Tiger Talk
News from Loveland Schools - October 23, 2020
COVID-19 Communication
Loveland Tiger Families,
The decisions we are all tasked with during this difficult time provide no easy answers. We have provided weekly updates, while increasing our understanding of how this virus spreads and how to best protect the health and safety of our students, staff, teachers and community. We have many parents who have expressed their concerns about student safety, and others who want students to have the most possible access to in-class instruction.
These decisions are not made lightly and our decision making process was developed in collaboration with outside help. This summer we contracted with LJB to gather professional health and safety expertise, work through decision-making to manage and mitigate risk, and develop a comprehensive safety plan. This plan was constructed with the goal of maintaining staff and student safety, while avoiding going fully remote.
With their guidance and ongoing counsel, Loveland City School District was able to create and maintain a healthy and safe environment for teachers, staff and students, identify any potential health and safety hazards and make appropriate purchasing decisions for materials and supplies.
Our work with LJB helped us reduce costs by more efficiently scheduling our existing staff which eliminated the need to hire additional cleaning staff. We increased face-to-face time during our hybrid plan by eliminating the full remote day during hybrid for cleaning. Our proactive health and safety measures were the primary reason we avoided many financial and resource strains when we began experiencing positive COVID cases and concerns. The benefits of this work are evident each day, and will continue serving us in the months ahead.
Our goal has been to return to 5 day, in-person learning, but only if it did not present unacceptable risk levels. So far, we have moved to bring our youngest students back to 5 day, in-person learning and are currently waiting on bringing back our high school students, because of concerns around an increasing and on-going spread that is taking place outside of school involving our high school students.
Through October 23, we have had 18 students or staff test positive for COVID-19, and that has resulted in 50 close-contact quarantines. All indications are that people are contracting COVID outside of our schools, and that because of our masking, distancing and hygiene bundle, it is not being spread inside our schools.
Now that we have made it through the first quarter, we can see that our students are learning and performing well. Our MAP fall benchmark scores for grades 1-8 consistently show that students this fall are on par with where students were last fall. The education of our students is going strong. Students are actively participating in their areas of specialty in interest beyond the classroom, with students active in fall sports, music and performing. Clubs have started and continue to work on creative ways to provide the full Tiger experience for our students and families.
Tigers Mark Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week is about to get underway, and our Tiger Family will be taking part in a big way. Red Ribbon Week is the nation’s largest and longest-running drug-use prevention campaign, started by parents who wanted to play a leadership role in drug prevention. Loveland students across the district are reminded to wear red on Monday, October 26 as we kick-off Red Ribbon Week. There are activities planned all this week, across all of our schools. To get involved, light up your home red for the week by breaking out the holiday lights early. Loveland parents are encouraged to begin the conversation at home about drug prevention. You can do that by finding additional resources here.
Loveland Elementary Showing Compassion with “Socktober” Project
This month’s Compassion Project at Loveland Elementary is Socktober! Students and families are collecting new pairs of socks to donate to local homeless shelters. Socks are the most requested item in shelters. The Compassion Project fosters kindness and compassion within our school, classrooms and community through acts of kindness.
Loveland City School District Focusing on Staff Wellness
As we all continue through a challenging year, Superintendent Dr. Amy Crouse has kicked off a two-week effort to focus on the physical and emotional wellness of staff.
“I know our staff give their all for our Loveland Tiger Family, but this year more than ever we need to take time to focus on taking care of ourselves so we can provide the best for our students and our families,” Crouse said.
LHS science teacher Kristin Scherman is participating in the state-wide Step It Up Wellness Challenge put together by the Health Action Council and the OHSAA, for a chance to win up to $3,000 for the district.
We are also sharing some of the different ways staff relax, stay healthy and get re-energized on our district Facebook and Twitter pages.
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Loveland City School District
Email: dunnju@lovelandschools.org
Website: lovelandschools.org
Location: 757 S Lebanon Rd, Loveland, OH, USA
Phone: (513) 683-5600
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lovelandcityschools/
Twitter: @LovelandTigers