School News
News From Marion Jordan Elementary
Information from Mrs. Grosch
We wish all of our MJ families a safe holiday season filled with all of your favorite things!
Good Habits Start with Daily Attendance!
Did you know? Daily attendance builds good habits for the future.
Tip: Create a family calendar to track school days and events. Aim for 9 or fewer absences for academic success!
Devices Coming Home
In the event of potential inclement weather on January 6th, CCSD 15 may call an “eLearning day”.
Please read more about eLearning here:
All students in grades K-8 will be bringing home devices over the upcoming Winter Break so that devices are home in the case of potential inclement weather. All devices should return to schools on Monday, January 6, 2025, after Winter Break or on the next regular in-person school day. For parents/guardians of K-2 students, please remember to return the device, case, and charger when students return to school.
Vader on a Tater
Staff and students alike had a great week of searching for Vader on a Tater as he moved and hid through the building. To sum it up, the sightings were out of this world!!
December PBIS Update
Students throughout the building enjoyed an activity with a buddy class after earning 11 holiday light bulbs in recognition of their efforts to be safe, respectful and responsible. We are proud of each of our blue jays, as well as our collective flock, for their efforts and success in meeting and exceeding our school wide expectations. When children are accountable for their actions and contribute to the positive climate and culture at Marion Jodan, every day is a good day for staff and students alike.
When we return from Winter Break, we will be engaging in a mid-year review of expectations in a few key places around the school. In addition to classroom teachers restating expected behaviors in the classroom, we will also be targeting the bathrooms, hallways, bus, and recess. Each of these areas are less structured than the classroom and require students to make the right decisions more independently. Please ask your child to share what is expected of them in these various places around our school. To reinforce positive choices in each of the aforementioned areas, a special blue jay will be given out in recognition of effort and success in each of the identified areas. Students will work together to fill boxes with these special blue jays. Once the boxes are filled, classrooms will use their library time to make a Penguin Popper - a penguin puppet that will launch a snowball (ie. a pon pom). Each homeroom will determine a class winner - the student whose penguin can launch a snowball the furthest - and the classroom winners will compete against one another so we can identify a school champion. Oh what fun and creative ways our school based committee dreams up for the reward of playing hard after working hard.
SIP Classes in PE
School Spelling Bee
Congratulations to all of our Spelling Bee classroom winners. The classroom champions went on to participate in our school wide Bee where 5th grader Caleb S. earned the title of School Spelling Bee Winner. Caleb will move on to the district level Bee on February 3, 2025. Good luck, Caleb!
Free Developmental Screening
Important Dates
December 23- January 3 Winter Break
January 6 - School Resumes
January 14 - MJ PTA Meeting - 7pm - MJ Library
January 20 - Martin Luther King Holiday - NO SCHOOL
January 21 - Teacher Institute Day - NO SCHOOL
January 27 - Reflections Showcase @ CSMS 6pm
February 4 - Registration for the 2025-26 school year opens
February 6 - Band Concert @ FCW 7pm
From the Health Office
This is the time of year that gems can be aggressive and attempt to triumph over our health. The best way to ward off germs is to wash hands well and frequently. Washing well means using soap and warm water, scrubbing the palms, back sides, between fingers, and each thumb. Reviewing this with your child(ren) only takes a couple of minutes and could save the need for them to be absent from school. Eating nutritous meals and getting the required amount of sleep will also help with overall wellness. Generally speaking, elementary aged children need between 9-11 hours of sleep each night.
Dual Language Informational Meeting
Outdoor Winter Play
What fun it was to wake up and see snow on the ground for our last recess of 2024! As a reminder, students need to have boots and snowpants to play out in the field. Thank you for ensuring your student has the necessary outerwear to be able to join the fun.
Family Resources
- During this busy time of the year, remember to slow down and enjoy being together with the people you love. Take a walk, snuggle, talk, listen to music, dance, laugh, read aloud, play together, learn together, just be together. For more family fun ideas, check out these 40 Wintertime Family Bucket List Activities.
- Learn about the 5 love languages and how to use your child's preferred language to make the holidays more meaningful here.
Contacting Marion Jordan School
Welcome to Marion Jordan Elementary School, Home of the Blue Jays!
We are located at 100 N. Harrison Ave. Palatine, IL 60067
Our main office phone number is 847-963-5500. Our Absence Line is 847-963-5501.
Principal: Mrs. Jennifer Grosch 847-963-5505 groschj@ccsd15.net
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Hillary Pruc 847-963-5504 pruch@ccsd15.net
School Office Staff: Ms. Jess Veltri 847-963-5580 veltrij@ccsd15.net and Mrs. Kelly Wallin 847-963-5503 wallink@ccsd15.net
School Nurse: Mrs. Brooke Buczkiewicz 847-963-5502 buczkieb@ccsd15.net