Patriots’ Review
President's Message
Happy November VPE families,
As we slowly move into the season of thankfulness, I want to start by saying how thankful I am for our school and all of you! We have had a great start to this school year! We are thankful for our talented staff and our fabulous families.
October was such an exciting month! Thank you so much to all of the families that donated items for our first staff appreciation day of this school year (also a BIG thank you to our Staff Appreciation Committee Chair- Cheree Brooks for all of your hard work). I know it was greatly appreciated by all of our VPE staff members. The Silent Disco was a huge hit!! The PTA wants to send a HUGE thank you to all of the kiddos that made the PTA thank you notes. SO thoughtful, creative, and appreciated!!! I will be sharing some of these thank you notes during our November PTA Meeting. Book Character Day was filled with wonderful costumes representing so many fabulous books! How lucky we are to have a school with so many wonderful events!
November will be a fun filled month! Join us in person or on zoom for our November PTA meeting on November 14th at 7:45 am. The Book Fair is coming to the school November 18th-22nd. On the night of November 21st, parents can come to school to shop at the book fair with their child and stop by to see the Science and History Fair displays. We will also be celebrating our annual Multicultural-Unity Night. Classroom parties will start kicking off this month as well! November 27-29th is Thanksgiving break, so enjoy some family time and relax!
We hope that if you have not yet joined the PTA, you will consider doing so! Being a PTA member does not mean you have to donate your time or additional money (membership is only $5), but our member count is meaningful as is the work the VPE PTA, District PTA, and the National PTA organizations do for the schools, teachers, and students! We love our VPE!
Kim Lucas
PTA President
PTA Survey
The Veterans Park Elementary PTA knows that a strong partnership among our families, school leaders and community members is important to the success of our students and school. That’s why we are participating in the National PTA School of Excellence program, which grows partnerships between PTAs and schools to enrich the educational experience and overall well-being of all students.
We need your help! As part of the process outlined by National PTA, we are requesting feedback from families, administrators and teachers at two points in the school year—the beginning and the end. Using the community feedback, we will build an Excellence Action Plan to strengthen family-school partnerships.
Please take 5-10 minutes to reflect on your experience at this school and complete this survey. Please complete this survey by Friday, November 8th.
Here is the Link:
PTA Volunteering
As we enter this busy season, please consider taking that next step and becoming more involved!
Want to help, but not sure where to start? Ask your homeroom teacher what you can do, contact your homeroom parent to see how you can get involved, send an email to any member of the PTA!
As the holiday season approaches, here is a list of dates and times to mark on your calendars for each grade level party.
If you are interested in volunteering your time and/or providing supplies, please contact the Homeroom Parent for your child's class.
Ashley DeLucia
Vice President, VPE PTA
Spirit Wear Holiday Sale
Sale Dates: 11/4/2024 - 12/10/2024
25% off all merchandise
Free shipping on orders over $75
Guaranteed delivery by Dec. 23rd
Upcoming Events!
November 1 - Spirit & Hat Day/Woot Woot Wagon
November 5 - No School - ELECTION Day
Novembwer 6 - Picture Make Up Day
November 11 - VPE Veterans Day Program @ 1:00 PM
November 14 - PTA Meeting @ 7:45 AM (VPE Library or Zoom -See link below)
November 18-22 - VPE Fall Book Fair
November 20 - Family Focus Night
November 21 - VPE Multicultural/Unity Night @ 5:30-7:00 PM
November 22 - FALL Parties (Kindergarten, First, Second & Third Grades)
November 25 - VPE Whole School Field Trip - Nutcracker @ Transylvania University - 12:00 Performance
November 26 - Career Day
November 27-29 - Thanksgiving Holiday- NO School
December 6 - Spirit & Hat Day/Woot Woot Wagon
December 12 - PTA Meeting @ 7:45 AM (VPE Library or Zoom -See link below)
December 18 - Family Focus Night
December 19 - Festive Sweater Day / WINTER parties (4th and 5th grades
December 20 - Last Day Before Break
December 23 - January 6 - Winter Break -NO School
January 7 - School Resumes
November PTA Meeting
Thursday, Nov 14, 2024, 07:45 AM
School library
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Our PTA membership is growing and we have loved seeing all the families supporting our students and staff ! Remember, it is not too late to join our PTA! We would love to have one member for every student in the school. So if you have two students, sign up both parents, or an aunt and uncle. Three students, sign up a grandparent ! Remember, this is no way commits you to attending meetings or volunteering; it just shows your support. If you aren’t already a member, you can sign up at the meeting, or using this QR code !
If you have questions please email Amy Kaper
We appreciate your support! Your membership helps strengthen advocacy efforts for our children at the local, state, and national level
PTA Business Members!!
We want to thank all of our fantastic business sponsors for our PTA! Please try to patronize their businesses as they have donated money to the PTA for our teachers and students !
Watson’s Heating and Cooling
Diamond Dental
ACE Consulting
Bank of Lexington
IPM Pest and Termite
If you would like your organization featured in our hallways, please join our PTA as a Business Sponsor ! We will update frequently , and share all of our new sponsors.
Amy Kaper
VP of Membership
Staff Appreciation
This October we helped celebrate our wonderful VPE Staff with a Freshly Boo’d Coffee and Halloween Treat event! We appreciate all of the VPE parents who helped bring in donations. We would also like to thank Olive’s Apron and Starbucks at The Summit for their generous donations of baked goods and coffee. Our next event will be in December. Be on the lookout for a SignUp Genius in the coming weeks.
Thank you!
Cheree Brooks & Lena Pastura
Staff Appreciation
VPE Gives Back
If you haven't yet, please consider registering your Kroger Plus Card to support your child's school.
When you register, Kroger helps support our school by sending a percentage of each order to VPE! Registration is easy.
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Log into your Kroger Plus Account
Step 3: Add the VPE organization number DE538
Step 4: Shop as usual!
SBDM Update
During the October SBDM Council Meeting, members discussed the agenda items. They reviewed the most recent financial reports including the activity fund, section 6 funds and the after-school program budget. The council members also reviewed the Kentucky Summative Assessment results as well as fall MAP results. Ms.Dabney was delighted to share an email she had received from a parent that complimented three teachers and the positive impact they have had on her student, including one teacher who has ignited a love for math! This parent also expressed how much her student enjoyed the recent silent DJ event sponsored by PTA.
Location: 4351 Clearwater Way, Lexington, KY, USA
Phone: 8593813161