The Weekly Penguin
February 9, 2025
Procedures and protocols
I will continue to put the principal's announcements at the top and continue with other announcements as structured. We're in the thick of it, so stay strong!
Congratulations to our class of 2025: AP US Government debate and Mock Election
This past Wednesday was the annual debate of our AP US Government program, pitting parties Casino Royale, Cupid, Hollywood, and Polaris against each other as they presented their platforms in foreign and domestic policies to the class of 2026. I offer a tremendous congratulations to Mr. Ollanik and Mr. Trouard for leading the program and teaching the students, to the students themselves for the policy papers which took months of research and writing to complete, the student elected leaders for speaking so eloquently on their platforms, and a heartfelt thank you to TUSD superintendent Dr. Trujillo for again moderating the event. I am so very proud of all you hard work and dedication to the craft, and to making this hallowed UHS tradition stand out as one of the best examples of intelligent, thoughtful, research and data driven discourse that can be presented.
Local affiliate KGUN came to capture footage of the event, and presented it both live and on the KGUN website, check it out! Arizona Public Media also presented a piece lauding the students' work, when it goes up on their website I will also include the link for your enjoyment.
The results came in this morning, and the victory goes to Party Polaris! Congratulations to all for a job well done, and we'll see you at inaugural tomorrow evening!
Evolution of Coffee with the Principal
We have had waning attendance at Coffee with the Principal while hosting it at off-site venues both in the morning and the afternoon, which is completely fine. As we would still like to have an environment for our families to speak directly to me about any topic and do so without an appointment, we will shift our sessions to be held on campus. The next Coffee with the Principal will be on Thursday, February 27 from 7:45am-8:45am in the RUHS auditorium lobby. We'll have breakfast-y snacks and drinks, come on by for a conversation! The next session will be in April, stand by for the date!
Please Respect Our Neighbors - doubling down
This is a repeat of the message which went out Thursday afternoon, with some added reminders of where parking regulations are posted in the Sierra Estates neighborhood to the south of our school.
We continue to have neighbors who live in the area immediately surrounding Rincon/University share with us serious concerns related to pedestrian and traffic safety. It has been reported that students and parents alike continue to threaten the well-being of residents in the neighborhoods, as well as disregarding signs that are designed to promote safety and which clearly state where parking and moving is not permitted. The signs below are not randomly selected; these are clearly posted in the Sierra Estates neighborhood directly south of our campus where violations have been reported to happen consistently.
Please respect these traffic laws reinforced by signs near the south 8th St gate:
- There is no parking, stopping, or standing during school hours (7:30am-4:00pm, M-F) going east on 8th St from Mountain View Ave to Arcadia Ave.
- There is no parking anytime going north on Arcadia Ave from 10th St to 8th St.
- The driveway 8th St gate to Rincon/University High School is an exit gate only. This will be enforced by the school through campus security and administration. All traffic is to exit and turn right (westbound) to exit the neighborhood. This is part of the through-campus loop which has been established between the school and the neighborhood through consultation and observation.
- All students walking off campus to the south will go through the eastmost walk-out gate, NOT the driveway gate. This will reduce the risk of being hit by a car.
- All parents/guardians/community: the best route to drop off or pick up your students is to enter the campus and follow the route. This will help to reduce double- and triple-parking along Arcadia Ave, cars making illegal U-turns, and potentially hitting any pedestrian traffic.
The reason for this is that students walking across the street are dodging vehicles going in multiple directions, creating blind spot corners without room for cars to navigate safely. We aim to get all parties on the same page: the Sierra Estates neighborhood and its residents, RUHS students/parents, RUHS administration and staff, and TPD. The danger brought upon the students and pedestrians by illegally dropping students off on 8th St. between Mountain View and Arcadia and Arcadia from 10th St. to 8th St. is palpable. Our priority is the safety for students and pedestrians. Please use caution.
