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Message From Dr. Harris
Welcome to the 24/25 School Year,
At Liberty High School, we strive to provide an active and engaging learning environment where every scholar develops a love for learning. By providing our scholars with the knowledge and skills necessary for success, our goal is to see every scholar graduate.
Liberty High school offers a wide range of accelerated courses which will meet scholars’ selected pathway of interest. These accelerated courses include dual enrollment, Advanced Placement, and CTE programs.
Our CTE course offerings include:
- Law Enforcement
- Pharmacy Technician
- Phlebotomy
- Teaching
- Engineering
- Cyber Security
- Business Entrepreneurship & Promotional Design
- Digital Design
- Digital Multimedia
- Advanced Manufacturing
Thank you for choosing Liberty High School.
Dr. La Tonia Harris
Meet the Teacher-August 7th
Our Meet the Teacher event will be held on Wednesday, August 7th, from 3:30pm to 5:30pm
- Families will enter through the Cafeteria doors to pick up schedules and transportation information.
- Technology and Parent Portal assistance will be held in the Media Center. School technology staff will be available to distribute devices.
- All Educators and Athletics will be housed in the Gymnasium.
- Any student new to Liberty will be able to take ID pictures in the Academic Lab.
Parent Drop-Off and Scholar Arrival
Due to new state guidelines for safety and security, Liberty's parking and entrances have changed for the 24/25 school year
- Parent Entrance and Pick-Up/Drop-Off will now occur through the main Pleasant Hill gate. Parents will turn right at the main office and loop through the pick/drop-off area. Scholars will be dropped off between the gymnasium and auditorium stop sign.
- Scholar Entrance and Parking will now take place via the Poinciana Blvd. gate. Only scholars will be permitted to enter and exit through this gate.
Scholar Supervision
Scholar supervision begins at 6:45am, please do not drop off any scholars prior to that time.
Scholar Parking Permits
Professional Development for the Week
We are going digital for the new school year. Please read, carefully, the requirements for a LHS Parking pass.
Drivers eligible for a parking pass must be an 11th or 12 grader who is 16 years or older with a 2.50 or better weighted GPA.
-Scholars must complete all of the fields for the Parking Application via the attached form.
-Scholars must upload all supporting documentation.
-Scholars must have valid car insurance that remains up to date while parking on campus.
-Scholars must pass a driving records check by our school resource officers.
-Scholars must submit a $30.00 payment via MySchoolBucks.
-Scholars must maintain good behavior and an acceptable discipline record at Liberty High School.
Scholars who receive 5 unexcused tardies to school will be subject to potential revocation of their parking permit. Unauthorized vehicles in the scholar parking lot will be subject to fines and towing.
Passes must be approved and purchased by August 19th, 2024.
Scholar Dress Code
Below are the dress code guidelines. Please understand that dress code will be enforced beginning August 12th.
Scholars will be provided with an ID and lanyard. These lanyards and IDs must be worn while scholars on campus.