TERM 4 WEEK 2 - October 25th 2024
Tumuaki Pānui
As we come to the end of week 2 of term 4, I am pleased to be able to say that the transition to two classes for learning this term has gone very smoothly. Routines are established and learning well underway. This term classes are again using the first three learning sessions for maths, reading and writing.
This week we welcome Madison Edwards who joins us in Rotorangi Class. We hope Madison and her family enjoy their time at Rawhitiroa School.
Pet Day and Mini Gala
Thank you to everyone who made last Saturday such a successful day. I would particularly like to thank the Home and School, School Board and Staff who worked so hard to make the day such a success. I would also like to acknowledge all our sponsors because without their support the day could not happen.
The pet day trophies are away being engraved presently and will be handed out at next week’s assembly.
Next week our Kapa Haka group will travel to Waitara to perform at Puanga. A big thank you to Whaea Gwenda, Whaea Tarns, Kauby and Ajay for all their hard work with the group.
Year 5-8 Athletics
On Wednesday 6th November a group of year 5-8 students will travel to Inglewood to take part in the Kahui Ako Interschool Athletics Competition. As this event is not for all students, we will hold our annual Rawhitiroa School Athletics event next Friday afternoon at 1pm for the whole school (years 1-8). All are welcome to come and join in and a notice will come out on Tuesday with all details.
Enjoy the long weekend and we will see everyone back at school on Tuesday.
Ngā mihi
School Notices
Eltham Lion's Speech Competition
Well done to Cohen, Tessa and Isabella who represented Rawhitiroa School at this competition. They all spoke well and represented the school with pride. Congratulations to Cohen who was selected along side students from Ngaere and Eltham Primary Schools to represent Eltham Lions at the next competition in Hawera on Sunday 3rd November.
Rear a Bull
This year we have again had a fundraiser in which families and community members could rear a bull calf to 100kg to raise money that benefits the students of Rawhitiroa School. Could you please let Amanda know if you have reared a calf for the school. We will then organize the pick up and sale once it is 100kg. Thank you on behalf of the Home & School Committee.
Kapa Haka
Our Kapa Haka group will be having a full dress rehearsal of their performance for Puanga Festival on Tuesday 29th October at 10.45am, here at school. All whanau, family and friends are invited to come watch them perform.
New Sports Top
We will be doing another order of our Sports Tops. Please let Amanda know by Friday 1st November if you wish to order one. They are $53 each.
Important Dates
- Monday 28th October - Labour Day - NO SCHOOL
- Tuesday 29th October - Kapa Haka Dress Rehearsal at 10.45am
- Wednesday 30th October - Puanga Festival
- Friday 1st November - Rawhitiroa School Athletics
- Wednesday 6th November - Yr 5-8 Athletics Inter-School Competition
- Friday 8th November - Yr 7-8 Tech
- Tuesday 12th November - Tabloid Sports - Yr 3-4
- Wednesday 13th November - Tabloid Sports PP
- Friday 22nd November - Yr 7-8 Tech
- Friday 29th November - Beach Education
- Friday 6th December - Yr 7-8 Tech
- Monday 16th December - Production
- Tuesday 17th December - Last Day of Term