Rincon and University High Schools are the central hub in this community, and we want to develop safe, respectful relationships with our neighbors so that we are a welcome entity in the community, modeling civility and respect.
Please be extra-vigilant during student drop-off and pick-up to follow and abide by the posted signs, and by obeying all traffic laws regarding parking, speed limits, and safe driving overall.
TPD regularly enforces the area and violations of regulations may result in hefty fines. Beyond that, we want to teach our students what it means to be courteous neighbors as leaders in the community. As concerns continue to escalate, we advise all members of the Rincon/University community and surrounding neighborhoods to report violations to TPD. However, we are hopeful that the continued communication between the schools and the neighborhoods combined with proceeding with caution while traveling in the area will eliminate the need to involve law enforcement.
We understand the traffic flow is challenging at times but again has been researched and tooled to the current iteration. We are continually monitoring the traffic flow and are always striving to find ways in which we can support both students and adults as they navigate inside and immediately outside the school property.
We urge you to support our neighbors, as well as our young drivers and pedestrian students, by practicing patience and consideration while traveling in the nearby neighborhoods. Remember, the safety of everyone in the area, including your student, is the goal!
Upcoming events:
Wednesday, February 12: grade-level meetings - during school day, more info to come!
Wednesday, February 12: UHS Travel Club info night - RUHS library and Zoom, see announcement below
Thursday, February 13: parent-teacher conferences - whole campus, by appointment, 4:30-6:30pm
Friday, February 14: half-day schedule - refer to the UHS bell schedule for schedule #5 times
Friday, February 14: Penguin Pathways - during school day, more info to come!
February 14 - February 15: AMEA Regional festival: band/choir/orchestra - Cholla High School
Saturday, February 15: RUHS campus cleanup - see announcement below, 10:00am-2:00pm
Tuesday, February 18: UHS Student of the Month breakfast - RUHS auditorium lobby, 8:00am
Tuesday, February 18: UHSPA meeting - RUHS library, 6:00pm
February 20 - February 21: Rodeo Break - SCHOOL CLOSED FOR STUDENTS, STAFF
Wednesday, February 26: spring orchestra concert - RUHS auditorium, time TBD
Thursday, February 27: Coffee with the Principal - RUHS auditorium lobby, 7:45am-8:45am
February 27 - February 28: Intermediate drama showcase - RUHS little theater, times TBD
Friday, March 7: Grading Day - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
March 8-March 16: Spring Break - SCHOOL CLOSED FOR STUDENTS, STAFF
Wednesday, April 16: UHS Instate college tours, day one - see announcement below
Wednesday, April 23: UHS Instate college tours, day two - see announcement below
Along 8th St, eastbound
Along Arcadia Ave (inside the neighborhood), northbound
Table of contents - NEW INFORMATION
Athletics updates
Bond update: construction planning
CCCC (College, Career, and Counseling Center) update
Know your Rights event
New Instagram for UHS!
Parent School Quality Survey
UHSPA update
Winter Formal parent chaperones
Yearbook Update
Campus Clean-up Phase 3
RUHS club list
Travel Club
UHSFAA - student microgrants
UHS Perspective - published online!
UHS website calendar
Athletics updates
Anyone interested in a spring sport must have an athletic packet filled out before trying out, practicing or competing. See athletic director Mr. LaVetter or office assistant April Bull Calf in the athletic office located in the SW corner lower level of the north gym. The first day of tryouts is Monday, February 10 so don't delay in getting your paperwork done! Thank you in advance!
RUHS Athletics T-Shirts for sale in the Bookstore!!
$15 for 1
$25 for 2
Winter sports are wrapping up and many of our teams are heading to post-season play. We'll update with the schedules as they come, but stand by for Spring sports! See below for direct links to each sport offered for the winter season at Rincon/University High School.
Winter sports lineup:
Bond update - construction planning
Exciting News for Tucson Unified Schools!
