Golden Bear News: September 5, 2024

Message from the Principal
September 6, 2024
Dear UAHS students and families,
We've had a fantastic first four weeks of the school year, and we have been incredibly impressed with both our students and staff. Thank you!
In light of the recent tragic school shooting in Georgia, we wanted to take a moment to reiterate our unwavering commitment to safety at our schools.
Safety is our top priority, and we actively prepare for all types of emergencies through regular safety drills and close collaboration with our school resource officers and Upper Arlington Police Division. We are incredibly grateful for the strong partnerships built with families and local safety officials within our community. You can learn more about our comprehensive safety plans and prevention efforts on our website at
We also emphasize the importance of reporting any suspicious or concerning activity. All students, staff, and families are encouraged to share their concerns via phone, email, or through our anonymous STAY SAFE, SPEAK UP! reporting system. Access the system through the link in this email, our school website, or directly on student iPads through ClassLink. Remember, if your concern requires immediate police attention, always call 911.
Andrew C. Theado
Our Mission: Challenge and support every student, every step of the way.
Upcoming Events
- Sep 9-13 ~ Homecoming Spirit Week (more details below)
- Sep 10 ~ PTO Meeting, 8:30-9:30 AM in W1308J (1st Floor Student Support Office)
- Sep 14 ~ Homecoming Dance, 8-11 PM at UAHS
Note: Ticket sales begin 8/31: Sep 19 ~ Engaged Learner Competency and Well-being Survey during Gold Period (more info below)
Sep 20 ~ Student Activity Fair, 11 AM-12:35 PM (lunch periods) on Golden Bear Boulevard
September 22 ~ Fostering a Conversation
Sep 18 ~ Altered Schedule for Early Dismissal at 1:30 PM
Period 1 ~ 8:05-8:40
Period 2 ~ 8:45-9:20
Period 3 ~ 9:25-10:00
Period 4 ~ 10:05-10:45
Period 5 ~ 10:50-11:30
Period 6 ~ 11:35-12:10
Period 7 ~ 12:15-12:50
Period 8 ~ 12:55-1:30
- Sep 18 ~ Community Shopping Hours at Bear Essentials, 1:45 PM-3 PM (use north entrance)
Note: No refunds or exchanges. - Sep 27 ~ Picture Retake Day, 7:30 AM-12:30PM in the Field House
- Sep 30 ~ Summer Community Service Due Date
- Sep 30 ~ Senior Financial Aid Meeting - Rescheduled for October 24
General Information
Course Fees
UAHS course fees have been assessed and are available to pay in EZPay.
Homecoming Spirit Week
Homecoming Spirit Week is Monday, September 9 through Friday, September 13. We encourage you to participate in the following:
- Monday, 9/9 ~ Pajama Day
- Tuesday, 9/10 ~ Class Color Day
Seniors: White
Juniors: Black
Sophomores: Blue
Freshman: Green
Staff: Red - Wednesday, 9/11: Country vs Country Club
- Thursday, 9/12: Groutfit (gray outfit)
- Friday, 9/13: Adam Sandler Day
Homecoming Dance
This year's Mamma Mia-themed Homecoming Dance is once again at the Marv. The dance will be from 8pm-11pm on the south end of the track on Saturday, September 14.
Today, Friday the 6th, is the last day to purchase Homecoming tickets at the pre-sale price of $30 each. Beginning Saturday, September 7, ticket prices are $35 each. You may use the link below to purchase tickets. Students need to either print a hard copy or show the QR code from the ticket purchase on their phones at the dance to enter. will enter the dance through the southwest gate (near the tennis courts). This is the only entrance that will be open. Students must arrive by 9:45 pm. Dress is semi-formal.
Wonder what this year's 10:00 Surprise will be?
Engaged Learner Competency and Well-Being Survey
Your Voice Matters!
Upper Arlington Schools is committed to creating the best possible learning environment for all students. This fall, we're asking for your high schooler's input through an online survey.
What's the survey about?
The Engaged Learner Competency and Well-Being Survey is designed to gather your student's perspective on their school experience. It focuses on areas like supportive relationships, self-management, sense of belonging, and perseverance. This feedback helps us tailor our support and resources to better meet the needs of all our students.
When is the survey happening?
