CTS Snapshot
Welcome to our CTS Snapshot - a weekly celebration update. We are delighted to share with parents and carers alike student triumphs at Corby Technical School. We are proud of every student and every success they have - please feel free to share with us any achievements they might have.
Snapshot News:
Curriculum Connections Day
Next week we will hold our first Curriculum Connections Day, when students will be working across departments studying a variety of topics.
Literacy Leaders
Year 7 and 8 literacy leaders have been supporting with the launch of the PIXL vocab app. It supports with vocabulary development across all subject areas.
Year 7 Art
Year 7 students have created their own bath bombs this week with Mrs Morgan.
Stars of the Week:
- Mrs Brown has nominated Year 12 student Kacper for excellent progress, shown in his recent mock result in English Language and Literature.
- Miss Connellan has nominated Year 11 students Tyler, Tinashe, Megan, Callum-John and Nina for their support with the year 9 English assembly- they shared their stories and experiences of GCSE with the students, offering them advice and support on embarking their GCSE years.
- Miss McGrath has nominated the Year 9 Biology students for brilliant work during the complex titration practical this week and the Year 10 combined science group for fantastic work on understanding the circulatory system using a model of the heart.
- Mrs Ferns has nominated Year 10 Mathematicians who sat their first ever GCSE in Statistics.
- Mr Godfrey has nominated Year 11 students Adam, Maddie, Aidan M, Hayden, Emily, Ewan and Musa for their extra work in preparation for the GCSE physics exam.
- Mr Williamson has nominated the following Media students, Year 10 students A-Jay and Lewis for their effort and engagement and Year 12 student Dany for excellent coursework.
- Miss Fenner has nominated Year 7 students Ethan for his excellent reading and participation in English this week and Alex for his excellent effort in creative writing.
- The PE Department have nominated Year 9 student Grace who broke her personal best finishing 4th representing the district in the long jump at the County Championships, well done Grace.
- Mr Hirst has nominated the following Year 10 students for an excellent start to their NEA coursework in Design and Technology, Luke, Dominika, Paris, Cory and Mason.
- Mrs Hopkins would like to nominate Year 7 student Dylan for his hard work in History.
- Mr Chilvers has nominated Year 7 student Ravio for recreating his Kodu game using the Unity game Engine and C#.
- Mrs Birch has nominated Year 10 student Alex for his excellent efforts in Geography.
Attendance Matters
Every single day a student is absent from school equates to a day lost of learning. At Corby Technical School we pride ourselves in maintaining excellent attendance. Our target is to achieve and maintain a whole school attendance of above 96.5%. We will be giving you weekly updates on our whole school attendance, the tutor group and house who achieved the highest attendance this week.
Whole School Attendance
Whole school attendance this week is 92.3%, this is well below our target and needs to improve.
Best Tutor Group
Best tutor group this week is 8ST, well done to Mr Godfrey and your tutees.
House Winner
House winners are C house with 87.6%, again well below the target for attendance.
- Year 7 students will be taking part in the Geography trip to Hunstanton on Tuesday 2nd July. Payment must be made via Wisepay before Friday 21st June and permission slips returned to school reception.
Corby Technical School
Email: enquiries@corbytechnicalschool.org
Website: www.corbytechnicalschool.org
Location: Cottingham Road, Corby, United Kingdom
Phone: 01536 213100
Twitter: @CTSCorby