The Tucson Unified School District is thrilled to announce that Davis Bilingual Elementary Magnet School, Rincon / University High School, and Tucson High Magnet School will soon see significant improvements in their instructional learning spaces, thanks to the support of the Bond Oversight Committee, the Tucson Unified Governing Board, and Tucson community. At Davis and Rincon/University, the bond program will replace portable classrooms with modern, permanent learning spaces for students. For Tucson High, the bond program will focus on long-awaited renovations and repairs to the Vocational “V” Building modernizing classrooms spaces for students.
The conceptual and design-build phase will run from February 2025, through June 2025. During this time, the Design-Build team will collaborate with each school’s administration to provide conceptual classroom designs for new learning spaces to meet both current and future enrollment needs.
Construction is expected to be completed by the 2027-2028 school year, providing students and staff with state-of-the-art facilities to support their educational journey.
Stay tuned for updates on this exciting project as we work together to create better learning spaces for our community!
Dr. C
Charlotte Carter, MBA, PMP, Ed.D.
Bond Program Manager
Tucson Unified School District
CCCC (College, Career, and Counseling Center) update
Penguin Pathways - February 14th
Penguin Pathways is our school-wide annual career & future exploration event. Instead of going to class as normal on this day, students get to participate in the following activities based upon their grade level!
· 9th Grade - Students will select their preference to attend 3 workshops in the following categories:
o Career/Interest Exploration
o Post-Secondary Opportunities
o Life & Professional Skills
· 10th Grade - Students will select their preference to attend 2 workshops in the following categories in addition to a CPR for Graduation session to meet the AZ state graduation requirement:
o Career/Interest Exploration
o Post-Secondary Opportunities OR Life & Professional Skills
o CPR for Graduation (all students will attend)
· 11th Grade - Students will take the ASVAB career assessment to learn more about their skills & abilities as they relate to potential major/career pathways. Additionally, student completion of this test is factored in our school’s letter grade. There is no preparation needed for this test!
· 12th Grade - Students will select their preference to attend 1 workshop and 2 senior required workshops/activities
o Adulting 101 - Essential Life Skills for your Future: presented by Flores & Messing (all students will attend)
o Senior Updates and Major Exploration (all students will attend)
o Life & Professional Skills
*If you still need to complete your CPR, online PE or online health graduation requirements please be in attendance! You will be assigned sessions to complete/work on them!
Students in 9th, 10th & 12th grade will choose their workshops preferences ahead of time in class, starting the week of Feb 3, and will receive their schedule for Friday on Wednesday, Feb 12. Review the list of workshops found here so you have an idea of what you’d like to choose 😊
Updates from the CCCC/Student Services Team:
The Student Services team has started to visit math classes so that students can enter their choices into Synergy, and we will continue this next week through Thursday, 2/13. Remember, your requests shape our master schedule, so thank you for taking the time to thoughtfully make your decisions! If you have any questions or did not turn in your sheet, please connect with your counselor ASAP!
Did you pick up your cap and gown on Friday? We know this is an exciting time, and we want all of you to be able to wear those on May 21st – AND IF YOU DON’T COMPLETE YOUR ONLINE PE/HEALTH CREDITS, YOU WON’T BE ABLE TO. Sorry to yell, but too many are leaving this until the last minute. Parents/guardians/students, please note that seniors who are finishing these requirements will have THREE HOURS of work time on Friday, February 14th to get this done – we look forward to seeing you then!
11th Grade Students - Join the UHS Instate College Tours (April 16 & 23)!
Join the UHS Counseling Team to visit and tour all instate campuses, their honors colleges, and learn about admissions & financial aid. Spots will fill on a first come first serve basis. Details & registration can be found here!
-Join the UHS Counseling team for our quarterly College-Ready Seminars focusing on how juniors can prepare for applying to college. Each quarter we will focus on a different topic to assist juniors & families in their college planning by breaking down the process and helping you work smarter, not harder! We highly encourage all junior students and families to attend each quarter so they are best prepared for next year.
