Emmanuel Baptist Church
June 6, 2023
EBC Family,
The beginning of summer, especially after a May with rain, means that there is lots of mowing to do. It’s the time of year that the grass in my yard grows much faster than I want it to. It seems like I need to mow every other day. My prayer for you is that this summer will also be a time of spiritual growth. But there is more to spiritual growth than sitting under the teaching of God’s Word. The Bible tells us that spiritual growth happens WITH other believers (Read Ephesians 4:15-16). This means that we need to spend time with one another in order to grow spiritually!
This is what we are setting aside time on Sunday nights this summer to do - Grow Together! Pick up a Level Up Game Card at the back of the Worship Center and get started. Each week that you are in town this summer, make it your goal to spend time with another person or family in our church. Do the activities on the Game Card together to foster spiritual conversations and spur you on to service together.
Pray for our students and sponsors this week who are at Super Summer in Shawnee. Super Summer is a week long camp for students who want to be leaders in their Youth Group. Pray that God would work in the lives of our students to solidify their foundation in Christ and develop them to lead and serve our Youth Group.
It is a joy to belong to God’s Family at EBC,
Pastor Clint
Summer Sandwiches
Wednesday, Jun 7, 2023, 05:00 PM
Super Summer Week June 5 - 9
Jessiekah Cook
Braelyn Miller
Alli Carter
Jayden Bunce
Rhett Metscher
Mckyla Howell
Brayden Huff
Clint Carter
Carey Carter
Emma Carter
Mowing Schedule
Summer 2023 Events
6/5 Super Summer Week
6/13 Terrific Tuesday
6/18 Family Dedication
6/18 Bowling with Dads
6/19 KIDS Camp Week
6/25 Church Wide - Corn Park Fellowship Potluck
7/3 Falls Creek Week
7/13 Terrific Tuesday
7/19 EBC Camping Trip
7/30 Vacation Bible School Kickoff
7/31 VBS Week
8/8 Terrific Tuesday
8/27 Fish Fry
Falls Creek Auction
Then take the selected student's information sheet with you and print your name on the sign up sheet. You may pay on the EBC app, leave a check in an offering envelope, or visit the church office.
$110 for each camper
Sunday, Jun 11, 2023, 12:00 PM
Worship Center
Falls Creek Kitchen Supply List
Falls Creek
July 3 - 8
Completed Grades 7th - 12th
Cost is $110
Terrific Tuesday - EBC KIDS
June 13- Get Air Trampoline Park
Time: Leave the church @ 9am and return by 5pm
Cost: $20 per person, pack a sack lunch.
July 13 (Thursday)- Roman Nose State Park
Time: Leave the church @ 9am and return by 5pm
Cost: $20 per person, pack a sack lunch.
Bring water, swim suit, towel, and sunscreen!
Cost covers putt putt, paddles boats, and swimming
August 8- Blue Zoo
Time: Leave the church @ 9am and return by 5pm
Cost: $15 per person, pack a sack lunch.
For any questions or concerns please reach out to Stephanie Warner, 580-302-4554
Please sign up at the welcome desk. Volunteers are needed! If you can chaperone please sign up at the welcome desk.
June 19 - 22
3rd - 6th Grade
Cost is $ 75.00 per camper
For questions or concerns please contact Lauren Margerum 580-214-0129
Vacation Bible School Child & Volunteer Registration
Vacation Bible School
Monday July 31st- Thursday August 3rd
Register your child online or fill out a form in the binder located at the Welcome Desk.
All Volunteers for Vacation Bible School please fill out a registration form in the binder at the Welcome Desk.
Additionally if you are a volunteer and your child is not entering at least 1st grade in the Fall please fill out a child registration form in the binder.
You may leave the form in the binder on the welcome desk or return to the Church Office. Thank you!
Deacon's Meeting 5:00pm
6 /18
Finance Committee 7:00pm
Building & Grounds Meeting 5:00pm
Paid Nursery Workers
Last Week at a Glance
Sunday, June 4, 2023
Budget Offering
Last Sunday ........................................ $16,551.90
YTD Budget Needed ........................... $246,005.24
YTD Budget Received ......................... $218,768.20
This Month New Building
Receipts This month .......................... $8,620.00
Received This Week ........................... $8,620.00
Grow Groups: 55
Family Worship: 142
Sunday Servants
Preschool Care
Janice Sperle
Lead Usher
Bernard Boeckman
Welcome Desk
Steve & Carol Wichert
Deacon of the Week
Larry Wright
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Sunday Services
Grow Groups 9:30am
Family Worship 10:45am
Evening Study 6:00pm
Wednesday Night Activities
Church-Wide Meal 5:00pm
KIDS and Youth 6:00pm
Evening Study 6:00pm
Harbor - College 8:00pm
Website: ebcweatherford.com
Location: 719 North Kansas Street, Weatherford, OK, USA
Phone: (580)772-3413
Facebook: facebook.com/ebcwford