Parent Communication
Getting the word out in 2022

Message from Principal Thomas
Happy February! Thank you to all the families who came out for Family Night Bingo last month! We enjoyed spending time with our CHAMPS.
As we step into the third marking period, I want to take a moment to celebrate our students and their continued to growth academically, socially, and emotionally. As we move into this next phase of the year, I encourage you to check in with your child and their teacher(s) about their experiences and progress. Teachers are continuing to offer personalized support to ensure all students are challenged and engaged, so if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to them.
The third marking period brings fresh opportunities and new goals for our students. It’s a time to build on strengths and work through challenges together. We’re also preparing for state assessments in the spring for grades 3-5, and we will provide you with details on what to expect in the coming months. Remember, your support at home plays a vital role in your child’s success, and we appreciate everything you do!
While winter weather keeps us inside more often, we’re keeping spirits high with fun activities for students! Be sure to check our school and district calendar for upcoming events.
Let’s continue to work together to ensure our students are motivated and supported. We encourage you to attend family nights, get involved with our PFO, and stay connected with your child’s learning journey.
Thank you for your continued dedication and support.
- Attendance: Regular attendance is crucial for your child’s academic success. Please ensure your child arrives on time and attends school consistently. If your child will be absent, please notify the school office in advance.
- Winter Weather: Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the cold weather. Be sure you are receiving messages from SCSD regarding school closings and other important information.
- Health & Safety: As we continue through cold and flu season, we kindly ask families to keep students home if they are feeling unwell. Please remind your child about good hygiene practices, such as washing hands regularly and covering coughs and sneezes.
Principal Thomas
C.H.A.M.P.S.: Courageous Hardworking Accountable Motivated Persistent Safe
Van Duyn is an inclusive learning environment where everyone is respected, empowered, encouraged, and supported to thrive and succeed as responsible global citizens while being held to a standard of excellence in academic achievement and personal character
We are an inclusive community that believes all students can learn.
This month in prekindergarten we are working on community helpers, and how some helpers can help us when we are in danger. We are also discussing safe touches, and how to be kind and use our words. Remember we are always practicing counting to 20 and identifying shapes!
Thank you!
-In English Language Arts we will be working on new routines. We are transitioning from sounding out the word to reading the word. Students have been working on forming lowercase letters correctly. We are beginning to work on forming uppercase letters correctly. We also will be introducing sentence writing during dictation.
-In Math we will begin Module 4 Number Pairs, Addition and Subtraction to 10. This marks the next exciting step in math for kindergartners—addition and subtraction! Students begin to harness their practiced counting abilities, knowledge of the value of numbers, and work with embedded numbers to reason about and solve addition and subtraction expressions and equations.
-In Science we will be working on our Materials and Motion Unit. In this unit, students will investigate that objects are made of materials, wood, paper, and fabric. After working with materials students will investigate sink and float as well as the effect of pushes and pulls on objects.
😊 Ms. Fagan, Ms. King, Ms. Allen, and Ms. Bridges
1st Grade
In Math we just finished our current module and are on to module 3. Module 3 involves measuring and collecting data.
In integrated knowledge we are finishing up with our same story, different version unit. Next we will be on to science. Kids will be learning about light and sound.
Remember to study your math facts and practice reading.
Shout out to Legend W. in Ms. Floyd's class for CHAMP behavior. Shout out to Elizabeth P. in Ms. Acevedo and Peneston's class for moving up in her reading and math RTI goals!
😊 Ms. Glover, Ms. Acevedo, Ms. Peneston and Ms. Floyd
2nd Grade
In 2nd grade we are going to start a new math unit, where we are going to focus on word problems solving within 1,000! In ELA, we have started a new unit - continuing to build our reading skills and shift our focus to informative writing. Lastly, we have just completed our Integrated Knowledge Social Studies unit, and will move on to a new science unit.
Aaron K. in Ms. Garcia and Mrs. Napolitano's class for being accountable and always trying his best to do the right thing! He has made so much progress this school year and his teachers are very proud of him!
Aries W., in Ms. Tzetzis' class, is always willing to try her best. She can be counted on to be the first one ready to start any lesson. She is prepared, engaged and actively trying her best to succeed. She is an all around CHAMP.
😊Ms. Garcia, Ms. Napolitano, and Ms. Tzetzis
3rd Grade
We are finishing up our unit on Migration, Community, and Culture. Students have done a great job learning about migration and the push and pull factors that cause people to migrate to new places.
Students will be taking the NYS ELA test in just a couple of months. We will have a heavy focus on written responses using the Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning format, and students will need to master this in order to successfully respond to written questions. Please review this with your scholar and have them show you examples of their writing.
We are now in the middle of the year, meaning our new reading goal is 105 words per minute. Please practice reading with your scholars each night to continue to develop their reading fluency skills. Reading multisyllabic words fluently is another skill they will need for the NYS test this April.
