12-6-21 CIS News
Coloma Intermediate
CIS Crosswalk Safety
Parents and community members can park or drop off their students in the East parking lot and use the crosswalk to safely cross the road and enter the Intermediate School Building. For the safety of our students, do not park or drop students off at the crosswalk or in the "red zone".
Thank you, Mr. Hopf, for always being there for us!
Virtual Winter Concert Friday, December 16th
Friendship Stew
The 4th graders celebrated Thanksgiving by making Thanksgiving Friendship Stew. After studying theme in language arts, the classes read Stone Soup. Students worked together to determine the theme based on the events in the book. They chose themes like sharing, teamwork, and generosity, and supported those themes with details from the book.
Families sent in items that students poured together to create their delicious Friendship Stew. Each student received a bag of the mixture to enjoy. Like the characters in Stone Soup, the 4th graders learned that together they could create something quite tasty!
Upcoming Dates
12/15 - Late Start
12/16 - Half Day
12/17 - Half Day
12/18-1/2 - Winter Break
1/3 - Back to School
Lory's Place
Please contact Ms. Nimtz (CIS Social Worker) at knimtz@ccs.coloma.org if you have any questions. Additional info can be found on our school's website under the "School Life" tab.
Second Step
Late Start Wednesdays
Contact Information
Coloma Intermediate School Principal
District Special Education Director
Email: wstaffen@ccs.coloma.org
Website: cis.coloma.org
Location: 274 South West Street, Coloma, MI, USA
Phone: 269 468 7415