The survey will be available online between Monday, September 16th and Friday, September 27th. Your student will have the opportunity to complete it during the school day on Thursday, September 19, during Gold Period.
What kind of questions will be asked?
The survey is age-appropriate and designed for independent completion. You can preview the questions beforehand using this link: Grades 6-12 Survey
Why should your student participate?
By participating, your student's voice will be heard and help us shape the school experience for the better. This information will be used by counselors, teachers, and administrators to develop programs and support systems that best benefit all students.
Can I opt my student out?
Yes. If you'd prefer your student not participate, please complete this form by September 10th, 2024
What happens next?
There will be two additional survey windows this school year, in winter and spring. You'll receive more information about those in advance, including the option to opt-out again.
Thank you!
Your continued support of our students and Upper Arlington Schools is invaluable. This survey is one way we ensure we're providing the best possible learning environment for all.
If you have any questions, please contact
Join Your AP Classroom Week
September 3- 10 is "Join Your AP Classroom" week at UA! If your student is taking an AP class, be sure to ask them if their teacher has given them their "join" code to register for the AP test. It may sound silly because May of 2025 seems so far away, but by joining the AP Classroom, your student will have access to videos, practice tests, seminars, and many other study aids to help them in their pursuit of knowledge. Also, the College Board has specific deadlines for everything! Although our district is paying for your student to take the AP test, they will not pay your "late" fees. If you have any questions, please contact Cynthia Ballheim at
Fostering a Conversation -- September 22
Are you interested in learning more about what makes humans happy? If so, you won't want to miss the upcoming talk by Dr. Laurie Santos, a psychologist who studies happiness, as part of the Fostering a Conversation speaker series. This series is a collaboration between the Upper Arlington City Schools, Upper Arlington Education Foundation, Upper Arlington Alumni Association, and the Upper Arlington Community Foundation.
Click here for more information
Youth at the Booth Program
Juniors and Seniors who will be at least 17 years old by Election Day have the opportunity to work the polls on Tuesday, November 5 through Franklin County’s Youth at the Booth Program. Participating students must commit to working all day and to attending training. Pay is $193 (or $223 with an additional optional training). Training will be scheduled at UAHS. Interested students can find the details on the Class of 2025 and Class of 2026 Canvas Pages. Students can also reach out to Mr. Soccorsi ( with questions. The deadline to apply is September 21.
Annual Illness Notice
Summer Service Hours (10th, 11th, & 12th Grade)
All 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students are required to complete six hours of community service to have been excused from school on August 14. As a friendly reminder, it is essential to record your service in x2VOL. Instructions on how to record your hours can be found on the community service page of the high school website. To ensure timely completion, please enter your hours online by Monday, September 30. Failure to do so will result in the retroactive marking of an unexcused absence for Wednesday, August 14 and a potential Saturday School.
Nutritional Services
iPad Parent Control Information
The UACS Technology department provides 2 ways for caregivers to manage screen time, review web history, manage apps and internet access after school hours. The typical built-in Apple ScreenTime and Parental controls do not work because the district manages iPads for school use at a district level - the typical consumer level settings are not available. Caregivers can review web activity and disable internet access through the Lightspeed Relay Parent Portal. Additionally, caregivers can control app access and set rules through the JAMF Parent app. Questions may be directed to
Class of 2025
Senior Info
Click HERE for important senior dates and information.
Click the following link for the 2024-25 Senior Checklist:
Attendance Procedures
Student Attendance
Attendance is a critical component to learning. Students need to show up in order to take full advantage of the education programs we offer. When a student has an unexcused absence from class, both student and parents/guardians will be notified the next day and a consequence (detention) may be assigned for each unexcused absence. Be sure to check your attendance each day to ensure it is accurate.
Reporting an Absence
Pre-Planned Absence Forms
Medical Notes
Please submit your medical notes to In order for attendance hours to not accumulate towards habitual absence triggers, medical documentation is needed.
Morning Announcements
Announcements for the current week are available on the high school website.
Helpful Links
Absence Notification Form
All Call Email
Bell Schedules
Community Service Info
HR Imaging
The website for school portraits, club photos, senior class photo
LightSpeed Parent Portal Support Page
Program of Studies
Speak Up Safety Hotline
Season Passes
Tech Support
How to Get Help at the high school and for families with tech support questions or situations
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