Avenues on Communication with LMS and More
Requested Additional Information Newsletter
Please review the information, links, etc. If you want to contact me with questions about any information below, please email snewell.lms@catoosa.k12.ga.us
or call 706-866-1040.
Thank you
Stacey Newell
Parent Coordinator
Monthly Feathers Up Newsletter
Parents please make sure you are reviewing the monthly newsletters. The newsletter is sent out via text, LMS social media pages, and the LMS website. This is sent out at the beginning of each month. The newsletter has event information and general parent information.
How to communicate with my child's teacher?
Parent Portal is a great tool to communicate with your child's teacher and see if they are completing/missing assignments. Parent Portal includes teacher emails for communication. Click the button below for parent portal information and how to sign up.
Do not know about the event?
LMS sends out Title I information on events several weeks in advance to help parents plan and prepare. Please make sure you have access to these avenues for LMS information:
Warrior Echo
Monthly Newsletter
LMS Facebook-Instagram-Twitter
LMS Website
Are you signed up for the text alerts?
Spring Survey Results
Thank you to all the parents who completed the Title I Spring Survey!
Want to be a part of the LMS Title I Parent Engagement plan?
Join us for the LMS Title I Spring Parent Council Meeting. April 16th at 9am, Room 101.
Click the link below to RSVP.
School Improvement Plan
The School Improvement plan is dedicated to help all students. There are several steps taken to develop the plan. Administrators, teachers, and the academic coach set schoolwide goals, reviews all data, identifies student needs, and plan interventions for those needs. For example,
What interventions are offered for struggling students in certain core areas?
Tier 3 intervention with Reading Plus and iReady Math
Tier 2 (1st period) intervention with content teachers
You can review the LMS School Improvement plan click here
As a parent/guardian please remember you have the right to have a meeting with your child's teachers. Please call the school 706-866-1040 or email your child's teachers. (emails are located in parent portal)
Middle to High School Transition Information Class of 2028
Students were supposed to join Class of 2028 Google Classroom Code
LMS and LFO collaborated for the upcoming freshman tours and registration/parent night. LMS counselor Ms. Tatum received the LFO newsletter/information from LFO and distributed it to all 8th-grade students in January 2024.
Information about the LFO tours and registration/parent night were also available on the LMS website and the February 2024 Newsletter.
If you were not able to attend or register your student please contact
the 9th-grade counselor, Kari Hilliard @ khilliard.lfo@catoosa.k12.ga.us or 706-866-0342.
Click here for the LFO website
Click the link for information on LFO's electives and CTAE department
Title I Math Night
Spring Survey Results
Please review our Spring Survey Results.
Websites for Families
Building Self-Esteem https://mosswoodconnections.com/activity/encouraging-children-to-have-healthy-self-esteem-2/
ADHD and ADD Tips for Parents
Many other helpful resources on this page about parenting, education, special needs, and anxiety
There are several books for emotional support in the parent resource room and can be checked out via Google Form,
Click here for the Digital Resource Room and check out information
I am going to include several links that you might find helpful to allow you to help your child with math.
Reminder: Please have your student work on i-Ready math at least 30 minutes a day at home.
There are several books in the parent resource room and can be checked out via Google Form,
Click here for the Digital Resource Room and check out information
Parent Resources to help your student with math
Helping My Child With Reading
Become a member of the Catoosa Library
Click here for information about getting a card
Browse, search, and discover.
There are thousands of e books and audiobooks, hand-selected by your library, available for reading. Explore the collection through catalog guides, subjects featured titles, and curated lists. It's a delight to discover new books through Libby.
Go to https://www.overdrive.com/apps/libby/ for more information
Programs for Entering 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th graders in these effective and enjoyable programs, your son or daughter will make substantial gains in comprehension in fiction and nonfiction, learn to read twice as fast, and become a better writer. Students expand their vocabulary and learn the best way to take notes and study for tests. Students learn effective techniques that improve writing skills and build confidence. Your child will complete homework and writing assignments more quickly and easily, get better grades, and enjoy reading more.
Your student brought home a packet with Academic Growth Benchmark scores on FEB 15th 2024
Signatures and input were available until Feb 22nd 2024
Parent Council meetings
The meeting was held at LMS in room 101 and sent digitally for all parents to view.
Spring Parent Council Meeting is April 16th 2024 at 9:30 am Click here for information
Title I Annual Meeting
The LMS Title I Annual Meeting was held before Open House. The Title I annual meeting was scrolling on all classroom TV's throughout the school during open house. The Title I Annual Meeting is always available on the LMS website. Click here for the Annual meeting
Volunteer Meetings
Click here to review the Volunteer information
This includes copyright information
Parent resources in the parent room for check out.
Parent Check out form (includes resources list)
Also available in the parent room:
All Title I Information-Minutes from all Parent Meetings; Academic Nights-Community Information-Input-Parent Information
What is my Child Learning
GADOE Learning Frameworks for students
MATH 6-8
Language -ELA 6-8
Science 6-8
Social Studies 6-8
Milestones information
Click here for Milestone parent information sent out February 2024
Testing is April 22nd-26th 2024What is the Georgia Milestones Assessment & what is its purpose?
The Georgia Milestones Assessment System is a comprehensive assessment program spanning 3rd grade through high school.
Georgia Milestones measures how well students have learned the knowledge and skills outlined in the state-adopted content standards in language arts, math, science, and social studies.
More importantly, the Georgia Milestones is designed to provide students with information about their own achievement and readiness for their next level of learning.
Parent Institute
How to Help My Child with Math
Building Homework Skills
How to Help with Reading
How to help with Science
and much more.
Title I Documents
Title I Handouts are located click here on the LMS Website
Components of a Title I Schoolwide
Georgia Standards of Excellence
How to Communicate with Your Child’s Teacher
Catoosa County Family Engagement Policy