3rd Grade Update
Week of October 7
Important Dates
Thursday, October 10: Parent/Teacher Conferences from 4-8 pm
Friday, October 11: No School for Students - Parent/Teacher Conferences from 8 am-12pm
Monday, October 14: No School
Friday, October 18: Early Release at 12:00 pm for Homecoming Parade
Tuesday, October 22: Trunk or Treat from 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Friday, November 8: Early Release at 12:00 pm
Friday, November 15: No School for Students - Staff Day
November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break
Trunk or Treat Candy Donation
Our annual Trunk or Treat is October 22, and we would gladly accept any candy donations you are willing to send. The candy must be individually wrapped to be used. Thank you!
PTA Needs You!
What We Are Learning This Week
RLA: Generating questions about text before, during, and after reading; making connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society; recognizing characteristics and structures of informational text
Math: Multiplication and division fact fluency and relating division to multiplication
Science: What causes changes in position and motion
Social Studies: US Constitution
Birthday Celebrations
We love to celebrate birthdays! Birthday celebrations will take place at the end of the day on the last day of the week so instruction is not disrupted. If you will leave any items you want to share with the class in the front, the office will make sure to get them to your child's class.
Contact Us!
Ms. Harris: ELAR/Social Studies taylor.harris@redoakisd.org
Mrs. Ward: Math/Science whitney.ward@redoakisd.org
Mrs. Aitken: ELAR/Social Studies brea.aitken@redoakisd.org
Ms. Gaines: Math/Science allison.gaines@redoakisd.org
Red Oak Elementary Phone: 972.617.3523
Extra Practice
The Math workbooks that were sent home at the beginning of the year are also great practice.