Kennedy Sunday Newsletter

Message from the Principal
Dear Kennedy High School Parents and Community,
It was an incredible week to be a part of the Kennedy community! From Thursday morning’s Coffee with the Principal to the LCAP Educational Partners Engagement Process that evening, and culminating in Friday’s Parent Ambassadors awards picnic, it was wonderful to see so many dedicated parents supporting Kennedy and our students. Thank you for your active participation and commitment to our school.
On Wednesday, I had the privilege of witnessing our Girls' Basketball team triumph over Oxford Academy 49-48 in a nail-biting CIF quarterfinal competition. Our Fighting Irish fans were on their feet, cheering our team to victory! Go Irish!
This week is also an important one for Kennedy. On Tuesday, we will be hosting our Mid-Cycle WASC visit. The WASC accreditation process helps schools evaluate and improve their programs and ensure student success. This visit provides an opportunity to showcase what makes Kennedy such a special place for our students.
Looking ahead, several of our educators and Kennedy Fighting Irish students will be attending the 2025 AI K12 Deeper Learning Summit. This summit offers educators a dynamic educational experience where they can share and discover how AI can unlock deeper learning for students, exploring best practices for responsible AI use and learning how to advocate for tech justice policies in their schools and communities.
The Kennedy Show Choir season continues this week with a competition right here at Kennedy High School. Come out and support these incredibly talented students at KPAC!
We also have a very important Financial Aid Application Workshop for Seniors & Parents on Thursday, February 27th, in the Kennedy Library from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Our goal is to have 100% of our senior class complete their FAFSA application. No matter what our seniors' post-secondary plans are, the FAFSA creates access and opportunities for participation in the AUHSD Pledge. Completing the FAFSA grants our students access to a wide range of financial aid options, including federal grants like Pell Grants, work-study opportunities, federal loans, and most importantly, the state-specific "Cal Grant" programs. These programs can significantly reduce the cost of attending a California community college, CSU, or UC institution, essentially allowing you to access more affordable higher education within the state. Even though we may not know what changes will come at the federal level, California continues to have aid that does not need to be paid back, including the Middle Class Scholarship (MCS). All you need to do to have an opportunity for these scholarships and grants is apply to either the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the CA Dream Act Application (CADAA).
Finally, here is a list of our home competitions this week:
Monday, February 24: HOME - Varsity Softball vs Cypress HS 3:15 pm
Tuesday, February 25: HOME - Varsity Boys' Tennis vs Western HS 3:15 pm
Wednesday, February 26: HOME - Varsity Boys' Volleyball vs Canyon HS 4:45 pm
Friday, February 28: HOME - Varsity Baseball vs Chino Hills HS 3:00 pm
I look forward to seeing you at these events and continuing to work together to support our students.
In Partnership,
Poppy Hill-Bonales
Proud Principal, Kennedy High School
Home of the Fighting Irish
2024-2025 LCAP Schedule
Our next LCAP meeting will be Thursday, March 20th at 6:00 p.m. at the AUHSD District Office. If you did not attend the last meeting, that's okay! Moving forward, meetings will be held with specific focus groups related to each LCAP goal. Please speak with your FACES, David Hernandez, for more information!
LCAP refers to the Local Control and Accountability Plan or AUHSD's plan to ensure student success. Taking the survey and attending the LCAP meetings helps not only Kennedy, but the district to create a plan to support ALL students; especially those who need extra support. Students, staff, and parents all take this survey, which provides us valuable insight on what we can improve on.
LCAP Survey
Have you taken the 2024-2025 LCAP Survey? The district sent out an email with instructions on how to take and complete the survey.
Everyone has a unique link to take the survey. Please do not share your link as it is an exclusive link just for you. We would love to hear your opinion and understand how we can go from good to great!
Civic Engagement Opportunities
Are you passionate about a specific topic? Do you want more experience in public speaking? Consider checking out our Soapbox Speech competition! Please scan the QR Code to sign up! For any questions, please visit Mrs. Helton in Room 110.
Interested in participating in this AIME opportunity? Scan the QR Code or click on the flyer for more information!
Know Your Rights
With these challenging times, community support is needed more than ever. AUHSD will be having Know Your Rights Forums across the district to educate and prepare families. Please check the dates below for more information.
Message from the Counselors
This week, we are having a Financial Aid Support Workshop for Parents and Students sponsored by Cypress College on February 27th, from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm. This is a great way to get answers to your questions and support on the FAFSA application.
Dual Enrollment
Interested in taking Dual Enrollment? Take a look at some of the benefits and the course offerings available! Please email our Dual Enrollment Counselor, Ms. An, an_l@auhsd.us if you have any questions.
Interested in volunteering with the City of La Palma? Check out this awesome opportunity here!
PTSA Announcements
Want to get more involved in the school and your student's education? The PTSA is looking for board members for the coming year! Nominations are now open for the 2025-2026 School Year. Please scan the QR Code below to access the form!
We are collaborating to bring a financial literacy workshop to the FACE Center on March 11th at 5:30 PM. Please click on the flyer or scan the QR Code to RSVP! Hope to see you there.
The PTSA Scholarship is now open! Please look at the guidelines and requirements to apply below! Remember: You must already have a PTSA membership in order to apply for the scholarship. Thank you and good luck!
AUHSD Volunteer Registration
Attendance Policy
Please call the Attendance Office if you need to report an absence or send an email to sign out a student. Please refer to the email and phone numbers below with the first letter of your last name.
714-220-4131 (A-L)
714-220-4132 (M-Z)
If planning on signing out a student, please send an email to kenattendance@auhsd.us with sufficient time in advance to prepare. If a sibling or extended family member is picking the student up, make sure to specify that in the email. This will not only facilitate the process for parents and students much quicker, but also minimize classroom disruptions. Thank you.
Student Parking Permit
Parking permits are to be displayed at all times when parked in the Kennedy Student parking lot. For reference, here is last year's permit. Please see Mrs. Alvarez in the Student window if you are in need of a parking pass. You can find the application and fees HERE.
Once you complete the form, please bring a photo copy of Drivers License, Auto Insurance, and the current Vehicle Registration with $20 cash or check to complete the process
Contact Us
Main Office:
Attendance Office:
714-220-4131 (A-L)
714-220-4132 (M-Z)
Counseling Office:
Health Office:
Records Office:
Registration Office:
Please subscribe to Kennedy’s YouTube channel at https://bit.ly/khighyoutube