4-5- Mrs. Kristy Witkowski - Dry Ice Party
Grade 4 - Mrs. Lauren Baker - PB & JAM Session
Grade 5 - Mrs. Staci Laderer - Larger than Life Game Day
Middle School - Mrs. Whipple - Water Balloons and Recess and Treats… Oh My!
Kindergarten-8th Grade - Mrs. Julie Leong - Calling All Lego Lovers
All Students - Mrs. Karen Genovese - An afternoon at the AKG!
All Students - Mrs. Karen Genovese - Clay All Day!
All Students- Edible Art Luncheon for you and your class with Mrs. G!
All Students - Mr. Harrison Reeds - PE Teacher for the Day
Grade 1- Grade 5 - Mrs. Bishop- Ice Cream Sundae Party
Middle School - Mrs. Hammond- Cinco de Mayo Fiesta
Middle School - Mr. Dolan & Mr. Kelly- After-school pick-up floor hockey game
Middle School - Mrs. Robbins - It’s a Beautiful Day in the (Parkside) Neighborhood!
All Students - Mrs. Larson - Crafting Cupcakes
All Students - Mrs. Rebecca Kisailus -”Be the Bee” for a Day
All Students - Mrs. D'Angelo and Mrs. Larson - Munchies and Mocktails
All Students - Express Pick Up!
LIVE AUCTION - All Students - Mrs. Tristan D’Angelo - Principal for the Day!
Remember to request Transportation for next year from your Public School District by April 1
Parents of Catholic school students must request transportation services directly from the public school district in which they live. The deadline for submitting written requests for transportation is April 1, 2025 for the 2025-2026 school year. More information on how to request transportation from each district will be in next week’s Buzz as it becomes available.
Calling all Scouts!
Please join us for our annual Scout Mass to be held on Sunday March 23rd at 11:00 am in the Church. All scouts and adult leaders (Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, American Heritage Girls, etc.) are encouraged to wear their uniform to Mass. Please arrive by 10:40 am, as we will process in together when Mass begins. Please contact Margaret Terrill with any questions (mterrill44@yahoo.com, 716-908-7684).
Diocese of Buffalo names Joleen Dimitroff as superintendent of Catholic Elementary Schools
The Catholic Diocese of Buffalo is delighted to announce the appointment of Joleen Dimitroff as the new superintendent of Catholic Elementary Schools. Click here for more information.
We’re thankful for our HSA...
St. Mary School would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our HSA for covering the cost of transportation for the field trips that our students enjoyed during Catholic Schools Week. The field trips were much more economical for each and every family in our school due to this donation from the HSA - thank you!
Save the Following Dates for Upcoming HSA Events!
Join Us at the next HSA Meeting!
Tuesday, April 8, ⋅7:00 – 9:00pm, SMS Cafeteria
TOMORROW is the last day to RSVP for "It's Game Time"!
Payment may be sent in via cash, check, or online at: https://stmaryswormville.ejoinme.org/2025GameOn
We are also in need of volunteers & donations for the event, sign up here:https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C044CAEAD2CA3F94-55342767-game#/
Join us for this Annual St. Mary’s Lenten Tradition - Pray & Play!
Friday, March 28⋅6:30 – 8:30pm, SMS Gymnasium
5th Grade will begin with their presentation of "The Living Stations of the Cross”, followed by the 7th graders' "Play" part of the night with simple games and activities that cost .50 cents-$1.00 each. Ice cream will be available for $1-3. The night will also include the PIE IN THE FACE activity and annual CAKE WALK! YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS this tradition for the school children and a beautiful time to reflect on our faith. We are looking for volunteers to help that night, and donations of ice cream treats- click the link below to see what’s needed.
Spring Spirit Wear is Now available!
The HSA Spring Spirit Wear Sale link is now live: check out all the cool SMS gear available, including the warm weather uniform shirt option as an alternate option for boys and girls from Montessori to Grade 8 to wear to school with their uniform shorts beginning May 1 - it’s Principal approved!
SMS branded umbrellas, socks, beach towels, insulated mugs, water bottles, duffel bags, tees, hoodies, baseball caps, and more are all available now.
Click here to Order: promoplace.com/stmaryswormville
Youth Football and Cheer
If you are interested in getting your child involved in youth football or cheer, please see the button below for more information.