Te Kura o Te Paroa
• 34 Paroa Road, RD 1, Whakatane 3191
2024 Staff
New fencing and gates.
New fencing and gates - health and safety for students especially as we now have some who would leave the safety of the school grounds. Gate near to the hall will be locked during the day and open in the morning and after 2.30pm.
We encourage whanau and Parents to use front gate and sign in when coming on to the school grounds.
School Policies and Procedures
Te Kura o Te Pāroa uses SchoolDocs to maintain a comprehensive, up-to-date set of policies and procedures. These policies and procedures follow guidelines and legislation and best practice, and have been tailored for our school. For more information about SchoolDocs, see schooldocs.co.nz.
The principal, board, and members of our school community all have access to SchoolDocs. This section highlights information of particular interest to parents and whanāu. (SchoolDocs uses the term "parents" to refer to parents and caregivers. Sometimes, whānau is also used.)
Go to http://www.schooldocs.co.nz/
Search for Te Kura o te Paroa
Enter the following - Username: paroa Password: turukihia
In the search bar type in " name of policy you want to read"
Meet and Greet Whanau
Students on Private Vehicles
Tamariki pick/drop off
Please DO NOT park across the road when dropping off or collecting tamariki. You need to drive around into the bus bay area.
Drop off and pick up times in the bus bay area :
AM: Between 8am-9am
PM: Between 2.40pm and 3pm.
Some parents are still parking across the road waiting to collect their tamariki in the afternoons. We do not want to see any near misses or fatal accidents with any of our tamariki outside the kura.
TKOTP Fb, Class Dojo and skool loop
Whanau if you are not signed up onto our school fb, and class dojo please join so you are kept up to date on whats happening in the kura and your childs learning in class.
School Uniforms
Secondhand school sweatshirts for $1.00 each (charge will cover laundry costs).
Study Leave
Farewell to Whaea Rose who leaves to begin her study leave in week 5 - she will return to school in term 4. Good luck Whaea Rose. Kia pai tō haere i runga i te waka matauranga o te wananga.
Student Attendance
Whanau please contact the kura when your tamaiti is away.
When you are reporting absences please give students full name, class, reason and how many days away.
Ways of reporting student absences are:
Ring the school office - 3086652.
Send Txt message to 0274471900.
Send message to classroom teachers.
Every day counts.
Attendance + Attitude = Success.
Skate Active Program by Lets Roll Coaching.
Coach - Whaea Ivy
Teaching skating basics, providing skates, protective gear and helmets. Lets Roll Coaching teaches kids how to get rolling and eventually doing games and activities on skates, building confidence, agility, strength and resilience in the process. A big focus on roller skating being a non competitive activity for fun and fitness.
Up and coming events.
- Touch Tournament - Y3 - Y8
Thursday 22nd February
Rex Morpeth Park, Whakatane
Starting 9am
- RIPPA Module - Y1 - Y8
5 week
Starting 26th February and final day Thursday 25th March
Rex Morpeth Park, Whakatane
- Fun 4 U DAY - Y1 & 2 (some of the Y3)
Thursday 29th February
Staring 9am
- TKOTP Swimming Sports
Thursday 29th February
Starting 9am
EBOP Swimming
Thursday 14th March
Para Kore
Para Kore delivers a te ao Māori based, zero waste education programme called Oranga Taiao. This programme aims to design out waste and strengthen connection to Papatūānuku and Ranginui.
Our first step as a para kore school is for tamariki and staff to take all kai wrapping rapihi (rubbish) home.
Up and coming events
Term 1 -
15th Feb - Roller skating programme.
Fridays - WIS senior technology.
19 Feb - BoT hui.
20 Feb - Meet the teacher.
22 Feb - Touch tournament y3-8.
26th Feb - Y8 HPV - 1st dose.
28 Feb - Kaumatua Hui.
29 Feb - TKOTP swimming sports.
Fun 4 U (y1-2).
1 March - Te Toi o Matariki - Maori Graduate excellence programme.
6 March - Te Manakuratahi Mauri - powhiri.
7 March - Interschool swimming sports.
March - Written reports weeks 9.
April - Parent interviews week 10.
Term 2 - Whanau engagement day - Whakanuia Matariki
Rangitaiki Kapa haka festival
Term 3 - School Wide Extravaganza
Sept -Written reports weeks 9.
Sept - Parent interviews week 10.
Term 4 - Whanau engagement day
Prize giving day
Health checks at Kura
The nurse from Te Tohu o Te Ora o Ngāti Awa will come into the kura every Tuesday from 10am to do student health checks, vision and hearing testing. If you would like your child to see the nurse, please ring the kura on 07 3086652 or go onto Skool Loop to complete the permission form.
Rheumatic Fever - Strep Throat.
Rheumatic fever commonly appears in school age children, it is a preventable disease by identifying sore throats caused by strep throat. Treatment is a course of an appropriate antibiotic. Team of trained professionals can ensure the prevention of this disease through early detection and are based in schools within Kawerau and the surrounding areas including Whakatane.
Nurses from Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Hauroa come into the kura every Monday from 1-2pm to do throat swabs.
If you would like your child to see the nurse, please ring the kura on 07 3086652.
Bus messages
Students who are on private vehicles need to be collected from kura before 3.15pm.
Class DoJo
Skool Loop app - Te Kura o Te Pāroa
Permission forms can be completed.
Keep up to date on what's happening in the kura by downloading the app now.
School Banking
2024 Term Dates & Public Holidays
School Contact Details
Email: office@paroa.school.nz
Website: www.paroa.school.nz
Location: 34 Paroa Road, Whakatane 3191
Phone: 073086652
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/910834023142312