Hillside Family Newsletter
November 2024
Message from the Principal
November brings a season of gratitude, and there is so much for us to be thankful for at Hillside. I’m especially grateful for each member of our wonderful school community—our enthusiastic students, dedicated teachers and staff, and supportive families. Together, we create a nurturing environment where children can thrive and grow in their learning.
I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our parents and guardians. Your involvement—whether it’s reading with your child, checking in on homework, or partnering with teachers—makes a meaningful difference. Your commitment to your child’s education builds the strong foundation for their success, and we couldn’t be more fortunate to have such a caring community.
Our character trait for November is gratitude, a value that enriches all of our lives. This month, I encourage you to ask your child how they are practicing gratitude. Whether it’s saying “thank you,” helping a friend, or appreciating the little things, learning to show gratitude fosters a joyful outlook that can benefit everyone.
This month, there are many ways for parents to be involved in your child’s learning. Report cards will be available in ParentVue on November 6th, and our fall conferences are just around the corner. Look out for a message from your child’s teacher to schedule a conference, where we can connect and celebrate your child’s progress together.
As we enter the holiday season, consistent attendance is more important than ever. Learning happens every day, and being present allows students to fully engage in each lesson. We look forward to seeing your child on time and ready to learn each day!
Finally, fall has arrived with cooler temperatures. Please ensure your child dresses warmly each day. If your child needs a jacket or other cold-weather clothing, don’t hesitate to contact our office—we’re here to help!
With heartfelt thanks,
Principal Jen Durham
Thank you to the PTO for supporting the Math Night Dinner!
Notice: Please ignore the closing date on the advertisement! The store is open until November 20th!
This store is not a fundraiser but created as a courtesy by the HES PTO!
Click on the picture to go the the website store!
**Due to High Demand and Nationwide shortages some items may be placed on backorder.**
Checkout the Hillside Website!
November 4th: Teacher Work Day
November 5th: Virtual Storytime with Mrs. Durham 7:20 PM
November 6th: Report Cards available on Parent Vue
November 11th: Veterans' Day: NO SCHOOL
November 25-27th Fall Family Conferences NO SCHOOL
November 28th-29th: Thanksgiving holiday break NO SCHOOL
Disguise a Turkey Contest
Please join us in our Hillside Disguise a Turkey contest! Look for the turkey template to come home with your child on Friday, 11/8. Work together to disguise your turkey and return your masterpiece to school for display. All turkeys returned before 11/20 will be entered into a raffle for prizes.
We can't wait to see your creations!
Virtual Storytime with Mrs. Durham
Starting November 5th, I’m thrilled to invite your child to join our Virtual Storytime, held on school nights, Monday through Thursday, from 7:20–7:35 p.m. on(stream.meet.google.com/stream/3758faaa-7dab-41d8-8298-0dfd908b32ad
link also available in the school calendar). Currently, this meeting is only available via students email and on school devices. This short, fun reading session will help build reading skills, support homework habits, and settle into a calming bedtime routine—hope to see your child there!
HES PTO Meeting
Join our PTO Thursday, November 7th from 5:00-6:00 PM in the Hillside Library. We look forward to seeing you there! Pizza dinner is provided at every meeting. This month children with participate in a pumpkin painting activity too! PTO members support special events like Walk-A-Thon and are permitted entrance during the event.
In October, HES had our annual walk-a-thon fundraiser. This is our BIG, once-a-year school-wide fundraiser. With the money raised, classes will be able to go on field trips, purchase class rewards, and do special projects. Our goal was to earn $10,000 as a school. We raised over $13,000!
Special THANK YOU to friends and family of Hillside! We are grateful!
PurposeFull People character traits for our students of the month
PurposeFull People character traits for our students of the month
November 2024
During the month of November, our Hillside staff will be celebrating scholars who demonstrate gratitude. We will learn that gratitude is a choice that we get to make over and over again on where we put our focus and that we can feel grateful even for tough or challenging things in our life. We would encourage our families to practice this trait at home too!
Gratitude: choosing to appreciate the people and things in our lives.
Think About It
Here are some questions to ask your child at home or talk about as a family:
K-2 Why do you think that saying “thank you” is so important? Gratitude takes practice! What can we do as a family to work on expressing Gratitude more regularly to each other and those around us?
3-5 Who are the people that you’re grateful for? How do you currently express Gratitude? With your words, actions, or thoughts? How does it feel to give Gratitude? How do others respond to your Gratitude?
Be sure to dress appropriately for the weather!
School Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Start 8:30 amEnd 3:15 pm
*Doors open at 8:05am for breakfast in the cafeteria. There is no supervision before 8:05am. First bell rings at 8:30 am. Late bell rings at 8:35 am.
Student Absence
If your student will be absent for the day, please call our office at 541-830-1225 or email islasg@eaglepnt.k12.or.us. Thank you for helping to keep our school healthy by keeping students home when they are sick.
Ipad Protection Plan
Hillside Elementary School Mission Statement
Hillside Elementary School
Email: pattersondurhamj@eaglepnt.k12.or.us
Website: eaglepnt.k12.or.us/hes
Location: 185 East Main Street, Eagle Point, OR, USA
Phone: 541-830-1225
Facebook: facebook.com/hehusky