AP Env. Science AB Course Resources
Module 13: Water Pollution and Treatment
The resources in this newsletter are in addition to those found in MODULE 13: Water Pollution and Treatment of your course content. You should first go through the content and complete the quizzes and activities. These resources are to supplement your understanding of the concepts. Please contact me if you have questions!
Surf your Watershed
- The handout for this lab can be found on page 3 of the module.
- This site (https://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/default.aspx) is a great resource for creating a graph. Excel is also a popular choice. This VIDEO shows you how to create a graph with Excel.
- Find your HUC code: https://water.usgs.gov/wsc/reg/03.html
- Once you've found your HUC code, google "[HUC code] scorecard". For example, my HUC code is 03130001 and I googled "03130001 scorecard". Click on the first link - it should go to a page similar to this: http://scorecard.goodguide.com/env-releases/water/cwa-causes.tcl?huc8=03130001&type=rsc. This should allow you to see indicators for your watershed. You may not be able to find the normal range, but you should be able to find the pollutant, sources of the pollutant, and you can use your knowledge of Environmental Science to complete the "consequences of pollutant" column in the data table.
- Updated WRITEABLE/EDITABLE Part II Handout with Lab Report Information
- Q: In part two "Surf Your Watershed Lab", I used the website that you provided to get my HUC code. However, the "scorecard.goodguide.com" website says "down for maintenance" when I try to use it and I cannot seem to find another website that will provide the needed information. I also tried to use the website in the original GAVS instructions for this part of the lab but it says that the Surf Your Watershed has been "discontinued" when I click the link. What should I do?
- A: Thank you for bringing this to my attention! Since the current presidential administration took office, we've had a lot of trouble with the government websites we have used for labs and data collection. The scorecard.goodguide.com website was a workaround I found, but it looks like that site is not working either. I had my husband, who develops web apps to look at the code for that site and there is no indication as to when that message was posted or when it will be back online.For these reasons, I am going to go ahead and not require Part II of this lab. You should still be able to do the hands-on investigation for Part I
- Q: I was looking over the lab handout and I was wondering how the analysis section of this lab needed to be done? I don't see how I could make a graph out the data the lab provides, and since we are unable to do part 2, there aren't any questions to answer.
- A: I'm looking at the analysis questions on the handout:
- Briefly discuss how well the model represented reality for the concept of watersheds and drainage divides.
- Describe in your own words the definition of watershed and their influence on the environment. What daily household activities impact the quality of the water that drains into watersheds? Please identify and describe at least 5.
- Write a description of your watershed. Include a screen capture, information about the shape of the land, and how the land is used. What purposes do the dams in your watershed serve?
- In places where rivers are designated as a political boundary between two adjacent states or countries, the two entities may have disputes about the river. For instance, they might argue about which one has the right to use the water or set rules about what waste products can be discharged into the river. Briefly discuss some advantages and disadvantages of using drainage divides rather than rivers as political boundaries.
All of these questions can be answered without filling out the data table in part 2. I'm also not seeing anything about making a graph in the lab handout. I looked at the rubric for the analysis section and it says "if necessary" in the graph portion because not all lab reports require graphs.
- Q: For the bonus two of the questions, the ones I wrote down below, are the same as the last two questions on the analysis section of the lab. Should we just answer them twice?
- A: Since two of the questions are the same, you will not have to answer them twice. Once is sufficient. If you decide to do the bonus, make sure you include all of your information for the bonus somewhere in your lab report and clearly mark it as the bonus, so I can find it easily.
- Q: I was trying to the surf your watershed lab, and for the question wanting a screen capture from google earth of my watershed, I cannot download google earth, I have tried several times. What should I do?
- A: I'll need a little more information from you to help you troubleshoot this issue. What browser are you using to download Google Earth? Chrome works best since it is also a Google product. You can actually launch Google Earth within Chrome without having to download anything at all (https://www.google.com/earth/). Are you on a chromebook? Google Earth may not work on a chromebook, but there might be an app for it on the app store for chromebooks. I suggest viewing Google Earth within the Chrome browser. I tried this and it worked great!
QUIZ: Where is the water?
- Read AND take notes on the content on page 3 of the module BEFORE you begin your quiz.
DISCUSSION: The Great Pacific Trash Dump
- Use this RUBRIC to help you write a discussion posting that will earn full points.
- Make sure when you respond to your classmates that you post AT LEAST a 2-3 sentence response. "I agree with..." or "I disagree with..." is not enough to earn full points for a response. You must say why you agree or disagree and back up your reasoning.
Develop a plan to investigate and remediate the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. In your plan include and explain all of the following:
- Sources of garbage
- Environmental consequences of ocean trash
- Description of location of "Patch"
- Clear plan of action to remove and remediate
The following resources may be helpful to you as you compose your discussion posting:
Lab: The Poop on Poop - Wastewater Treatment
- The handout for this lab can be found on page 7 of the module.
The following resources may be helpful to you as you complete the lab:
- Wastewater Treatment Plant Virtual Tour - working link
- EPA What Happens After the Flush
- EPA Treat Protecting Waterways
- EPA Ozone in Water Treatment - correct link for the PDF mentioned in the handout.
FRQ: Groundwater Pollutants
- To receive full credit for the free response question, you will need to show all steps necessary to explain how the answer was found.
- The College Board used to offer 11 possible points for each FRQ, but a student can never earn more than 10 points on an FRQ. So your FRQs will be graded out of 10 points.
- Watch these videos for help answering FRQs: FRQ Tips and Tricks Part 1, FRQ Tips and Tricks Part 2
- FRQs may NOT be resubmitted for a higher grade.
TEST: Water Pollution and Treatment
- Do not begin your test until you have completed all self-assessments, assignments, and the review items and feel confident in your understanding of this material.
Additional Resources