Orana Catholic Primary School
Week 10, Term 1, 2020
Generosity is giving and sharing. It is giving freely.
It is seeing a chance to give what you have and then giving just for the joy of giving.
Easter Prayer
Lord God,
You loved this world so much,
That you gave your one and only Son,
That we might be called your children too.
Lord, help us to live in the gladness and grace
Of Easter Sunday, everyday.
Let us have hearts of thankfulness
For your sacrifice.
Let us have eyes that look upon
Your grace and rejoice in our salvation.
Help us to walk in that mighty grace
And tell your good news to the world.
All for your glory do we pray, Lord,
From the Principal - Ms Walsh
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we round out Term 1 in the most usual of circumstances, I would like to thank you all sincerely for your ongoing support at this time. As you would be aware from my email during the week, Term 2 will commence in the same way as we have concluded Term 1, that is, remote learning. As indicated in my message, we will continue to support families in essential services or those who cannot work from home when we return. Further information will be shared in the second week of the holidays in relation to any changes that may have occurred and to provide information about the learning packages that are being prepared, to continue to support student learning.
Mrs Warburton, our Social Worker, has collated two packages for parents and carers that will be particularly useful at this time. The first is working from home and the second is a stay at home package with wonderful ideas for the holidays. You can access both documents by clicking the link or visiting our COVID-19 space on the school web page.
On behalf of the staff of Orana, I wish all our families a Happy Easter and restful break.
May you be uplifted with happiness and God’s eternal love this Easter. Peace and blessings.
Christine Walsh
From the Parish of Sts John and Paul
Mass for Holy Thursday, celebrated by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, will be streamed from 7pm, Thursday 9 April
Good Friday service will be streamed at 3pm, Friday 10 April. ALSO ON CHANNEL 7 at 3PM
The Easter Vigil Mass will be streamed on Saturday 11 April from 6.00pm,
Easter Sunday Mass at 11am. The services will be celebrated by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe.ALSO ON CHANNEL 7 at 10.30AM
The Masses will be streamed to the Archdiocesan website, Facebook and YouTube.