
Important Dates!
Kindergarten Promotion
Join us on May 22 at 2pm as we recognize your student’s success in kindergarten!
5th Grade Clap Out
Last Day of School
May 23!
- 3rd grade Field day
-1st grade field trip
-PTO meeting
- Kinder Fire Station Trip
-Kinder Promotion
- 5th grade clap out
Order your yearbook by May 10th!
Follow our Facebook Page!
Kindergarten will be visiting the Fire Station on May 20, 2024. Kindergarten Promotion will take place on May 22, 2024, at 2:30 pm.
First Grade
Dear First Grade Parents,
Be sure to check TalkingPoints for updates and reminders.
Math Focus:
Module 6: Place Value, Comparison, Addition/Subtraction to 100
Reading Focus:
Central message of a story
Using illustrations and details to identify the main idea/central message
Sequence of events
Writing Focus:
Opinion writing that includes:
Write a sentence that states their opinion.
Supply reasons that support their opinion.
The end of the year is quickly approaching. Please remind your child to continue to follow/meet expectations.
-Miss Barrientos
-Mrs. Falcon
-Mrs. Morton
Second Grade
Second grade has been learning about ways to help our Earth. We will be focusing on persuasive writing. In math, we will finish up measurement and data and start shapes, fractions, and telling time. We are going to be studying the life sciences observing what plants and animals need to survive.
Third Grade
Third Grade has been busy! We wrapped up fractions and started Geometry. We are learning about our government in both ELA and Social Studies. See if your child can answer questions like “why do we have a government?” Our fishing field trip is coming up, and we are so excited to walk to the college and fish! Then we have third grade fitness day! We are going to be very tired. Phew!! We are super exited to start counting down to summer and fourth grade!
Fourth Grade
We can’t believe May is already here! We had a great 2023-2024 school year!
Math: We are finishing up Module 7: Exploring Measurement with Multiplication. Our topics included are: Topic A: Measurement Conversion Tables, Topic B: Problem solving with Measurement, Topic C: Investigation of Measurements Expressed as Mixed Numbers, and Topic D: Year in Review.
Reading: We will be wrapping up Unit 4 Module B. In this module Readers will understand that both literary and informational texts can be analyzed for ideas and information. Writers understand that writing uses reasons and evidence to support ideas and information. Learners will understand how innovative ideas spark economic growth.
Social Studies: We have wrapped up our social studies units for the year!
Science: In our last science unit, we are exploring energy! We will talk about different types of energy, and how it transforms between objects. Students will also explore speed and the 3 Laws of Motion. It should be a fun unit!
-4th grade team
Fifth Grade
It’s hard to believe that the end of the year is here! Our fifth graders have accomplished so much and we always get emotional seeing them move on to Dodge City Middle School, but we are also very excited for them. In this last month we have and will continue to cover lots of review in math as well as a few fun concepts such as the Fibonacci sequence. In reading we are still digging into exploration with texts that are both fiction and nonfiction. We have learned how exploration has shaped our perspective of the world as well as the fact that we are explorers too. In social studies we are we will end the year learning about citizenship and the Civil War. We hope these last few days together will be fun and memorable for them as they move on to new adventures. Now a Cardinal, forever a Tornado.
Mrs. Scheve’s Music Newsletter for May
Kindergarten: Kindergarten has been working hard preparing for their music program on May 2 at 6:00 p.m. In kindergarten we do a focus song each week or every other week that the children will sing for a few days and sometimes there will be movement or instrument playing to go along with the song. They are learning about tempo: fast and slow, dynamics: loud and soft, pitch: high and low. Every Thursday we are doing Listening Thursday in which the students watch a music performance and they evaluate it and identify the music elements, some of which is done using academic discourse with a partner: tempo, dynamics, pitch, and what emotion it makes them feel.
1st grade: In 1st grade we do a focus song each week or every other week that the children will sing for a few days and sometimes there will be movement or instrument playing to go along with the song. They are learning about tempo: fast and slow, dynamics: loud and soft, pitch: high and low. How to read rhythms with quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests in them. Every Thursday we are doing Listening Thursday in which the students watch a music performance and they evaluate it and identify the music elements, some of which is done using academic discourse with a partner: tempo, dynamics, pitch, and what emotion it makes them feel.
3rd grade: In 3rd grade we do a focus song each week or every other week that the children will sing for a few days and sometimes there will be movement or instrument playing to go along with the song. They are also working on rhythms & treble clef staff. Knowing how to road map a song by marking the different markings in a song and understanding what they mean. Every Thursday we are doing Listening Thursday in which the students watch a music performance and they evaluate it and identify the music elements, some of which is done using academic discourse with a partner: tempo, dynamics, pitch, and what emotion it makes them feel.
4th grade: : In 4th grade we do a focus song each week or every other week that the children will sing for a few days and sometimes there will be movement or instrument playing to go along then will eventually learn & play songs involving different notes. The fourth graders have been working on playing recorders, in which it also helps them to know rhythms, notes on the treble clef staff, and how to finger the notes on the recorder. Every Thursday we are doing Listening Thursday in which the students watch a music performance and they evaluate it and identify the music elements, some of which is done using academic discourse with a partner: tempo, dynamics, pitch, and what emotion it makes them feel