Motivational Monday
From Superintendent Dr. Michael Triplett
Good morning, Vikings!
Physically saving someone’s life or lifting the most weights at the gym does not mean that you are a superhero or that you have superpowers. This is where your personal stories come in.
Why do we love original stories so much?
I think it’s because it’s fun to see, hear and feel someone discover those powers that make them superheroes. How does a normal, everyday person become an incredible force for good? That’s a compelling story. It’s something we’re drawn to. Inspired by.
After the initial discovery of superpowers, then comes the development. Our hero must figure out what they’re able to do. What their limits are, and most importantly, what they’re going to use their powers in service of.
I happen to believe that superheroes aren’t confined to the big screen or the pages of a comic book. In fact, I’ve devoted my life’s work to helping everyday people unleash the powers they have inside them so they can make a big impact on the people around them, on their organizations, and on the world at large.
I am often asked, “How can you change the world that we all live in. My response is simply, I am not trying to change the world that we all live in, I am just trying to make a difference in the world that I live in.”
The goal is to create an environment that fosters the development of everyone in it so they can discover and unleash their own superpowers. This is the first step in their own pursuit of personal mastery and is how you create sustainable achievement in your life.
What do you think, are you ready to develop your superpowers and unleash your potential?
Maybe you don’t feel like a superhero in the making. Maybe you question whether you have it in you.
But do you believe in curiosity and courage? Do you connect and collaborate with others? Have you ever inspired and influenced another person?
If you answered “yes,” then you already have superpowers inside. It’s just a matter of developing them step by step so you can use your potential for good in the world. I promise it’s a journey worth taking.
And who knows? Maybe one day we’ll be inspired by your original story.
Have a great rest of your week and remember to have fun doing what you enjoy doing!
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Together We Will Be Game Changers.
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