Coy Weekly Update
*No School - Fri., March 14th ~ Professional Development Day!
3rd & 4th Grade Ohio State Testing Coming Soon....
Be aware of 3rd & 4th Grade Upcoming Ohio State Testing Coming Soon!
Please make sure to read over the upcoming testing dates carefully. You will want to avoid scheduling any time off for appointments from school during testing days as your child will have to make-up any testing missed. It is much better for your child to be tested in their normal, everyday environment instead of a make-up situation. We appreciate your cooperation with our required testing protocols!
4th Grade English & Language Arts - April 2-3
3rd Grade English & Language Arts - April 8-9
4th Grade Math - April 10-11
3rd Grade Math - April 15-16
Have you moved?
If you have recently moved or are planning to move, please contact Kris Schinharl at 419-693-0661. Updating your information ensures your student’s PowerSchool account reflects the correct address, helping to prevent delays in transportation services or important communications that may be mailed out.
Do you know someone interested in Safety Town? Please share!
Nest News...
Nest words this month - Courage
Has your child turned in the Fridge Friendly Activity to earn their egg?
Chance Sightings!
Want to recognize an OCS employee for being a Shining Star? Complete form below!
Coy Collects...
Important Upcoming Dates:
14 No School - Professional Development Day
20 Kindergarten Music Program @ 6:30 - Fassett Jr. High
26 Spirit Day - dress-up to impress today!
28 Nest Day!
2-3 4th Grade ELA - Ohio State Testing
2 Kinder Imagination Station Field Trip
8-9 3rd Grade ELA - Ohio State Testing
17 Spirit Day - PJ Day!
18-25 Spring Break - No School
Email: amolnar@oregoncs.org
Website: http://www.oregoncityschools.org/
Location: 3604 Pickle Road, Oregon, Ohio 43616
Phone: 419-693-0624
Twitter: @Coy_Rams