In mathematics, students have progressed to working on multiplication and division involving the units of 0, 1, and 6-9, as well as multiples of 10. We will soon transition into Module 4, which will address all aspects of area. Students are expected to take the NYS Math test as well in the upcoming months.
In writing, we have been focusing on building strong claims to effectively defend our opinions. In the upcoming weeks, students will transition from writing to science and begin the Motion and Matter unit, where they will start to explore the concepts of push and pull factors.
Shoutout to Matthew and Aliyah for mastering Core Set Fluency A!
Shoutout to Mau'ryii, Samirah, and Giovanni for mastering Core Set Fluency A and B and moving on to their final set, Set C!
😊Ms. DelaCruz, Ms. Kendall, and Ms. Perez
4th Grade
The "Energy FOSS unit" for 4th grade refers to a science curriculum module within the FOSS (Full Option Science System) program that focuses on teaching students about different forms of energy, how energy transfers between objects, and how we utilize energy in everyday life, including investigations into electricity, magnetism, and the concept of energy transformation ; essentially, it's a unit designed to introduce young students to the fundamental ideas of energy through hands-on experiments and real-world examples.
In Eureka Math Grade 4, Module 5 focuses on the concept of "Fraction Equivalence, Ordering, and Operations" where students learn to identify equivalent fractions, compare their sizes, and perform basic operations with fractions using visual models like tape diagrams and area models. We will also continue to work on mastering our Core Set Fluency. Please practice!
In a 4th grade curriculum, the "American Revolution" students are critically analyzing of historical events about the war fought between the American colonies and Great Britain, where students learn about key events like the Boston Tea Party, the Battles of Lexington and Concord, and the Declaration of Independence, focusing on the idea of the colonists fighting for freedom from British rule and the concept of "no taxation without representation.".
😊Ms. Huynh-Boyle, Ms. Newton, Ms. Markland, and Mr. Montgomery
5th Grade
Hello Families! I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday break! I want to start of by giving a shout out to all of the CHAMPs that have passed the Core Set Fluency Set A and are working on Set B: Tamia, Kareem, I'yanna, Brielle, and Maurice. As well as the CHAMPs who have passed Set B: Bella and Jahdal! Help your CHAMP pass too by going over their multiplication facts with them! We are still working on module (3) that focuses on addition and subtraction of fractions and hope to start module 4 which focuses on multiplication and division of fractions. This is difficult content for a lot of our students, so please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have, and how we can work together to best support your CHAMP. Take care! - Mrs. Marquis
Happy Winter Families!! I don’t know about you all, but this winter reminds me of the winters when I was a kid. All this cold and snow!! I hope you are all staying warm and finding ways to enjoy the weather when you can.
This month in Humanities we are working on a new unit about different perspectives in westward expansion. Throughout this unit we will learn about the causes and effects of westward expansion. Looking closely at Native Americans experiences compared to those experiences of the settlers. Students will continue to work in small groups and continue to practice their accountable talk strategies. They have grown so much in their classroom conversations since the beginning of the school year!
Humanities SHOUT OUTS: Miahkier, D’Lani, Kaelynn, Xena, Jahdal, Brielle, Bella, Santana, Moises & Nyiasia who all met the 5th grade DIBELS benchmark for the middle of the year!!
Make sure your child is reading every night for at least 20 minutes. The more they read the more of a fluent reader they will become!
Hello Families, In February, we will finish our Mixtures and Solutions unit in Science with our final two investigations: "Reaching Saturation" and "Fizz Quiz." In this unit we have looked at definitions, properties, and types of mixtures and solutions. We have explored different separation techniques as well as compare physical versus chemical changes that occur. We also discuss the importance of mixtures and solutions in everyday life, such as cooking and environmental science.
After this, we will begin our New York State Investigation titled "What's in the Bag?” which is a science activity that encourages students to explore the properties and characteristics of different materials. I am excited to continue preparing the students for this engaging experience.
Special shoutout to the following students for providing an “Out of this world” (Perfect CER) answer to their focus questions: Brielle, Bella, Kareem, Jame’ir, Jahdal, Moises, Maurice, Olivia, Lineka, Ri’leigh, Tamia, Monica, Miahkier, Jeremiah, Kalenna, Jazmine.
Please feel free to reach out anytime via TalkingPoints with any questions, comments, or concerns.
-Miss Grady J
😊Ms. Dewey, Mrs. Marquis, Ms. Grady and Mr. Simmons
Related Studies
Physical Education:
During the month of January in Physical Education, we are currently completing our fitness unit. Students in grades K-5 are focused on learning various fitness concepts and fun exercises which will help them stay active and healthy on a daily basis. In our fitness unit, students are learning how to complete a variety of fitness exercises alongside their classmates and understanding how these exercises benefit their overall health. The activities/exercises are designed to increase each student's endurance, strength, and flexibility, all while teaching them the importance of maintaining a healthy/active lifestyle!
