Welcome the New Year
River Oak Charter School
Happy 2022!
Our team is ready to start a new year with our community that is full of learning, joy and consistency!
Thank you for filling out the family survey! If you haven't already, please do so by January 7th, thanks!
Open Enrollment-River Oak's enrollment lottery is accepting applications starting January 4, 2022 until February 24, 2022! Forward this link to interested families: https://www.riveroakcharterschool.org/registration-information/
Sweet Saturdays- Saturday, January 8th, from 10:30 – 11:15 a.m., at The Gazebo in Todd Grove Park located at 600 Live Oak Ave. in Ukiah, CA
Walk throughs with families
Here are important reminders and updates going forward:
- COVID update- In regards to quarantine changes at the state level: Regardless of vaccination, if your child has tested positive for COVID, and is asymptomatic, they can come back to school after 5 days with a negative rapid test. If your child tested positive for COVID and is symptomatic, they must wait until asymptomatic and have a negative rapid test or 10 days before returning. This is MCPH recommendations, and if there are any changes, we will let you know. Thank you!
- Going forward, please only use cash or check if possible for fundraising- thank you!
- Looking for winter garden volunteers to prep the gardens for Spring. Please email kmccullough@riveroakcharterschool.org for more information
School Event
Sweet Saturdays Event on 1/8
Mendocino County Library Presents: “A Winter Walk in the Woods” on Saturday, January 8th, from 10:30 – 11:15 a.m., at The Gazebo in Todd Grove Park located at 600 Live Oak Ave. in Ukiah, CA. The program includes story-telling, circle games, and a puppet play. All are welcome. A free event sponsored by Ukiah Valley Friends of the Library and River Oak Charter School. In the event of extreme weather, the event will be cancelled.
Parent Council News
Parent Council Meeting 1/6/22
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 0333 8895 Passcode: 289408
The Parent Council is forming Literacy Month (March) and Read-O-Thon committees and we need the support of our wonderful ROCS Parent community to make these events memorable!
This year we are hoping to be bring back the Green Eggs and Ham breakfast as well as a book sale, along with the much-anticipated month long Read-O-Thon, that includes an author's faire!
Your help will have a direct, positive impact on your children's learning and fun, so please join in the planning... Parents interested in boosting their volunteer hours may contact their class PC representative or better yet, join our next Parent Council meeting, January 6th, 2022, where we will be discussing this topic and much more.
Our Zoom link will remain the same all year and meetings are always the first Thursday of the month. Hope to see you there!
Class 1 and Class 4 are hosting a parking lot sale Saturday, January 15 from 10-2pm. Items to be sold include gently used sports equipment, camping and outdoor gear, working appliances, tools, complete games and toys, laundered clothing without stains or holes, gently used shoes, small furniture, craft supplies, etc.
Please come support class our classes!
Lunch Fundraisers
Class 8: Every Friday- Order Pizza for lunch! Delivered from Slam Dunk Pizza, receive cheese or pepperoni. $5 each slice. Cash or check in the front office only.