Fairview High School Newsletter
Our Community Cares

Weekly Flash
- Monday 11/25/2024 to Friday 11/29/2024: NO SCHOOL- Conference Exchange Days & Thanksgiving Break
- Monday 12/09/2024: Open Enrollment Tour- 11:00AM – 12:30PM
- Tuesday 12/10/2024: Orchestra Concert- 7:00PM – 9:00PM- Auditorium
- Thursday 12/12/2024: NHS Cocoa and Cram- 4:00 – 6:00pm
- Thursday 12/12/2024: SAC (School Accountability Committee) meeting- 5:30PM -6:30 PM-College Career Center
- Thursday 12/12/2024: Band Concert- 7:00PM – 9:30PM- Auditorium
- Monday 12/16/2024:FET in the CCC-6:00PM – 7:30PM- College Career Center
- Monday 12/16/2024 to Friday 12/20/2024: FINAL SCHEDULE FALL 2024
- Thursday 12/19/2024: Holiday Choir Concert- 7:00PM – 9:30PM-Auditorium
- Monday 12/23/2024 to 01/06/2024: WINTER BREAK
Click here to view the full calendar
Click here to view the full calendar
Playoff Game Alert! 🏈
Join us as the Fairview Knights take on the Mountain Vista Golden Hawks in the 2024 playoff game!
📆 Friday, Nov. 22, 2024
⏰ 7:00 PM
🎥 Livestream link in bio
Let’s cheer on our Knights to victory! SKO Knights! 🏆
A Note from the Principal
As we prepare for the Thanksgiving break, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to our incredible Fairview community. Our students, families, and staff make this school a truly special place, and I am continually inspired by the kindness, dedication, and support you bring to every aspect of our shared journey.
Thanksgiving break is a time to reflect on what matters most, and I am so thankful for the opportunities we have to grow, learn, and succeed together. Whether you're traveling, hosting, or simply taking some well-deserved rest, I hope this break is filled with joy and meaningful moments with loved ones.
Thank you for being an essential part of the Fairview family. I look forward to seeing everyone refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of the semester when we return.
With gratitude,
Key School Updates and Reminders
State Championships - From 10/07/2024 to 12/10/2024
As we approach the State Championships, we anticipate that many of our sports teams will make the playoffs and compete at the state finals. For detailed information on all the events, including dates and locations, please CLICK HERE . We expect many sports to make playoffs and attend the state final.or more information please go to: https://chsaanow.com/.
Sko Knights!!!
Fall 2024 Final Exam Schedule
During Finals Week, all FHS students follow an alternative bell schedule. There is adjusted period lengths and times, and there are only two periods every day this week. There is also a longer lunch and tutor time available to support students through their finals. Students who may need to miss a final class period should arrange make-up time with their teacher. Students are expected to communicate with their teachers to ensure they complete finals by the end of the week
Dean's Corner
New Attendance Policy and Absence Letters
This fall, Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) has implemented a new attendance policy to encourage student engagement and emphasize the importance of being in school. Families will now receive letters when students hit key absence thresholds—5, 10, and 15 days—whether the absences are excused or not. This initiative is part of BVSD’s broader efforts, in collaboration with the Colorado Department of Education, to reduce absenteeism and remind families of the value of regular attendance. The letters include detailed reports of absences, offering families a closer look at missed class time. BVSD encourages families to reach out for support if needed. To learn more about the policy and its impact, please read the full article here.
Fairview Needs Your Help
2024 Teacher/Staff Holiday Breakfast
Show your support for our hard working Fairview teachers and staff by donating or volunteering for the annual Holiday Breakfast. This breakfast event will take place at the school library and be catered by Bridge House Community Table Kitchen.
Please sign up here for: https://bvsd.helpatschools.com/schools/43/events/14608
- Bake or buy holiday cookies for the cookie give-away buffet.
- Gift Cards--$25 gift cards for restaurants, retail and services to be raffled to teachers and staff.
- Volunteers --come help set-up, clean-up and/or to keep the event running smoothly.
3 Opportunities for Giving with FHS StuCo
Fairview Student Council is currently sponsoring three giving opportunities benefiting our community.
- We are currently running a coat drive until December 3rd. Coats can be left in the coat drive box on the top of the bricks.
- Our annual Pack the Truck Food Drive is in full swing. As a school our goal is 1,500 pounds of food. Third period classes are in a competition to see who can bring in the most food to win a pizza party. There is also a box on the bricks for students who wish to participate but do not have a 3rd hour. All of this food will be donated after school on Nov. 22 to Community Food Share in Louisville to serve Boulder County.
- Finally, Fairview is once again partnered with the Cheyenne River Youth Project to provide holiday gifts for residents of the Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota. StuCo members are on the bricks with gift wishes for students to make come true for Lakota youth. All gifts should be returned unwrapped by December 13th. Access the Sign Up form Here.
