Lincoln News
September 2024
9/2: Labor Day. No school
9/4: PTA meeting and Swag Swap, 6:00-7:00 PM, room 116
9/6: Grade 5 Instruments on Parade
9/9-9/13: Hike & Bike Week
9/12: Dr. Lisa Damour Event (see below)
9/13: Fun Run Registration/Shirt Order Due
9/16: Lincoln Singers Begins, 3:00-3:30
9/20: PTA Donut Date (grades K-2)
9/25: PTA Meeting 6:00pm (Fun Run Planning)
10/3: Fun Run Shirt Delivery
10/3: Picture Day
10/5: FUN RUN! Kauffman Park, 1pm
Every Friday is SPIRIT DAY at Lincoln! Wear Lakewood gear, Lincoln gear, or purple and gold.
New Behavior Expectations
This year all schools in Lakewood have taken on the same overarching behavior expectations. Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible. At Lincoln these help us... Be a Lincoln Leader. The goal is for all in our community to be able to name these tenets and grow into being able to describe what they look and sound like in different settings at school. The matrix of these expectations can be found in our family handbook.
Staff created new signage and instructional videos to help with this process. PTA funded banners for the main hallway, and an assembly with Jim Basketball Jones to promote these new tenets. (Check out the pictures below from the assembly). We appreciate your reinforcement of these expectations as well. Together we can work to have Lincoln be a place where all feel safe, respected and thrive!
Meet Ms. Wooley our new Student Wellness Specialist
September's Social Emotional Learning Focus
This month's social emotional learning theme is Awareness of Self & Others. Students will learn and practice recognizing their own emotions, thoughts, and values - and others', too. They will understand how these influence both their behavior and decision-making. This self-knowledge will help them identify their strengths and areas for growth.
Dr. Lisa Damour is coming to Lakewood!
Lakewood City Schools is pleased to host renowned child development expert and New York Times bestselling author Dr. Lisa Damour Thursday, Sept. 12 to speak on the emotional lives of kids and teenagers. The event is free and open to the public and takes place in the Civic Auditorium. A gallery of local resources will be available in the Civic lobby from 6-6:30 pm. Dr. Damour's talk will follow at 6:45 pm. There will be time for a Q&A at the end of the talk. Come and learn how to help your child navigate their growing up years!
Hike and Bike
Check out the video below to learn about the Hike & Bike event coming September 9-13th, and be on the look out for an email of Lincoln routes and how you can volunteer!
Message from Nutrition Services
- Breakfast and lunch will continue to be available to all students.
- The state of Ohio will be covering the full cost of meals for any students who have been approved to receive school meals at a reduced rate for the 2024-2025 school year
- Families must complete a free and reduced-price meal application in order to qualify for free meals.
- Families are able to submit their free and reduced-price meal application, and/or add money to student accounts through the Pay Schools website. www.payschoolscentral.com.
Birthday/Party Treats
Food allergies can be very serious but together we can manage them safely. Food allergy reactions are unpredictable. Even the smallest amount of a food allergen can cause a severe reaction. The only way to prevent a food allergy reaction is to avoid the problem food (allergen).
All treats sent in to share with others must be store bought, individually packaged at purchase, and ingredients clearly listed (food label attached).
Schools have the responsibility to protect the health and safety of all students. Treats that do not follow the above guidelines will be declined and will not be shared with students.
Mark your Calendar for 2024 Lincoln Fun Run...Saturday, October 5th!
Cell Phones, Electronic Devices, and Smartwatches
All student personal cell phones/electronic devices/smartwatches shall be turned off and put away in his/her backpack while on school property. In the occasional instance in which a caregiver needs to contact a child, or vice versa, the school office phone must be used. Student email, cell phones, electronic devices, and smartwatches should not be used to communicate with families during the school day.
At the principal's discretion, students' confiscated cell phones/electronic devices/smartwatches may be held in the office, and may be returned to the caregiver or guardian rather than the student.
Before and After School Conduct
Lakewood elementary schools do not provide supervision of students prior to 8:45 a.m. and after 3:05 p.m., aside from breakfast and clubs. Please remind your student that he/she is expected to go directly home after school. Students are not permitted on the playground before or after school without adult supervision. The playground is closed when it is being used by before and after school child care programming.
We are looking forward to a great year together!
Contact Us
Location: 15615 Clifton Boulevard, Lakewood, OH, USA
Phone: 216.529.4232
Email: brenda.budzar@lakewoodcityschools.org
Website: lakewoodcityschools.org Twitter: @LkwdLincoln