Monday Kick-Off
Horn Frog Nation
November 3, 2024
Dear Family,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend. As the year comes closer to an end, with it brings times of reflection. November is National Gratitude Month. What are you thankful for? What and who do you appreciation it? I am truly grateful and thankful for everything you all do. You are truly amazing team. I often hear from different parents about how great you are and the differences you are making for their children. I know you do not hear it enough, Thank you!
Ideas for making space for Gratitude:
- Introduce the concept and related vocabulary to your students
- Ask students to brainstorm examples of kindness & gratitude
- Talk about gratitude during circle time
- Use writing prompt
- Write Thank you notes
- Share things you appreciate about your students with them
- Read a story about gratitude
- Send positive messages home, make a positive phone call
- Thank families for the ways they are contributing to your classroom, to our campus.
Before you know it, we will be at the end of the nine weeks. It is important that you keep up to date with upcoming events. Make sure you are entering your grades weekly, and contact parents as needed. This is also the time hen sickness begin to be passed from one another. Remind the students to wash their hands and to keep them away from their face.
Take care of yourselves by staying hydrated, eating healthy, and get plenty of rest.
To Do's:
- Make sure you are taking your attendance every section.
- Make sure you are having your students step into the arena for IXL weekly.
- Conference with your students about their goals and the progress they are making frequently.
"Though you can't always drive improvements through other people and sometimes not even through a team. You can always be an example of Improvement. Remember the way the word is spelled says it the best, "IMPROVEMENT BEGINS WITH I." - Lean Strategies International LLV
With gratitude,
Dr. Wendy Gamble
Teacher Tidbits
DIY Interactives
When you need a laugh
Belief Statements
We Believe
STUDENTS are engaged partners in a challenging, relevant education provided within a safe and nurturing environment.
PARENTS and FAMILIES are invited, informed, and engaged educational partners.
FACULTY and STAFF MEMBERS are invested professionals who are equipped and supported to inspire lifelong learners.
Essential Five
Vision-Mission-Essential Five
We will maximize the time that we do have with our students and focus on the Essential Five.
- Identify desired results
- Determine acceptable evidence
- Plan learning experiences & instruction
2. Prioritize small group instruction over whole group instruction.
- It allows you to react & respond in real time on a personalized level to questions, misconceptions, & successes.
3. Post & review learning targets everyday with your students.
- Tell them what you want them to learn, and how they will know they learned it.
4. Model the concept or skill.
- Always provide plenty of practice together and independently.
- Pre-assessments
- Questioning
- Observations
- Exit Tickets
- Monitoring small group discussions
- Facilitate small group instruction
2024-2025 Academic Goals
Student Achievement
Where we are
STAAR Reading 23-24: 16% DNM, 31% Approached, 27% Meet, 26% Mastered
STAAR Math 23-24: 30% DNM, 33% Approached, 26% Meet, 11% Mastered
STAAR Science 23-24: 48% DNM, 35% Approached, 13% Meet, 4% Mastered
Where we are going
Grades 3 - 8: 80% of Nolan Creek students will meet the approaches performance level, 50% will reach the meets performance level and 25% will reach the masters performance level in all subjects as measured by the STAAR.
Grades K -2: 35% Above, 60% At, <5% Below, 0% Well Below as measured by mClass.
BOY Measure 2024
mClass K-2: 17% Well Below, 17% Below, 42% At Grade level, 23% Above Grade Level
Math IXL: 8% Far Below, 35% Below, 50% At Grade level, 7% Above
ELAR IXL 3-7: 17% Far Below, 20% Below, 25% At Grade Level, 38% Above
MOY Measure 2024 - 2025
mClass K-2: % Well Below, % Below, % At Grade level, % Above Grade level
Math IXL: % Well Below, % Below, % At Grade level, % Above Grade level
ELAR IXL: % Well Below, % Below, % At Grade level, % Above Grade level
Math Interim: % DNM, % Approach, % Meet, % Master
RLA Interim: % DNM, % Approach, % Meet, % Master
Science Interim: % DNM, % Approach, % Meet, % Master
EOY Measure 2025
mClass K-2: % Well Below, % Below, % At Grade level, % Above Grade level
Math IXL: % Well Below, % Below, % At Grade level, % Above Grade level
E:LAR IXL: % Well Below, % Below, % At Grade level, % Above Grade level
Save the Date
1 Staff Development-No School- Parent Teacher Conferences
(AVID Awareness Parent Letter)
3 Father of Texas Day
4 Generation Texas Month
4-8 Literacy Week ! Scholastic Book Fair (Open Before & After School)
5 CPR training 7th grade
6 College/Military Shirts
7 K-1 Central Fire Station Walking Field Trip Kinder depart 8A, 1st depart 8:30A
8 Pizza Friday & Spirit Shirts
11 Staff Development-Veterans Day- No School
11-15 GenTX Week- College/ Career Readiness
(MON-Sunglasses, TUES- Hat day, WED-College/Military THURS-Pajamas, FRI- Wear NCS Colors)
12 2nd-5th grade Bell County Museum Walking Field Trip depart 10:30A (sack lunch)
12 PTA Meeting 5:30pm2/3 Performance
13 College/Military Shirts
15 CAREER DAY -Progress Reports (½ through 2nd 9 Weeks) & Pizza Friday
16 PTA 5th Annual Turkey Trot 730A
20 College/Military Shirts
22 Pizza Friday & Spirit Shirts
23 Turkey Trot
25-29 Thanksgiving Break-No School
Staff Birtdays
The following Horn Frog(s) are celebrating a birthday this month:
Macie Guajardo -8th
We hope you enjoy your special day!
Previous Newsletters
May 20 https://secure.smore.com/n/8w4gm
July 29 https://secure.smore.com/n/3sdrv
August 5 https://secure.smore.com/n/h8exk
August 19 https://secure.smore.com/n/w6d1j
August 25 https://secure.smore.com/n/uybtd
September 3 https://secure.smore.com/n/9f8c2
September 9 https://secure.smore.com/n/mwj6p5
September 16 https://secure.smore.com/n/17m9f
September 23 https://secure.smore.com/n/d46gx
September 30 https://secure.smore.com/n/6y47q
October 7 https://secure.smore.com/n/6jwna
October 14 https://secure.smore.com/n/zps3ke
October 21 https://secure.smore.com/n/51czq
October 28 https://secure.smore.com/n/ykxgt
Principal Wendy Gamble
Email: wendy.gamble@orendaeducation.org
Website: https://www.nolancreekschool.org/
Location: 505 E Ave C Belton TX. 76513
Work Phone: 254-939-4491
Cell Phone: 254-833-1205