Culture Compass & SEL Updates
Wakelon Elementary School (Week of October 7, 2024)
Social Emotional Learning @ Wakelon ES
Beginning the week of October 7, 2024, all students will receive daily social emotional learning instruction. Teachers will use a program called Second Step for SEL instruction. Second Step is a district wide program and is required for all WCPSS students grades K - 8.
Below you will find a letter that shares more information about the Second Step program and what your student will be learning this year:
Each week, I will share with you a summary of the upcoming lesson and an activity for you to try at home. I will also continue to share the unit home link. The home link will provide you with additional details about the unit.
Lesson 1: We Watch. We Listen. We Think.
In this week’s lesson, your child will learn that paying attention means watching, listening, and thinking carefully about something. They practice different ways of showing they’re paying attention.
Try This at Home
Ask your child to show you how they can pay attention, for example, when you are reading a story with them or explaining how to do something.
First Grade
Lesson 1: Time to Pay Attention
In this week’s lesson, your child will learn that paying attention can look different depending on the situation, for example, listening to the teacher during a lesson, or looking both ways before crossing the street.
Try This at Home
Ask your child to show you how they can pay attention, for example, when you are reading a story with them, explaining a task, or crossing the street.
Second Grade
Lesson 1: How to Get Good at Something
In this week’s lesson, your child will learn that their best skills have developed as a result of practicing, trying hard, and asking for help.
Try This at Home
Ask your child to share with you what they’re good at and how they became good at it. Share with them something you’re good at and what you did to practice and try hard, and who you asked for help.
Third Grade
Lesson 1: Changing Your Brain
In this week’s lesson, your child will learn that when they learn something new, the brain changes as different parts of the brain begin to send messages to each other.
Try This at Home
Ask your child to explain what happens in their brain when they learn something for the first time.
Fourth Grade
Lesson 1: Setting a Good Goal
In this week’s lesson, your child’s class will work together to set a 2-week goal that’s specific, challenging, and doable.
Try This at Home
Ask your child to describe their class goal and explain what makes it challenging and doable for their class. Tell your child about a goal you recently set and what makes it challenging and doable for you.
Fifth Grade
Lesson 1: The Right Goal for Me
In this week’s lesson, your child will learn how to set a goal that's right for them. A goal that's right for someone is specific, challenging, doable, and motivating.
Try This at Home
Ask your child what their goal is and how they know it’s right for them. Encourage them to describe why it’s motivating to them. Talk to your child about a goal you reached in the past and why you chose that goal.
Social Emotional Learning Educates the Heart & Mind
At Wakelon Elementary School, we strive to educate the hearts and minds of our students.
Please view the short video below that shares the importance of educating the heart:
Past Culture Compass Editions
If you have questions and/or would like to discuss the information shared in this week's Culture Compass, please contact me directly.
Wakelon Elementary School