[Q1] College Admissions Testing – September 24 (rescheduled from 9/10) – Links & more info were sent out on 9/30, so check your email if you missed this!
[Q2] Building Your College List – November 19 – Links & more info were sent out on 12/13, so check your email if you missed this!
[Q3] Financing College – postponed: new date is February 18!
[Q4] Planning & Preparing for the College Application Process – April 15
---All seminars take place on Zoom starting at 6:00 pm. See attachment for more info; zoom links have been updated! We look forward to seeing you there!
Make an appointment to meet your counselor – they are excited to work with you during the first half of your high school career! Go to uhs.tusd1.org/CCCC and click on “Book Appointment.” Email your counselor if you don’t see any times available that work for you, or come by during drop-in hours during lunch or conference period.
You're invited to the annual UHS Career Cafe!
The career cafe is an opportunity for students to learn about the college & career journeys of current professionals. This year the Career Cafe features an ALL UHS Alumni lineup! All speakers provide valuable insight on finding and/or arriving at your desired career, no matter what field you may be interested in. We encourage students to join even if they aren't interested in the career field or don't know what the job is. Come learn about the experiences of UHS grads who have been in your shoes! Cafe treats for all who attend 🙂
Students! NOW is the time that many summer programs/research opportunities have applications open and deadlines are passing quickly! Check out our Free & Low Cost Summer Programs Database! You can also review the CCCC Website (https://uhs.tusd1.org/CCCC) under "College & Career" -> "Student Opportunities & Summer Programs" for more ideas!
Peer tutors: If you want to be a volunteer peer tutor, look for the QR code around the U-building to sign up, or email Ms. Brownstone (Kathryn.brownstone@tusd1.org). Students – we really need more peer tutoring volunteers in Physics, Chemistry, and/or Geometry! Your fellow Penguins will be very grateful for your help, and this is an excellent way to give back to your community. We appreciate all of our current volunteers!
If you are interested in receiving free peer tutoring, look for the list of tutors in the CCCC or ask your counselor!
Know your Rights event
See below for the TUSD Know your Rights workshop
New Instagram for UHS!
Parent School Quality Survey
The Parent SQS has been sent out to parents via email.
- You should receive one email for each student grades K-12.
- The survey was sent out through SurveyMonkey by TUSD Assessment & Evaluation (A&E) with the Title: TUSD Parent School Quality Survey 2025 – we want your feedback!
- A&E is the sole source to send out the Parent SQS.
- A&E sent out the first survey on 01/31/2025 and will send out weekly reminders to families who have not yet completed the survey until the end of February 2025.
We need a minimum of 30% of our families to complete the survey to meet our goal of ‘10,000 responses’ district wide. Please take a moment or two to fill out the survey so that we can receive feedback about our school community. Thank you!
UHSPA update
t's that time of year. There is a lot going on and we need YOUR HELP!
Make sure to join us for our monthly meeting on February 18th at 6PM in the RUHS Library. Future meetings will be on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Please park in the north parking lot off 5th street. Come up the stairs and the door will be unlocked. Turn left inside the doors. The library will be on the left.
- Our overall UHSPA Annual Fund Drive is LIVE! Your support allows us to continue our outreach efforts with our UHS Community. Primarily, we fund classroom grant requests, Grad Night, and teacher and student recognitions. Click here to learn more about UHSPA activities and DONATE to our fundraising effort.
- And speaking of Grad Night 2025, help us celebrate our seniors! Click here for more details on how to help:
- Seniors and Senior Parents- Buy your tickets now before the price increases!
- Join our Grad Night planning committee. We are meeting via zoom on Wednesday, February 5th from 6:30-8:00pm and will be meeting again after the monthly Parent Association meeting on February 18th. If you would like to join the group, please email uhspa@uhs-pa.org or show up to one of our meetings.
- Donate to support this great event.
- Find an item on our Grad Night Amazon Wishlist and purchase a prize for a senior or supplies to help us host the event.
