Greetings Orchard Hill Families,
Regular attendance rates to date are at 68%. That’s 4% lower than a few months ago. Remember, our goal for the year is 75% regular attenders. If there are circumstances that are hindering regular attendance, please let us know and we can help! Thank you for your efforts in this endeavor.
As you know, child/adolescent smartphone use has been getting a lot of attention recently. I’ve included a great resource for families thinking about smartphones for their kids. Waituntil8th.org is a great website with all kinds of information and research about smartphone use. Please check it out if you’re considering smartphone use for your Hawk!
Our new Orchard Hill shirts are in! All students will receive a free Orchard Hill T-shirt, so be looking for those to come home.
- Hawks will enjoy a special assembly on Monday, December 16th at 8:15am. The NED (Never give up, Encourage others, Do your best) show will be here with some fun Yo-Yo tricks and a meaningful message for all students. If you’re free, you’re sure welcome to watch! Yo-Yos will be on sale for several days following the show.
Warm Wishes,
Kent Vallier
Dec 16 -- Spirit Week begins! See dress up day themes below
Dec 16 -- NED Show Assembly at 8:15 am in gym
Dec 21 --Winter Break begins
Jan 6 --Back to school after break
Jan 20 --NO SCHOOL, Martin Luther King Day
Jan 24 --NO SCHOOL, End of 2nd Qtr
Feb 14 -- Valentine's Day
Feb 17 -- NO SCHOOL, President's Day Holiday
Mar 3 -- Classified Employees Week
Mar 9 -- Daylight Savings begins (set clocks ahead one hour)
Mar 17 -- St. Patrick's Day
Mar 20 -- Spring Break begins
Mar 31 -- Back to school after break
NED's Resiliency Ride, is a character education program that centers around three important messages that have lifelong relevance: Never give up, Encourage others and Do your best. During the assembly, students will learn about the importance of these three life skills while also enjoying storytelling, magic, humor and yo-yo tricks. Check out their highlight video below. Families are welcome to attend! Check in at the office first. The assembly will begin around 8:30 a.m.