This month in art, the 5th Grade will be starting a self-portrait Wire Sculpture, the 4th Grade will begin a Mandala, the 3rd Grade is finishing their Pinch Pots using clay. The 2nd Grade is making a collage using tissue paper, the 1st Grade is using Pattern in their artwork and the Kindergarten classes are practicing using Scissors and creating a Crayon Resist.
Grades K-2 will be practicing parts of "Lift Every Voice and Sing" and creating music using rhythms.
Grade 3 will be working on singing" Lift Every Voice and Sing " playing Recorders
Grades 4-5 Will be singing "Lift Every Voice and Sing" and composing with rhythms and melody.
Students in 4th and 5th grade are learning about different Spanish speaking countries around the globe and how to pronounce the country name in Spanish. 2nd and 3rd grade students are working on learning family members in Spanish.
February is an exciting month in library. 4th and 5th grade students had a chance to audition to be our annual Black History Month Wax Museum. The 12 students who were chosen will get a chance to research a person in history, write a speech and create a presentation to present to the school during our Black History Celebration.
3rd graders are continuing their digital literacy unit, they will be learning how to protect themselves online. The 2nd graders are completing their animal research project. Kindergarten and First grade are working on telling the difference between fiction and non-fiction.
😊Ms. Talham, Ms. Hurne, Ms. Hernandez, Mr. Zawadzki, Mr. Grecco, Ms. Kailer
School attendance builds a strong foundation for learning that helps students succeed in the future. It's difficult to make up for too many absences with homework or take-home assignments.
Each month we put all the names of the families that have 95% or better attendance into our attendance raffle.
Each month we also do a class attendance contest. Daily we track classroom attendance, and the classes that have 95% or better get a token on our attendance matters board. At the end of the month, the classes with the most tokens win!
Upcoming Events
- Feb10th - 14th - Spirit week (flyer will be out soon)
- Feb 13th - Black History Readers
- Feb 13th - Student Council Meeting
- Feb 17th - 21st Winter Break (No School)
- Feb 27th - Black History showcase
Van Duyn PFO
- PFO meetings are once a month: February at 4:45 pm
Please enter door 3 (by the playground)
- All Champ family members are welcome to join PFO. If you are interested in joining PFO please join our meeting. If you cannot attend the meetings and still want to be involved in Van Duyn PFO reach out to Ms. Monique Hill or Ms. Richardson by calling the number listed below.
Contact information:
Van Duyn PFO President Monique Hill
Email: vanduynpfo@gmail.com
Phone: 315-435-5406
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
- Doors open at 9:05am.
- At 9:15am Door 2 will close and all students must go through Door 1. All late students who arrive between 9:15am-9:30am will enter Door 1 and be signed in.
- Dismissal starts at 3:35pm.
- Parents picking up children in K-5 may pick up their child outside Door 1. Parents picking up a PreK student may pick up their child at Door 3. (By the Playground).
- We do not dismiss between 3:15pm and 3:35pm. If you need to sign your child out before that, please call the main office and let them know.
Before & After school
Uniform Discussion
Student Council
Hello families! The next student council meeting will be February 13 at 4:30. All student council members are encouraged to stay for the meeting. During this meeting we will form our student council cabinet and nominate a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and fundraising chair. Any student council members who are interested in any of the roles should see Mrs. Huynh-Boyle. Thank you! See you all then.
Van Duyn Elementary Contact Information
Website: https://www.syracusecityschools.com/vanduyn
Location: 401 Loomis Ave Syracuse NY 13207
Phone: (315)435-4660
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vanduynchamps
Principal: Amanda Thomas
Vice Principal: Nicole Heath
Dean of Students: Zakia Richardson
Social Worker: Molly Phelps
Guidance Counselor: Sharon Boatwright
Board of Education Officers
Tamica Barnett-President
Twiggy Billue-Commissioner of Education
Nyatwa Bullock-Commissioner of Education
Karen Cordano-Commissioner of Education
Mary Habib-Commissioner of Education
Gwendolyn Raeford-Commissioner of Education
Ranette Releford-Commissioner of Education
Administrative Staff
Anthony Q. Davis, Superintendent
Pamela Odom, Deputy Superintendent
Britt Britton, Chief Academic Officer
Rob DiFlorio, Chief Operations Officer
Timothy Moon, Chief Accountability Officer
Laura Kelley, ED.D., Chief of Student Support Services
Scott Persampieri, Chief Human Resources Officer
Michael Puntschenko, Chief Financial Officer
Monique Wright-Williams, Chief of Staff
Katie Moulton, Assistant Superintendent