Our UHS families have been amazingly supportive of our classroom supply drive. The Wishlist will stay open to reflect current classroom requests. Teachers/ staff please send needed supply requests to uhspa@uhs-pa.org. Anyone shopping on Amazon and wanting to send an item of appreciation to the school can check out our Amazon Wishlist to support our most recent classroom needs. Your continued donations of kleenex and hand sanitizer is greatly appreciated.
Other recent UHSPA activities included supporting the Adopt-A-Family Holiday Drive coordinated by UHS staff and offering a teacher and staff appreciation event to close out last year.
** Sign Up for Remind- text [student grad year code] to 81010 -- ([student grad year code]: @uhspa2025, @uhspa2026, @uhspa2027, or @uhspa2028) ** Subscribe for communications from UHSPA ** Contact us at uhspa@uhs-pa.org **
uhsparents.orgUniversity High School Parents Association (UHSPA)
PO Box 57076
Tucson, AZ 85732
Yearbook update
Yearbook Purchasing
Yearbook submits the final number for publication by February 24th, so PLEASE order soon. We will only purchase 50 books beyond the Feb. 23rd purchased amount. Last year we sold out, so please order soon to make sure you have a book when they arrive in May! Yearbook staff has been working hard to create a 312-page book that captures the moments, community, and achievements of our 2024 - 2025 school year!
The yearbook is price $75 for a limited time. The next price increase will happen on 2/28. Purchase your yearbook soon if you are hoping to purchase it at a lower price. The link for purchase is https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/ and our school code is 15096125.
Thank you!!!
Campus Clean-up Phase 3
The next campus cleanup will take place on Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 10AM - 2PM. The focus of this campus clean-up is the East / Arcadia parking lot. Teachers, students, clubs, and staff will be painting curb bumpers in the East / Arcadia parking lot. We will re-paint the pedestrian walkways, the fire curbs, and parking bumpers. We will also do some light trash collection, weeding, and pruning as needed. We will provide all the necessary materials and supplies. Wear older shoes and work clothes, in case you get paint speckled on your clothing. See you there!
*** Campus Clean-up IV: At a to-be-determined date in March, 2025. The focus will be on the western perimeter of campus, along Swan road and 5th Streets. Curb appeal is the emphasis.
RUHS club list
Here is the latest 24-25 RUHS club list. Find a club that fits you and join the community!
Travel Club
The UHS Travel Club trips to Europe and South Korea are filling up! Mr. Ollanik will be hosting interest meetings on the evening of Wednesday, February 12th, by Zoom and in the Library. There will be a 6pm meeting for the 2026 Europe trip and a 7pm meeting for the 2027 South Korea trip. RSVP or sign up for the information at:
Europe 2026 - https://bit.ly/40DGnSL
S Korea 2027 - https://bit.ly/4hiQeEv
UHSFAA - student microgrants
The UHS Foundation and Alumni Association (UHSFAA) seeks to support UHS students, particularly those who are first generation college bound and who are focused on building opportunities for themselves. Through this, the UHSFAA student microgrant is offered for application. Microgrants are awarded to students in need of anything that furthers their educational development. Grants of up to $500 per student per year are available at the discretion of the UHSFAA board of directors and UHS principal, and are based on available funds. Microgrant awards are through application, and can be given for many different kinds of needs: classroom needs including costs associated with internet access, textbooks or personal academic supplies, summer programs, professional education and internship needs, such as travel and public transportation costs, lunch costs, supplies or clothing needs, immunizations, and more. Requests for funding should be for proposals that can be 100% covered by the grant; requests to partially fund larger projects will not be considered. Please provide at least ten days lead time before the funds are needed so the UHSFAA can have adequate time to consider your application.
The UHS Perspective - published online!
The UHS Perspective is the student-produced school publication that began as the school newspaper printed in hardcopy, and now is online! Please read through all the amazing work our students do! Thank you to Mr. Hilbert for sponsoring!