Headlines and Events
TOK/EE/Exhibition Celebration
Fairview IB Diploma Candidate Celebration: December 10th, 6-8 pm in the FHS Library Please join us in celebrating the completion of our Class of 2025 IB Diploma Candidates' special assignments, and for an opportunity for our rising class of 2026 students to be inspired by the beginning of their IB Diploma journey. Welcome to all interested FHS students and families, and in particular those in 11th and 12th grades who are pursuing the IB Diploma. Our 12th graders will display synopses of their Extended Essays, Theory of Knowledge Exhibition & Essay, and summaries of their Creativity, Activity, and Service work. Please join us to celebrate our students, and for informal presentations, music, food & drink!
One Community, One Book! Read "Accountable" and join us for an evening with Author & Journalist Dashka Slater
We invite FHS parents and students to join us in reading *Accountable: The True Story of a Racist Social Media Account and the Teenagers Whose Lives It Changed*, winner of the YALSA Award for Excellence in Nonfiction and a *School Library Journal* Best Book of the Year.
This gripping narrative nonfiction explores the real-world consequences of online choices. Author and journalist Dashka Slater will visit Fairview on January 30th for two events: an in-school field trip for students during Block 8 and an evening event at 6:30 PM open to the entire community (ages 13+), with childcare provided for ages 3+ by our National Honor Society. Join us in fostering critical discussions on the responsibilities individuals hold in their communities, with *Accountable* as a springboard for meaningful conversations about social media, online behavior, and hate speech. For questions, contact the FHS librarians, and sign up here.
Recognizing our Knights' Excellence
Fairview Speech & Debate Celebrates Novice Season
The Fairview Speech & Debate team’s new members competed in the month of October during novice season to much success! Congratulations to all members who participated and all varsity members who helped judge. Special congrats to those placing at the University High School Novice Tournament: Tied for 4th in Public Forum Debate: Seungjae Kim & Micheal Zhang as well as Mina Berger & Jessie Yan, 2nd in Cross Examination Debate: Sam Arveson & Hayden Street, 4th in Original Oratory: Graeme McCormick, and 4th in Informative Speaking: Stella Harezlack. As well as those who placed at the Peak to Peak Novice Tournament: 2nd in Public Forum Debate: Seungjae Kim & Micheal Zhang, 5th in Extemporaneous Speaking: Saras Totey, 2nd in Original Oratory: Graeme McCormick, and 1st in Informative Speaking: Stella Harezlack.
2023-2024 National Speaking and Service Award: Natalie & Nicholas Cappelletti
The Fairview Speech & Debate team is proud to announce that the National Speech & Debate Association recognized team members Natalie Cappelletti and Nicholas Cappelletti as 2023-2024 Speaking and Service Award recipients. This award recognizes students who have reached the maximum number of service points in the student Honor Society. Natalie and Nicholas are both outstanding members of the team dedicated to serving their team and community. We are grateful to count them as members!
CU Class for Students Interested in the Seal of Climate Literacy or Cutting Edge Tech in Science!
Attention students interested in the Seal of Climate Literacy or cutting edge technology in science! CU Boulder is offering CHEN 1000 Creative Technology this spring.
In this class, students will explore topics such as decarbonization, biotechnology, nanomaterials, and renewable energy. Click here for more information.
Let me know what questions you may have,
Vanessa Carroll, FHS’s GRAD+ site lead
Volunteer Opportunities
Make a Difference: Explore Volunteer Opportunities at Fairview!
Looking to make a difference in your community? Explore volunteer opportunities at Fairview! Whether you're passionate about education, event planning, or student support, we have a variety of roles available to suit your interests and schedule. Click here to learn more and get involved!
Excited to support Fairview High School? Join us in making a difference through our fundraisers! From bake sales to charity events, there are plenty of ways to get involved and contribute to our school's success. Click here to explore our current fundraisers and find out how you can help make a difference!
Club Spotlights
This week, we’re excited to highlight the Students Demand Action club!
Students Demand Action club is a nationwide activist group advocating for gun violence prevention. Their goal is to make communities and schools safer. They aim to achieve this primarily by petitioning for specific legislation and supporting like-minded candidates.
Contact: akprospero01@bvsd.org
Meets:Every other week
Time: 12:30
Room: 110
Website: https://studentsdemandaction.org/
At Fairview, students can join over 75 diverse clubs or start their own. Explore existing clubs like Student Council, Fairview National Honor Society, Black Knights Robotics, and more by clicking here.
School Life
Launch of Safe2Tell Project: "Indirect Postcards that Deliver Your Voice" – November 20th to December 6th
Fairview sophomore and Safe2Tell Ambassador Sieun "Sara" Jang (10th Grade) is excited to introduce her innovative project, "Indirect Postcards that Deliver Your Voice," launching Monday, November 20th and running until December 6th. Organized by the FHS Safety Council, this initiative aims to foster safety and connection within our school community by encouraging students to anonymously share their thoughts on safety through interactive postcards.
Participants can write their responses to prompts on postcards and place them in a handmade postbox. To make the experience more engaging, Sara has included mini-cards and stickers as small gifts for participants.
