USD116 BOE Update: Jan. 7, 2025
National Mentoring Month/Community Involvement
CU One to One Mentoring completed its 30th year. All USD #116 schools have mentors and volunteers.
Upcoming Events:
- On January 15 CU One to One is hosting a Recruitment Open House for the City of Urbana in Council Chambers. The goal is to recruit Urbana City Workers, Police and Firefighters as mentors and/or volunteers in our schools.
- January 21 is Thank Your Mentor Day. Mentors can redeem a benefit card with discounts/giveaways from several local businesses.
- January 23 is the annual Mentor Luncheon at Stone Creek Church. This is for current and interested mentors.
If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please attend an upcoming new mentor training session.
- January 28 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Urbana Middle school
- February 4 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Mellon Building in Champaign (703 S. New St.)
- February 12 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Mellon Building in Champaign (703 S. New St.)
Voltus - Power Procurement Group Presentation
Urbana has participated in the Voltus Demand Response program since 2019.
- Demand Response: Getting paid to temporarily conserve or shift electricity usage when the grid does not have enough resources.
Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)-- MISO needs to ensure balance of demand (consumption) and available supply (generation). This can be achieved through increasing supply or decreasing demand.
- It’s like an insurance policy - MISO pays you to standby just in case an imbalance occurs.
- This has never happened in Illinois.
Approval will be requested during the January 21business meeting.
Technology in Our Schools
Classroom Technology
- Classrooms have interactive viewboards that can be used as whiteboards and also have casting capability and remote control access.
- USD is 1:1 for student devices
- Teachers have the opportunity to use Document Cameras
- Projectors in large spaces have been upgraded
Building Technology
- District security cameras have been upgraded and now have much better quality
- The camera recordings have also been consolidated
- The clock/bell system has been synced to a single system
- Dedicated student support for Chromebooks
AI In Classrooms
Teachers can decide whether they want to use AI in the classroom using a stoplight model.
- Red: Do not use AI for this assignment
- Yellow: Use AI to assist with this assignment
- Green: Use AI to create with this assignment
Next Steps
- Piloting and communicating with UHS Staff
- Test Software platforms
- Develop AI Guidance for USD Staff for use prevention detection of AI coursework
- Professional development for teachers
- Assignment/Assessment design with an AI mindset
- Training on use and awareness of AI in the classroom
PRESS Plus 117 and Legislative Update
Below are a few legislative changes that went into effect January 1.
School Relaxation Activities
Provides that the relaxation activities may (instead of shall) be provided for at least 20 minutes a week (instead of at least once a week). Provides that a school district may partner with public and
private community organizations (instead of local community-based organizations) to provide relaxation activities.
- Action - We will work with administrators to identify a range of activities that might be included and offer limited possibilities during the schedule (e.g. SEL time).
Equal Pay Act - Pay Scale
Employers shall provide the pay scale and benefits, or a hyperlink to the pay scale and benefits in job postings.
- Action - For non-administrative staff, we already provide a link to our pay scale on job postings. We will add a link to benefit information. For administrators, we will add a salary range on job postings and a link to benefit information.
Air Quality in Schools
Provides that the State Board of Education shall, in consultation with the Department of Public
Health, compile resources for elementary and secondary schools relating to indoor air quality in schools, including best practices for assessing and maintaining ventilation systems and information on any potential State or federal funding sources that may assist a school in identifying ventilation needs.
- Action - Review and assess the information and resources from ISBE.
Action Items
12.1 Cell Tower Lease Agreement
This vote was postponed for two weeks so the Board President can gather additional information on the proposed contract.
Superintendent Report
Dr. Ivory-Tatum's Superintendent Report: January 7, 2025
- Save the date for the CUSF 'We Are The Schools' Music Fest on February 16
- Teacher of the Week: Ms. Gingold
- Athlete of the Week: Max Kooper
Location: 1101 E University Ave., Suite B, Urbana, IL 61802
Phone: (217) 384-3600
Outstanding Schools in an Outstanding Community!