Holy Rosary
To keep the heart space open, we almost all need some healing in regard to the hurts we’ve carried from the past. We also need to be in a right and honest relationship with people, so that others can love us and touch us at deeper levels, and so we can love and touch them. Nothing else opens the heart space in such a positive and ongoing way.
Richard Rohr
Hi Everyone,
Such a joy to see children bounding into school Wednesday morning! We are delighted to welcome them back! Our team has had two great days, covering quite a bit of ground. We reviewed Individual Education Plan structures with a consultant from CEWA. Tegan Back led a refresher course on the school Evacuation Plan - what to do in the case of lockdown or emergency, and Joe Kinder led a conversation on the use of Elastik, a data management product as well as of Ochre, which is a teacher resource product. Caroline Mullins led our Assistants on a Q&A with technology, preparing a session in response to questions from the team. Two really diverse, motivating and productive days, it is fair to say.
From last week’s newsletter you would have seen the list of term dates attached. The dates are also evident on the school calendar which is easily accessed for regular checking. We all encourage you to take the opportunity to be involved in as many of the activities as you can.
It is great to be back. Have a wonderful weekend.
Holy Rosary Sign
Our lovely school sign is back in place. Big thank you to our handyman for installing this.
Thank you
Thank you to the parents who gave up their time in the holidays. Amazing!
We have been advised by the Parish that a large funeral will be taking place on Thursday 25 July at 10.30am and they are expecting in excess of 500 people. Please keep this in mind if you will be using the car park at this time, thank you.
ICAS 2024
Students in Years 4, 5 and 6 are welcome to enrol in the 2024 ICAS Assessments in the areas of English, Maths and Science. All information relating to these assessments can be found in the below document. Please note the dates for the assessments are as follows:
English – 12th August
Science – 26th August
Maths – 19th August
Numero Club
Numero Club commences on Friday 26th July and will conclude in Week 9. It will run from 7.40am – 8.15am in the Library. Numero Club is open to the first 40 students in Years Three to Six, who register on the sign-up sheet outside the Library. We look forward to seeing you there.
Climbing to new heights in Term 3!
Our Pre-Kindy adventurers are thrilled to be back and exploring the playground 🌟🧒🏽🏫.
CEWA Religious Education Assessment
This term, students in Years 3 and 5 will be participating in the CEWA Religious Education Assessment (REA), formally known as the Bishops’ Religious Literacy Assessment. The REA Assessment is scheduled for Week 3 on Wednesday 31st July.
Please click on the link below for further information.
Tuesday 23 July
CPSSA Cross Country
Important Dates
Term 3, 2024 - Wed 17 July - Friday 20 September
Term 4, 2024 - Monday 7 October - Friday 6 December
Locavora Lunch Orders
How to setup an account
Please read the attachment below on how to setup an account to order lunch for your child/children from Locavora.
P&F Newsletter Issue 1
P&F Facebook
If you’d like to be kept up to date on current and upcoming events and important information from the P&F please add us on Facebook.
- Five days a week during term time
- Vacation Care during school holidays
- Available for children attending Kindy through to Year Six.
Sacramental Dates for 2024
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
Parish Office - 9446 2055
Father Peter Hoang OP - 0412 445 199
Rosary Care
Holy Rosary School
Email: admin@hrs.wa.edu.au
Website: hrs.wa.edu.au
Location: 35 Williamstown Road, Doubleview WA, Australia
Phone: (08)9203 4500
Facebook: facebook.com/holyrosaryschooldoubleview