Seniors, Don’t Miss Out on Your Panoramic Class Pictures!
The senior panoramic class pictures have been taken, and they look amazing!
📸 Order your panoramic class pictures today: http://bit.ly/BestClassPicture
Ordering Details:
- All laminated photos include a 5-year money-back guarantee!
- Save 20% automatically when you order the BOTH package (formal and funny photos laminated).
- Order by Friday, November 22nd to get the best price.
After November 22nd: A $10 late order fee will apply.
All orders are made online, and photos will be mailed to the address provided in about four weeks.
Questions? Contact the photographer at BestClassPicture@gmail.com.
Let’s capture these special memories, Class of 2024! 🎓
Attention FHS Seniors and Parents: Please confirm the spelling of your name to be printed on your diploma.
FHS Seniors and Parents of FHS Seniors
It is just about time for Fairview to order diplomas for the graduating class of 2025. We ask that all seniors
review their name in Infinite Campus and then complete this form by Nov 30, 2024. This will ensure that your diploma is printed correctly. Thank you
Thank you Class of 2025!
Save Big on School Photography with Lifetouch – Discounts Valid Through 12/1/24!
Dear Parents,
As a token of appreciation, Lifetouch is offering discounts on school photography!
- 50% off a purchase of $50+ with code USNOV50
- 40% off a purchase of $40+ with code USNOV40
- 30% off a purchase of $30+ with code USNOV30
Valid through 12/1/24
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an online account. Don't forget to order your FREE Digital SmileSafe card!
More about the Smilesafe program here.
Thank you!
Enrollment is Open for Traveling to Japan with Mr. Hickman
We are so excited to see how much interest there is in this amazing opportunity, and we can’t wait to have your student join us. Here is the information/enrollment link or you can find more information in the attached pdf.
District News
Seal of Climate Literacy in BVSD
The greenBVSD Sustainability Team and the STEAM Team are excited to announce that BVSD will confer the Seal of Climate Literacy for graduating seniors this year.
The Seal of Climate Literacy, established through Colorado Senate Bill 24-014, is a high school diploma endorsement that connects educational knowledge with the real challenges and opportunities that climate change brings to each of our communities.
It offers students a chance to engage directly with issues that impact their local environment and communities through course work and hands-on learning in grades 6-12.
Attainment of the Seal of Climate Literacy illuminates the ways students in BVSD show their commitment to sustainability, the environment and climate literacy in our community.
Interested students in grades 6-12 should complete the Interest Form found on our new website: Seal of Climate Literacy - Boulder Valley School District
Sello de Conciencia Climática en el BVSD
El Equipo de Sostenibilidad de greenBVSD y el Equipo STEAM se complacen en anunciar que el BVSD otorgará el Sello de Conciencia Climática a los estudiantes de último año que se gradúan este año.
El Sello de Conciencia Climática, establecido mediante el Proyecto de Ley 24-014 del Senado de Colorado, es una acreditación en el diploma de escuela preparatoria que conecta el conocimiento educativo con los desafíos y oportunidades reales que el cambio climático trae a cada una de nuestras comunidades.
Ofrece a los estudiantes la oportunidad de involucrarse directamente con problemas que afectan su entorno y comunidades locales a través del trabajo del curso y el aprendizaje práctico en los grados 6-12.
Obtener el Sello de Conciencia Climática resalta las formas en que los estudiantes del BVSD muestran su compromiso con la sostenibilidad, el medio ambiente y la conciencia climática en nuestra comunidad.
Los estudiantes interesados de 6.º-12.º deben completar el formulario de interés que se encuentra en nuestro nuevo sitio web: Sello de Conciencia Climática - Distrito Escolar del Valle de Boulder
Student Conduct
As part of the Boulder Valley School District, Fairview High School adheres to the district's rules, policies, and regulations. We highly recommend that students and families familiarize themselves with the Rights and Responsibilities: Student Conduct and Discipline Code.
Meet Your Fairview High School Support Team
Discover the dedicated team at Fairview High School who are here to support your academic and personal journey. Our counselors and assistant principals are committed to providing personalized guidance and care, helping students navigate academic planning, college preparation, and personal growth. Meet your case managers today and get the support you need to succeed academically and emotionally.
A Place for All to Thrive
Contact us
Email: fairviewfridayflash@gmail.com
Fairview Website: https://fah.bvsd.org/
BVSD Website: https://www.bvsd.org/
Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) would like to continue connecting with you via email. To set preferences for which types of messages are sent to your email address, activate your free InfoCenter account. If you prefer to stop receiving emails from BVSD, follow this link and confirm: Unsubscribe. Please note that if you unsubscribe, your email address will be placed on the “blocked list” for the remainder of the current school year and will no longer receive BVSD school or district emails that are distributed through our SchoolMessenger service. SchoolMessenger is a notification service used by the nation's leading school systems to connect with parents, students and staff through voice, SMS text, email, and social media.