Jack Anderson Elementary School
August 12, 2024- August 16, 2024
Non-Emergent Care Form
If you completed Skyward online registration before July 29, 2024, an additional section has been added that requires your attention.
You need to fill out the Non-Emergent Care Permission Form for each of your children attending SCS schools. This form gives the nurse permission to provide non-emergent care (such as an ice pack, bandaid, etc.) during the school day.
Steps to Complete the Form:
Login to Skyward.
Click on Online Forms on the left side.
Your student’s name should appear. Under their name, click Fill Out Form.
Complete the Non-Emergent Care Permission Form (Mark Yes or No and enter Parent Name/Signature).
Click Complete Step 1, Move to Step 2 at the bottom of the form.
Submit the Non-Emergent Care Form.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Parents, you may walk your student to class between 8:20-8:40 on the phase-in days and on the first full day, August 14, 2024.
- When dropping off your child at the school, please use the single left lane closest to the building for drop-off. Keep in mind that cars will always yield to buses. To ensure student safety, please pull forward in the unloading zone and do not stop at the crosswalk unless directed.
- Also, do not drop off students in the parking lot, and do not use the outside lane to go around other cars.
- Do not park in the first in line spots and let your students walk up the sidewalk.
- Students should be ready to exit the vehicle without assistance immediately upon stopping.
Please be patient and avoid using your cell phone while dropping off your child. Lastly, if you arrive past 8:35, please sign your child in at the office.
Anyone picked up before 3:40 pm will be counted as an early dismissal. Afternoon dismissal will begin at 3:40 pm. Please refrain from coming into the office to sign your child out instead of using the carline. We cannot accommodate student sign-out after 3:15 pm. Students are already transitioning towards dismissal and cannot be accessed promptly.
As you round the playground during dismissal, our carline will split into TWO lanes.
🚧 Once in a lane, you cannot switch!
🔄 Left Lane: ALL cars must turn left onto Shute Lane toward Gallatin Road.
➡️ Right Lane: ALL cars must turn right onto Shute Lane toward Cages Bend Road.
👉 This makes our process go much more smoothly and significantly reduces the time it takes to load and move vehicles.
Walker Reminders
🚶♂️ WALKER Arrival 🚶♀️
🚸 Please note, there is no crossing guard at the crosswalk from Riverchase to the playground. If your child walks to school, please walk them to the crosswalk for their safety
Walker Dismissal
- ✅ After school, a staff member will escort students across the crosswalk to the Riverchase neighborhood. Please wait for your child at the neighborhood entrance.
- 🏠 Important: It’s your child’s responsibility to walk directly home after dismissal. Once they leave JAE’s campus, the school is no longer responsible for their safety.
- 🚫 Parking Courtesy: Please do not park on side streets during dismissal to avoid the carline. Let's be considerate of our neighbors!
- FOR SAFETY REASONS: Students should only be walking from campus if they live within walking distance.
🚌 BUS Information 🚌
If your student needs a ONE-TIME bus pass, please send a note to the office with the following details:
- Full Legal Name of your student
- Homeroom Teacher and Grade
- Home Address
- Address to which your child needs to ride the bus
- Date for which you are requesting transportation
✏️ Permanent Bus Changes
All permanent bus changes must be submitted to the central office using this link.
Thank you for helping us ensure smooth and safe transportation for all students! 🚍
Here comes the Bus!
- View the real-time location of your child's bus
- Access the app from your smartphone, tablet or computer
- Receive push notifications or email alerts
- Send your child to the bus stop at just the right time, every time.
How to get started:
- Download the Here Comes the Buss App or visit herecomesthebus.com
- Enter school code 87269 and click "Next" followed by "Confirm"
- Under "My Students", click "Add". Enter you child's last name and student ID number.
- Once you can confirm your information, you're ready to begin using Here Comes the Bus!
- If your child attends the JAGS Treehouse daycare program in the afternoon, please plan to pick them up after 4:15 PM.
- 🕓 Early Pickup: If you arrive before 4:15 PM, please park and knock on the door to collect your child.
- 🚍 We are still loading students onto buses during this time, and your cooperation helps us ensure everyone gets home safely.
Calendar Updates
- August 12th- 30th- Smart Card Fundraiser
- August 14th- Kindergarten Boohoo Breakfast
- August 19th- Spirit Night @ Fairvue Pizza
- August 20th- School Bank Day
- August 20th- Parent Night 6pm-7pm Grades 1, 3, & 5
- August 22nd- Parent Night 6pm-7pm for Grades K, 2, & 4
- August 22nd- PTO Meeting @ 9:30 am
- September 2nd- Labor Day, No School
- September 3rd- School Bank Day
- September 17th- School Bank Day
- September 18th- Picture Day
- September 19th- PTO Meeting @ 9:30 am
- September 23rd- Parent Teacher Conferences, No School
- October 1st- School Bank Day
- October 7th- 11th- Fall Break
- October 14th-18th- Boosterthon
- October 18th- Jagathon
- October 21st- Jagathon Rain Date
Parent Night
Sign up for LINQ to pay online for your student’s breakfast and lunch. If you choose to send cash or check, it must be in an envelope labeled with your child’s name, classroom teacher’s name, and the money amount.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
If your child is eligible for meal benefits, YOU MUST APPLY each year. Please use the link to apply.
Lunch Menu and Prices
Lunch Visitor Reminders
This Week's Related Arts Schedule
Related Arts Schedule
- Monday- Day 4
- Tuesday- Day 5
- Wednesday- Day 6
- Thursday- Day 7
- Friday- Day 1
Student Handbook, Dress Code, and Car Tags
Car Tags
If you need an additional or a replacement car tag. Please email amy.bradley@sumnerschools.org your student's first name, last name, and homeroom teacher's name.
JAE August Staff Birthdays
School Bank Days 2024-2025
News from our Amazing PTO
Principal at Jack Anderson Elementary School