LPS Tiger Talk
August 23, 2024
Message From The Principal
Dear LPS Families,
We are off to a great start to our school year!
Miss Cameron, Mrs. Chandler and I were able to spend some time in every classroom this week getting to know students as we worked together to establish shared expectations for our school. Our PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports) program lays the important foundation for an amazing school year! We also hosted Ace Marvel's, "Be the Magic" - Character Show to support our 3 Core Values (Care, Respect & Responsibility). It was a lot of fun!
As shared at this week's Parent Information Nights, here is the link to our presentation slide deck. Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can help out in any way.
Have a great weekend! We will see our Tigers back on Monday.
Kevin Fancher
Important Upcoming Dates
2 - Labor Day - No School
3 - LPS Dine Out Fundraiser at Dewey's Pizza
10 - Fall Picture Day
11 - Red, White and Blue Day (In Recognition Of Patriot's Day)
19 - LEPTA Meeting, 7PM
27 - LPS Dance-A-Thon with LEPTA
Emergency Medical Forms Are Due Now!
If you have not yet done so this year, please make sure to log into Final Forms and complete the required forms for your child as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please call the office at (513) 683-3101. Thank you!
Fall Picture Day, 9/10
- Pre-order today on mylifetouch.com using your Student ID or Picture Day ID: EVT2MK2V4
- All students are photographed on Picture Day
- Orders will be sent home with your student after Picture Day
LPS Start and Dismissal Times
8:45 - Doors open for students being dropped off at school
8:55 - School day begins (After this time parents need to walk their students in the building and sign them in.)
3:25 - Car riders begin to dismiss
3:35 - School day ends
**If you know your student will be a car rider, please call or email the office early in the day to let us know. This minimizes end of the day confusion.
2024-2025 School Fees
School Fees for the 2024-2025 school year have now been posted to tigerparent.me. Please note that the total due may include fees from previous years that remain unpaid. Student fees are paid through https://payschoolscentral.com/ or you can send in a check or cash with your student. PaySchools Central is also where you can add funds to your student’s lunch account or apply for free or reduced meals if your family qualifies.
Help Our Tigers And Join The Loveland Elementary PTA!
Your $15 Family Membership (no matter how many kids you have) will give you early access to our Special Events and After School Enrichment Classes throughout the year. Our new web address is lovelandlepta.org
School Calendars
You can view and print an easy-to-read version of the 2024-25 and 2025-26 calendars by following this link to our website.
Contact Loveland Primary School
Principal: Kevin Fancher (fancheke@lovelandschools.org)
Assistant Principal: Katie Cameron (cameroka@lovelandschools.org)
Counselor: Darcie Chandler (chandlda@lovelandschools.org)
Secretaries: Katie Buck-Kennedy ( buckkeca@lovelandschools.org) and Karen De Jongh
( dejongka@lovelandschools.org)
Health Aide: Connie Smith (smithco@lovelandschools.org)
To report an absence call (513) 697-3888 by 9:30 am
Website: Lovelandschools.org
Location: 550 Loveland Madeira Road, Loveland, OH, USA
Phone: 513-683-3101
Facebook: LPS
Twitter: @LPStigers