VMS ELKS Roundup
September 27, 2024
Dear Families,
It’s hard to believe we’ve already wrapped up the first month of school! We are thrilled with how the year has begun and grateful for the positive energy and support from our students, staff, and families.
Highlights from Our First Month
Classroom Learning: Our students have hit the ground running with a great start to the academic year. It’s been wonderful to see their enthusiasm and participation in lessons across all grade levels.
RALLY Activities: Thanks to our dedicated RALLY committee, students have enjoyed engaging and fun activities designed to build community and support social-emotional learning. Each day’s tasks ensure all students receive the same important messages.
Important Reminders
Planner Usage: Please encourage your child to use their planner daily. Staying organized is key to their success both inside and outside the classroom.
Water Bottles: Please make sure your child’s water bottle has a sealed top. Open-top bottles or those with straws can cause spills, and we want to keep our learning environment clean and distraction-free.
Looking Ahead
As we move into October, here are a few dates to keep in mind:
Monthly Communication: We will continue our communication as it is extremely important, but moving forward, all communication will be sent during the first week of each new month.
Conferences: Oct. 10, 15 and 16 - more details will be coming soon.
Activities Night: October 25th from 3:00-5:00; volunteers are still needed.
End of Quarter 1: November 1st marks the end of our first quarter. Please be on the lookout grade updates and ensure your students are getting their work completed.
Staff Development Days: November 4th and 5th will be staff development days. These are non-student days but will allow teachers to focus on grading and professional learning.
We appreciate your partnership and are excited to see what the rest of the school year holds. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your continued support!
Best regards,
Amanda Ohlgren, Principal
VandenBerge Middle School
Direct: (763)241-3443
Extension: 2601
Kelly Fossum, Assistant Principal
VandenBerge Middle School
Direct: (763)241-3444
Extension: 2602
VMS Student Expectations
Tardy Policy
As we have become acclimated and students understand their schedules and classroom locations it is important for students to arrive on time and are prepared for each class.
As we progress through the school year, we want to remind everyone of the importance of our classroom expectations and arriving to class on time, prepared for class, and ready to learn. Being punctual not only helps students start their day on the right foot, but it also maximizes learning time and minimizes disruptions for everyone.
Per the district middle school handbook:
Middle school students are expected to be punctual to each class with four tardies or less per quarter.
If a student has four or more tardies in a quarter they may have consequences which may include, but not limited to, detention, student conference, parent conference, loss of privileges, involvement by county social services and/or the court system for truancy
Lunchroom Expectations: Partnering for a Positive Mealtime Experience
At VMS, we strive to create a calm and enjoyable environment for students during lunchtime. To ensure that everyone has a positive experience, we kindly ask for your support in reinforcing the following lunchroom expectations with your child:
Respect for Others: Students are encouraged to use quiet, respectful voices while enjoying their lunch, allowing everyone to have pleasant conversations.
Cleanliness Counts: We appreciate students taking responsibility by cleaning up after themselves and helping us keep the lunchroom clean and tidy.
Kindness is Key: We promote kindness during mealtime by asking students to use polite words, share space respectfully, and be considerate of others in the lunch line.
Safety First: To ensure everyone's safety, students are reminded to remain seated during lunch unless they are given permission to leave their spot.
Responsibility: We encourage students to take responsibility for their belongings, such as lunch boxes and water bottles, and make sure they are using them properly.
Thank you for partnering with us to help all students have a safe, respectful, and enjoyable lunchtime! Together, we can continue to make our school a great place for everyone.
Hallway Expectations
2. Use Inside Voices – Respecting others is essential. Students should use quiet voices to avoid disturbing classrooms during passing periods.
3. Keep Hallways Clean – Everyone plays a role in maintaining a clean school environment. Students should throw away any trash and avoid leaving personal belongings in the hallways.
4. Be Respectful of Others’ Space – We ask students to be mindful of their surroundings, avoiding crowding or blocking doorways and pathways.
5. Stay on Time – Transitioning between classes should be efficient. Students are encouraged to move directly to their next class to avoid being late.
Additionally, we remind students about the importance of adhering to school policies, including carrying their planner and following the 10-minute rule (no passes during the first and last 10 minutes of class).
Music Concerts
10/25/24 Halloween Concert (ERHS, Salk 8th/VMS 8th Band) 7pm
ERHS Zabee Theater
12/3/24 VMS Band Concert 6 & 7PM
ERHS Zabee Theater
12/17/24 VMS Choir Concert 7PM
ERHS Zabee Theater
2/11/25 VMS 5th Grade Recruitment Concert 10am
VandenBerge Middle School
3/4/25 VMS Choir Concert 7PM
VandenBerge Middle School
3/6/25 VMS Ensemble Night 6 & 7:45PM
VandenBerge Middle School
5/15/25 VMS Choir Concert 7PM
ERHS Zabee Theater
5/22/25 VMS Band Concert 7PM
ERHS Zabee Theater
Picture Day Retakes Friday, October 11th
If your student did not like their first picture, this will be the last opportunity for them to do a retake. Any students who were absent from open house and our make up day should also plan to take a picture on retake day. We want to ensure we have a picture of all students for school IDs and the yearbook.
Click Kemmetmueller Photography Flyer for Picture Day Information
Don't miss out on ordering a yearbook at the low price of $25. After September 30th, the price will go up to $30.
Order at Jostens.com
search: "VandenBerge"
$25 + tax
VandenBerge Volunteer Opportunities
We encourage parent involvement in our school community. Keep an eye out for an email from Sarah Holmgren.
Upcoming Events:
Activities Night - Friday, October 25th (3:00 pm -5:00 pm)
If you're interested in volunteering for various events and activities throughout the year, please email our Parent Liaison, Sarah Holmgren at sarah.holmgren@isd728.org.
Important Dates
October 10 - Conferences from 4:00-7:00pm
October 11 - Picture RETAKE Day
October 15 - Conferences from 4:00-7:00pm
October 16 - No School - Conferences (during the day)
October 17-18 - No School - Teacher Convention
October 25 - Activities Night from 3:00-5:00pm