Wildcat Weekly
January 10 , 2024--Week 8 Quarter 2

Principal's Remarks
Week 8--Quarter 2
Second Quarter
Second Quarter Ends on January 24. Please check your child's grades and encourage them to attend Wildcat Sessions, as needed.
Virtual Snow Days
Because the weather required the use of two snow days last week, we have started to prepare for the possibility of virtual snow days. There will be one more traditional snow day. If any other snow days are required, the system will call for virtual snow days.
February Musical Date Change
Due to the impact of BCPS weather-related closings and delays, the theater department opted to move the musical from February 13-15 to February 20-22.
This Week's Sports Schedule
- Tues, January 14--Boys' Varsity Wrestling vs Towson, Away, 6 p.m.
- Wed, January 15--Boys' Basketball vs Sparrows Point, Away, JV @ 4 p.m. and Varsity @ 5:30 p.m.
- Wed, January 15--Girls' Basketball vs Sparrows Point, Home, JV @ 4 p.m. and Varsity @ 5:30 p.m.
- Wed, January 15--Varsity Indoor Track vs Pikesville, Away, 4:00 p.m.
- Thurs, January 16--Varsity Indoor Track, 4:00 p.m., CCBC Essex High School Indoor Track Series
- Fri, January 17--Boys' Basketball vs Patapsco, Away, JV @ 4 p.m. and Varsity @ 5:30 p.m.
- Fri, January 17-- Girls'' Basketball vs Patapsco, Home, JV @ 4 p.m. and Varsity @ 5:30 p.m.
Mark Your Calendar!
- January 16 and 17: Inertia Winter Concert, 7:00 p.m.
- January 20: MLK Jr Day, Schools Closed
- January 24: End of Quarter, Half Day for Students
- January 29: Lunar New Year, School Closed for Students
- January 31: Winter Pep Rally
Maryland Tip Line
All school community members have access to the Safe School Maryland link to report tips related to school safety concerns.
Student Support at GWCCAT
We are thankful for the members of our student support team. This list is available in every newsletter to facilitate contact at times you have questions or concerns.
School Counselors - (443) 809-2753
- Alastair Palmer, DC (apalmer2@bcps.org)--Last names A to F
- Leslie Aguila (laguila@bcps.org)--Last names G to N
- Stephanie Kousouris (skousouris@bcps.org)--Last names O to Z
- Kristen Pettit (kpettit2@bcps.org)--College and Career Counselor
School Social Worker - 443-809-4713
- Wendy Pitts (wpitts@bcps.org)
School Psychologist - 443-809-6722
- Karl Fleischer (kfleischer@bcps.org)
Pupil Personnel Worker - 443-809-6856
- Lisa Mazzilli (lmizzilli@bcps.org)
School Nurse - 443-809-4577
- Ruth Arenas (rarenas@bcps.org)
School Resource Officer (SRO) 443-809-3121
- Officer Brown (tbrown12@bcps.org)
- Ms. Becker, AP (abecker2@bcps.org), Grades 9 and 11
- Mr. Whatley, AP (kwhatley@bcps.org), Grades 10 and 12
- Ms. Trivas, Principal (etrivas@bcps.org)
Students use the AllTimely App to sign up for Wildcat Time sessions. Please remember that we dedicated 10:30-11:00 a.m. each day to Wildcat Time Sessions. It is important that students leverage this time to seek any assistance or academic support they need. Encourage your child to use Wildcat Time for this purpose. Please reach out to teachers, as needed, if you believe your child needs support in a particular class.